Envios.com Apps

Dinex Envios 6.5.5
Just fill the required information and get the last status of yourmoney transfer
Envios.com 2.5.2
Envios.com is the Fast and Easy way to Send Money to your familyandfriends from the Unites States to Mexico, Central and SouthAmerica,and the Philippines. Envios.com gives you various ways tosend money– through cash pickup, bank deposit, ATM and homedelivery. YOU CANUSE ENVIOS.COM TO: - Send Money to your familyand friends. - Getreal time status from your money transfer. - Getpromotions for yourmoney transfers. - Earn money referring the Appto your friends andfamily - Make payments for your bills. - MakeTop Ups. EASY TOINSTALL AND USE It takes just few minutes toinstall the App.Download the App, complete the registration formand start sendingmoney. If you are already a registered user ofthe Envios.comwebsite, you can use the same account and startsending money fromthe App. FAST AND SECURE Your transaction withEnvios.com is 100%Guarantee and Secured or your money is back!Envios.com keeps yourinformation secure and confidential,monitoring transactions andoffers dispute resolution if you have aproblem with a transaction.TRANSPARENT FEES AND EXCHANGES RATESAlways know in real time theexchange rate and the amount receiveyour beneficiaries. Envios.comaccepts debit and credit cards asmethod of payment offering you themost competitive fees.Questions, notifications, and requests forrefunds or furtherinformation can be sent to Kwik Dollar LLC dbaEnvios.com, asfollows: [email protected] or 1-888-993-4639; or bymail at KwikDollar LLC dba Envios.com, Attn: Customer Service, 5851San FelipeSt. Suite 400, TX 77057.
Dnx Corp 2.8.5
Dnx Functions