E2E4Media Apps

Trivial Film Quiz 3.2.3
Cine Quiz is a funny game, trivial style, withthousand of questions about the cinema world. You will findquestions about actual and classic movies and many curiositiesabout the cinema wolrd and its stars.You will have 20 seconds to answer each question and only 3 lifesin each level, so think it carefully.The v3 version includes over 1500 questions, six levels ofdifficulty and three special levels.You can find questions about:300, 007, Who Framed Roger Rabbit ?, Aladdin, One Flew Over theCuckoo's Nest, Alien, Alien, Amelie, American History X, AnnieHall, Apocalypse Now, Groundhog Day, Avatar, Bambi , Batman,Beetlejuice, Blade Runner, Blade, Braveheart, Brokeback Mountain,Finding Nemo, the Shawshank Redemption, Captain America,Casablanca, Chinatown, Chungking Express, Cinema Paradiso, City ofGod, Citizen Kane, Some Like it Hot, the North by Northwest, TotalRecall, Donnie Darko, the apartment, the Good, the bad and theUgly, the Hunter, the fight Club, the twilight of the Gods, theEmpire Strikes Back, good Will Hunting, The Godfather, pianist, TheShining, The Lion King, the lord of the Rings, the silence of theLambs, the Third Man, Fargo, Forrest Gump, Gladiator, Gran Torino,Harry Potter, Heat, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, Intocable,Iron Man, Die Hard, LA Confidential, Full Metal Jacket, The GreatEscape, Cool Hand Luke, The Green Mile, For a Few Dollars MoreAfrican Queen, The heifer, Rear Window, The Life of Brian, TheLives of Others, The Life it is beautiful, Tad, the Lost Explorer,Gone with the Wind, the Expendables 2, The Others, producers, Lostin Translation, city Lights, Lucy, Madagascar, InglouriousBasterds, Mary Poppins, Matrix, Memento, Memoirs Africa,Metropolis, Origin, Nightmare Before Christmas, Psycho, PulpFiction, Back to the Future, Reservoir Dogs, Saving Private Ryan,Saw, Seven, Shrek, Sin City, the Usual Suspects, Spider-Man, StarWars, Superman, Taxi Driver, Ted, Thor: The dark World, Shark,Titanic, Toy Story, Trainspotting, Goodfellas, Up, V for Vendetta,X-Men.Game developed by the creative team of E2E4 Mediahttp://www.e2e4media.es.Special thanks to:Cinema and Architecturehttp://www.cineyarquitectura.blogspot.com,Drebbin http://hablandodepelis.blogspot.com.es/,The Cultural Distiller http://www.eldestiladorcultural.es/,Ivan Martin leaves http://astrogorestudio.wordpress.com,Http://mundocinemudo.blogspot.com.es/ silent film world,Marc MuñozMatías Zemljic http://loqueelcinetedejo.blogspot.comtoma11http: //www.toma11.blogspot.comIf you want to collaborate with the game, as they did in the v2version, just contact us at http://www.facebook.com/e2e4mediaRedistribution of this game is not allowed without the writtenconsent of the developer.The author is not responsible for any problems that you mayexperience from the use of this game.If you accept this condition you can play it.Please let us know any bug before negatively evaluate the game.We will try to fix it asap.