DuPont Apps

DuPont™ Tyvek® 800 J 1.1
Application presenting the DuPont™ Tyvek® 800J, the new Type 3 from DuPont garment that is breathable andprotects against a range of inorganic chemicals, particulates andbiohazards.• All new solution for very humid applications requiring chemical,liquid and/or oil protection• Comprehensive protection against a range of hazards, includingliquids under pressure• Based on Tyvek®, providing durable and breathableprotection• An ergonomic design that adapts to wearer's movementsContent includes short videos of the garment and its key attributesas well as a fabric breathability demonstration. Design highlightsof the garment for an improved fit and freedom of movement areillustrated in detail, as well as the barrier performance andbreathability of the Tyvek® 800 J fabric.All content is available in 5 languages – English, French, German,Italian and Spanish – and can be downloaded via the app to yourtablet device. A wireless connection is required for access fromthe app to DuPont™ SafeSPEC™, the online garment selection toolfrom DuPont or to contact DuPont for further information.
Evalio® Portfolio 1.2
L’application DuPontTM Evalio® Portfolio est àdestination des professionnels de l’agriculture. Cette applicationfacilite le choix et l’utilisation des produits phytosanitaires deDuPont. Il est possible d’accéder à toutes les informationsconcernant un produit de DuPont : composition, usages, dosesrecommandées, données de logistique … Une bibliothèque numériquepermet également d’accéder à la documentation illustrée sur lesproduits, ainsi qu’à une flore, une base insectes et une basemaladies. Autonome, rapide et complète, cette application s’adresseen priorité aux prescripteurs et conseillers techniques, ainsiqu’aux utilisateurs des produits DuPont.The DuPont Evalio®Portfolio application is for professionals in agriculture. Thisapplication facilitates the selection and use of pesticides DuPont.You can access all the information about a DuPont product:composition, uses, recommended dosages, logistics data ... Adigital library also provides access to documentation illustratedon products, as well as flora, a base insects and diseases basis.Independent, timely and complete, this application is intendedprimarily to prescribers and technical advisers and users of DuPontproducts.
myTyvek Mobile 6.2.6
This app delivers information on DuPont™Tyvek®used in medical and pharmaceutical packagingapplications.  It contains the most often requesteddocumentsincluding the
Tychem ThermoPro 1.4
Application presenting the DuPont™Tychem®ThermoPro, a range of new single layer, triple-threatprotectiongarments and accessories for 360° protection. Theycombine thechemical protection of DuPont™ Tychem® fabric and flameand arcflash protection of Nomex® fiber in a single garment.• Synergy of two unique and long-proven technologies fromDuPont:Tychem® and Nomex®• 360° innovation: 3 forms of protection into 1 singlesolution,without the need for compromise• Practicality: a single layer versus a Nomex® garment andchemicalprotective coverall• High performance: predicted burn injury up to 8%,protectionagainst inorganic and many organic chemicals• Multiple use, single exposure: can be reused if notcontaminatedor damagedContent includes short videos of the garment and its keyattributesas well as a demonstration of its thermalprotection.All content is available in 5 languages – English, French,German,Italian and Spanish – and can be downloaded via the app toyourtablet device. A wireless connection is required for accessfromthe app to DuPont™ SafeSPEC™, the online garment selectiontoolfrom DuPont or to contact DuPont for further information.
DuPont Tracks 1.0.3
DuPont Tracks allows selected DuPontchannelpartners to effectively track their purchases of DuPontproducts inreal time and evaluate their performance against targetsall byusing their mobile phone.This is then available to be shared with your DuPontsalesprofessional to provide a secure up to date view of yourpurchaseactivity. Field day records and activities may also betracked.Easy and secure, DuPont Tracks helps us all to Realizeourpotential.
DuPont Enzylator 7.0.0
The DuPont™ Enzylator is a powerful toolkitfor producers of first-generation ethanol and corn syrup fromDuPont Industrial Biosciences. It includes product information,charts and other tools helpful for process technicians in bothwet-mill and dry grind production processes. The Enzylator alsoincludes advanced calculator and self-service tools to enableon-site process optimization for customers using DuPont's enzymeproducts.
DuPont™ Tychem® 4000 S 1.2
Application presenting the new DuPont™Tychem®4000 S coverall, providing a new alternative for workers seekingsafe and comfortable protection in more demandingapplications.• Tychem® 4000 S offers a barrier to permeation by more than 100chemicals• Innovative smart design features enhance the overall protectionafforded by the garment• A comfortable garment specifically designed forease-of-wearContent includes short videos of the garment and its keyattributes. Design highlights of the garment for an improved fitand freedom of movement are illustrated in detail, as well as thebarrier performance and suppleness of the Tychem® 4000 Sfabric.All content is available in 5 languages – English, French, German,Italian and Spanish – and can be downloaded via the app to yourtablet device. A wireless connection is required for access fromthe app to DuPont™ SafeSPEC™, the online garment selection toolfrom DuPont or to contact DuPont for further information.
DuPont™ Evalio® AgroSystems 1.8
DuPont™ Evalio® Agrosystemscollatesinformation on the development and movement of pestpopulations.This helps to improve the choice and timing of cropprotectionproducts and has been shown to deliver valuable economicandenvironmental benefits.The app simplifies and improves the speed at which datacapturedin the field can be uploaded and shared.
DuPont™ Evalio® Portfolio BR 1.0.1
DuPont™ Evalio® Portfolio é umaplicativodestinado aos funcionários e representantes comerciais daDuPontque reúne informações sobre os produtos DuPont ProteçãodeCultivos.DuPont ™ Evalio®Portfoliois an application for officials and DuPont salesrepresentativesthat gathers information about the DuPont CropProtectionproducts.
DuPont Personal Protection 5.5.14
The DuPont Personal Protection productcatalogcontains comprehensive listing of the chemical protectivegarmentsoffered by DuPont. You will find Tyvek®, Tychem® andProShield™branded garments detailed in this catalog.The DuPont Personal Protection product catalog provides abriefdescription of each garment including product features,typicaluses, level of protection, a line drawing of the product,and theDuPont product part number. The catalog includes some basicgarmentselection criteria and permeation data for our chemicalprotectivegarments.Different jobs require different levels of protectiveclothing.DuPont Personal Protection offers a wide range ofprotectiveclothing to address those varying needs and this catalogwill beable to give you a good overview of the DuPont protectiveapparelproduct lines.The DuPont Personal Protection product catalogcontainscomprehensive listing of the chemical protective garmentsofferedby DuPont. You will find Tyvek®, Tychem® and ProShield™brandedgarments detailed in this catalog.The DuPont Personal Protection product catalog provides abriefdescription of each garment including product features,typicaluses, level of protection, a line drawing of the product,and theDuPont product part number. The catalog includes some basicgarmentselection criteria and permeation data for our chemicalprotectivegarments.Different jobs require different levels of protectiveclothing.DuPont Personal Protection offers a wide range ofprotectiveclothing to address those varying needs and this catalogwill beable to give you a good overview of the DuPont protectiveapparelproduct lines.
Evalio® FlashFlore 1.2.0
L’application DuPontTM Evalio® FlashFlore estàdestination des professionnels de l’agriculture. Cetteapplicationest un outil d’aide à la détermination des adventices.Vous pouvezphotographier l’adventice et nous l’envoyer via votremobile(téléphone ou tablette). Dans un délai bref, nos expertsbotanistesvous enverront leur identification.The DuPont ®EvalioFlashFlore application is for professionals in agriculture.Thisapplication is a tool for identifying weeds. You can shoot theweedand send it via your mobile (phone or tablet). In a short time,ourexpert botanists send you their identification.
Tyvek 500 HV 1.0
Application introducing DuPont™ Tyvek® 500HV,the High Visibility that doesn’t wash out.In the face of danger, industrial workers want the reassuranceofprotective coverall that never compromises on theirvisibility.DuPont™ Tyvek® 500 HV garments combine proven chemical,bio andantistatic protection with the highest class ofhighvisibility.Designed for limited use only, Tyvek® 500 HV garmentsprovideoutstanding safety performance without the hassle ofrepeatedwashing and monitoring. Every time. All the time.• The fluorescent orange colour of Tyvek® 500 HV enablestheindustrial worker to be seen during the day• The silver grey reflective bands of Tyvek® 500 HV enable tobeseen during the night (when exposed to a light source)Typical targeted applications include dangerousenvironments,work at night or in poor weather conditions such as:rail, mining,road, underground, waste clean-up,ports/airports,construction.All content is available in 7 languages: English, French,German,Italian, Polish, Spanish and Turkish.
DuPont™ Evalio® FieldPartnerUS 1.0.3
The DuPont™ Evalio® FieldPartner US appfromDuPont Crop Protection provides information on dozens ofprovencrop protection products, including solutions for weedcontrol,disease control and insect control.• Product recommendations are sorted by use and applicationtiming.Each product listing includes product name, activeingredient(s),group number(s), application guidelines and bestpractices, andcrop rotation intervals.• Crop phenology charts provide information on application timingbycrop phase and timing in relation to other cropprotectionproducts.• Find relevant products and other information for your area.• When working online, link to up-to-date product labels.• Work offline, even when you don’t have a good cellularphonesignal.
DuPont™ Tyvek® Calculator 1.6
DuPont™ Tyvek® Weatherization Calculator helps users determinematerial quantities of Tyvek® weather barrier wrap, and flashingsystem products. Estimate how many rolls of material to purchaseafter entrering dimensions of building size and penetrations.Evaulate more accurately with the ability to choose constructionuse and style. Next, share calculations easily by saving andsending PDF files. Features: - Add multiple calculations to aproject - Save Calculations to a PDF - Send PDF file through email- Access to DuPont™ Tyvek® website - Quick connection to DuPont™Tyvek® Specialist locator tool - Find DuPont™ Tyvek® productsthrough the dealer locator
DuPont™ Oryginalne Produkty 1.0.9
"Na rynku pojawia się coraz więcej podrobionych środkówochronyroślin. Stanowią one duże zagrożenie dla zdrowia i życialudzi orazsą niebezpieczne dla środowiska. Niewłaściwie dobranesubstancjetoksyczne w podrobionych preparatach mogą zniszczyć plonroślinuprawnych i doprowadzić do ogromnych strat finansowychgospodarstw.Gdy przedostaną się do gleby potrafią zatruć całepartieprodukcyjne żywności, a w ten sposób są groźne dla zdrowia iżycialudzi. Firma DuPont chce powstrzymać obrót podróbkami orazułatwićidentyfikację nielegalnych ś.o.r, dlatego przygotowałaspecjalnąaplikację pokazującą jak odróżnić oryginalny produktDuPont odpodróbki. Korzystając z aplikacji DuPont możesz: -sprawdzić, czyTwój produkt to oryginał czy podróbka - zweryfikowaćhologram IZON- w razie wątpliwości łatwo i szybko skontaktować sięz DuPont"
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