FLabs Apps

McDonald's Kcal 1.0
An easy way to know how many Kcalories youhaveeaten at McDonald's !You can wrote us or Take a picture of your meal and Share itwithfriends !!Click on Validate and the application will tell you what youshoulddo next !************************************Un simple moyen de connaître le nombre de kcalories que vousavezmangés au McDonald !Ecrivez-nous pour nous donner vos avis ! Ils comptentbeaucoup!Vous pouvez partagez vos repas !An easy way to knowHowMany Kcalories you-have eaten at McDonald's!You can wrote us or Take a picture of your meal and Share itwithfriends!Click on the Validate and enforcement will tell you what you donextshoulds!************************************A simple way to know how many kilocalories you have eatenatMcDonald's!Contact us to give us your feedback! They expect a lot!You can share your meal!