Dictus Apps

Speaktus 1.0
OBS: Dette er en alfa version.Vores vision er at gøre det let, effektivt og sjovt at træneudtale af ord samt udvide sit ordforråd.Med det digitale læringsmiddel Speaktus skal både elever ogundervisere have et program, som kan løfte niveauet for børnsudtaleevner i det danske sprog. Samme program og koncept kan på enspændende måde introducere nye ord, termer og begreber inden fornye fag- og emneområder. Den aktive udtale af ord, træner ikke bareartikulationen og den motoriske del af udtalen, men også det aktiveordforråd, som igen styrker indlæring og mundtlig kommunikationinden for nye fagområder og emner.Hvis man vil prøve alle banerne i appen forfra, skal man gå indi Indstillinger -> Apps -> Speaktus og vælge ryd data.NOTE: This is an alpharelease.Our vision is to make it easy, efficient and fun to practicepronunciation of words and expand his vocabulary.With the digital learning means Speaktus must both students andteachers have a program that can raise the level of children'spronunciation skills in the Danish language. Same program andconcept can be an exciting way to introduce new words, terms andconcepts in new subjects and disciplines. The active pronunciationof words trainer not just the articulation and the motor part ofthe pronunciation, but also the active vocabulary, which in turnreinforces learning and oral communication in new subject areas andtopics.If you want to try all the courses in the app from scratch, gointo Settings -> Apps -> Speaktus and select Clear data.
Speech and voice recognition and synthesis inmore than thirty languages.Dictation system: Speak one or more sentences to Dictus and convertthem to text. The text can be sent as SMS or e-mail, or copied andused in any program on your Android unit.Speak clearly, using everyday language, without background noise,and you will experience excellent recognition.The text may then automatically be read aloud by one of severalsynthetic voices, as any text from any program on your SmartPhone,e.g. e-mail, may be copied to Dictus and read aloud.It is up to 5 times faster recording and recognizing a text withDictus than tapping it into a SmartPhone. For dyslexics inparticular, Dictus provides invaluable benefits.
Dictus Pro 1.0.22
Dictus Pro er en app tilpasset firmaer ogorganisationer.Dictus Pro is an apptailored to companies and organizations.
Panda Lytteskriver
The youngest students hear what they write, while they practiceletters and spelling