ELIEL87 Apps

TakeMeThere TKL 1.11
TakeMeThere TKL makes using Tampere public transportation easyandfast. Features: - Realtime location for Tampere busses and tramsonmap. - Routing needs only destination name or address. Pointoforigin is the phones location. - Previous searches are saved inaquick menu. - Latest route search is saved. - Map coloringtellsyou if the night fare is currently in affect (00:00-04:40).The appuses the phones location for routing to a destination.Current timeis used in routing and 8 next busses or trams to yourdestinationsare searched. On the map you can see the realtimelocation of allthe busses and trams from which location informationis available.TakeMeThere saves your latest route and 10 latestsearchdestinations in a quick menu for faster use. The app ismainly madeto be used in Tampere but Digitransit API works in manyof Finlandsbiggest cities (Turku for example). TMT TKL usesDigitransit API(https://digitransit.fi/en/) for routing and ITSFactory SIRIAccessAPI(http://wiki.itsfactory.fi/index.php/ITSFactory_siriaccess_developerguide)forfetching realtime location of busses. The developers arenotresponsible for the possible inadequate data Digitransit orSIRIAccess provides. Feedback and ideas for features arewelcome!Keywords: Tampere, Repa, journey planner, bus, Nysse, tram,Rasse,TKL, take me there, manse, TRE.