Etherient Apps

Engineer 2.0.5
Looking for a brain-rupturing good time? Not anymore- meetEngineer! In Engineer, you play the part of Jim, burnt-outtechnician on a decrepit old space station kept afloat by prayers,bubble gum, duct tape... and your wits! In Engineer, it's your jobto direct particles generated by the station's fusion generatorsinto the correct particle ports to distribute power throughout thestation. It's a seemingly simple task: the particles and ports arecolor-coded and you manipulate diverters to keep them moving on theright path. Of course, nothing in life is ever as simple as itfirst appears! You'll deal with antiparticles that detonate whenthey meet their normal particle counterparts and you'll get variouspowerups to help you get through the 30 levels of mayhem. You'llhave to avoid particles entering the diverts in the wrong state, orentering the wrong ports entirely or else damage to the systemoccurs. And if a particle goes back into a generator, well, that'sa REALLY bad day for Jim, err, you! The levels each have adifferent pattern of diverters, ports, generators and particlepaths, some not so tough, and others considerably tougher! Engineeris a challenging, addicting and above all else, FUN time! It'llmake all the money you spent on that super-expensive smartphone ofyours seem well-worth it! What are you waiting for? Grab Engineernow and get to work Jim!