US Survival
The most proven and field tested militarytechniques, documented by the U.S military and used for officialtraining, The U.S. Army Survival Manual provides step by stepinstruction and illustrations for surviving outdoors--survivalskills every soldier, climber, hiker, and hunter should know, nowavailable for smartphones with new design.
ADP 6-22 Army Leadership
Leadership is paramount to our profession.
Army Doctrine Publication (ADP) 2-0,Intelligence, provides a common construct for intelligence supportin complex operational environments and a framework to supportunified land operations across the range of military operations.This publication serves as the intelligence doctrinal foundationfor our Army. Every Soldier and those Army civilians who interactwith the intelligence warfighting function, not just intelligenceprofessionals, must understand the doctrinal principles of Armyintelligence.This application represent written document which is availableat Army Knowledge Online (www.us.army.mil) and General Dennis J.Reimer Training and Doctrine Digital Library at(www.train.army.mil).
ADP 6-0 Mission Command
Army Doctrine Publication (ADP) 6-0 presentsthe Army’s guidance on command, control, and the mission commandwarfighting function. This publication concisely describes howcommanders, supported by their staffs, combine the art of commandand the science of control to understand situations, makedecisions, direct action, and accomplish missions.The principal audience for ADP 6-0 is all professionals within theArmy. Commanders and staffs of Army headquarters serving as jointtask force or multinational headquarters should also refer toapplicable joint or multinational doctrine on command and controlof joint or multinational forces. Trainers and educators throughoutthe Army will also use this publication. Commanders, staffs, andsubordinates ensure their decisions and actions comply withapplicable U.S., international, and, in some cases, host-nationlaws and regulations.
ADP 3-0 Unified Land Ops
Unified Land Operations provides a common operational concept for afuture.
ADP 7 Train Units Dev. Lead
The 2011 edition of (Field Manual) FM 7-0reflected the Army’s unit training and leader development conceptsborne from a decade of persistent combat operations. Army DoctrinePublication (ADP) 7-0, Training Units and Developing Leaders,re-establishes fundamental training and leader development conceptsand processes for the U.S. Army. Training doctrine is again basedon the Army’s operations and planning processes, now defined by ADP3-0, Unified Land Operations, and ADP 5-0, The OperationsProcess.Mission command makes the commander responsible for unit readinessand leader development. Unit commanders must be the subject matterexperts. Commanders cannot delegate oversight of unit training andleader development to subordinates. The commander’s physicalpresence at training sends a clear message to subordinates—unittraining and leader development are the most important things theunit does when it is not actively engaged in operations.Unit training and leader development are inextricably linked. Goodtraining supports leader development and good leaders develop goodtraining programs for their units and subordinates. Schools providebasic skills and knowledge, but most leader development occurs inoperational assignments and through self-development. Unit trainingprovides a forgiving, learning environment that allows leaders togrow from lessons learned on the job without the fear of makingirretrievable mistakes in combat that cost lives.
ADP 3-05 Special Forces
Describes the role of United States Army Special Operations Forces.
TDG Infantry Squad Leader 2.1.1
Old way of training for making decisions in military.
Surprise Wall 2.4
Get ready with some fun with breaking wall and exploring objects.
FM 23-10 Sniper Training 2.4.1
Core US Sniper Manual.
FM 3-22.9 Rifle Marksmanship 2.0
Guidance for planning and executing training on the 5.56-mm M16 andM4 carbine.
FM 3.05.222 Sniper Manual 1.1
New core US Sniper Manual.
My True/False Detector Prank 1.0
This is PRANK true false app. its made for fun with your friends.
Provides the doctrine on the conduct of offensive and defensivetasks.
HOW TO BE - A Great Boss 1.1
Its app where visually and with short description you willreceiveup to date guidance how to be a great boss. There are threeareas:1. How to be a great Boss 2. 12 Positive Traits 3. 12NegativeTraits Hope you will find interesting.
ADRP 6-22 Army Leadership 1.0
Leadership is paramount to our profession. It is integral toourinstitutional success today and tomorrow. As we transition tomeetthe challenges of an increasingly complex anduncertainenvironment, our Army requires intelligent, competent,physicallyand mentally tough leaders of character. Decentralizedoperationsrequire leaders at all levels that understand theirenvironment,learn quickly, make sound decisions, and lead change.Because thereare no predetermined solutions to problems, Armyleaders must adapttheir thinking, formations, and employmenttechniques to thespecific situation they face. This requires anadaptable andinnovative mind, a willingness to accept prudent riskin unfamiliaror rapidly changing situations, and an ability toadjust based oncontinuous assessment.