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臺北市自製英語童書2 1.0.0
這是一套圖文並茂的繪本有聲書,由『臺北市102年度自製兒童英文圖書』得獎作品所組成。本繪本輯除了有美麗的故事插圖以外,包含英語繪本共12本(分3支app),透過專業外籍配音員配音及生動的創作故事,讓兒童學習英語更生動有趣。This is a picture bookillustrated audio books, from "102 years of Taipei homemadechildren's books in English," composed of the winning entries. Thisseries has a beautiful story picture book illustrations in additionto outside, including a total of 12 picture books in English (sub 3app), through professional dubbing dubbing foreign and vividcreation story for children to learn English moreinteresting.
臺北市自製英語童書3 1.0.0
這是一套圖文並茂的繪本有聲書,由『臺北市102年度自製兒童英文圖書』得獎作品所組成。本繪本輯除了有美麗的故事插圖以外,包含英語繪本共12本(分3支app),透過專業外籍配音員配音及生動的創作故事,讓兒童學習英語更生動有趣。This is a picture bookillustrated audio books, from "102 years of Taipei homemadechildren's books in English," composed of the winning entries. Thisseries has a beautiful story picture book illustrations in additionto outside, including a total of 12 picture books in English (sub 3app), through professional dubbing dubbing foreign and vividcreation story for children to learn English moreinteresting.
資訊素養與倫理-國中3版-10雲世界與行動學習 1.0
臺北市自製英語童書1 1.0.0
這是一套圖文並茂的繪本有聲書,由『臺北市102年度自製兒童英文圖書』得獎作品所組成。本繪本輯除了有美麗的故事插圖以外,包含英語繪本共12本(分3支app),透過專業外籍配音員配音及生動的創作故事,讓兒童學習英語更生動有趣。This is a picture bookillustrated audio books, from "102 years of Taipei homemadechildren's books in English," composed of the winning entries. Thisseries has a beautiful story picture book illustrations in additionto outside, including a total of 12 picture books in English (sub 3app), through professional dubbing dubbing foreign and vividcreation story for children to learn English moreinteresting.
資訊素養與倫理-國中3版-02網路資訊蒐集應用及識讀 1.0
幸福ecard 1.0.0
這是一支分享關懷、傳遞愛心的訊息傳遞程式,以電子明信片概念將你的祝福、心情或祝賀的話語,簡單幾個步驟,加上專屬的個性大頭貼郵票,輕鬆將溫暖的心意寄出去!本輯所有明信片圖片由『臺北市102年度自製兒童英文圖書』得獎作品所組成。任何時間、任何地點,當你想起某個懷念的人,讓幸福ecard幫你傳遞心情吧^^~This is a shared concern,passing the love of messaging program to the concept of electronicpostcard will bless your mood or congratulation words, a few simplesteps, plus exclusive personalized emoticons stamps, easily sent towarm the mind !All postcard image from the series' annual Taipei 102 homemadechildren's books in English, "composed of the winning entries. Anytime, any place, when you think of a nostalgic person, so happymood ecard help you pass it ^ ^ ~