Dexfolio Apps

Dexfolio 1.0.1
Dexfolio is at its heart a portfolio tracker forcryptocurrency.However, the way it achieves this makes it the bestcryptocurrencytracker for Decentralized Exchange (DEX) traders.Dexfolio wasdesigned and built specifically to track DEXes. Unlikeothertrackers, both Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain will betracked atlaunch. After entering your ETH and/or BSC wallet,Dexfoliocalculates the purchase price of every token a userpurchased onUniswap, Pancake Swap, or any other DEX. It tracks allcoins inyour connected wallets (with no limit to how many walletsyouconnect). The app will track the current price, quantity,andposition value for each token. It will also show the averagecostbasis and the transaction history in an upcoming release. Onceawallet is connected, the user can turn on Intelligent Alerts.Foreach token in your portfolio, an “average cost” is calculated.Thisis the average price you paid to buy the token on Uniswap,PancakeSwap, or any DEX. As you buy more of a given currency, theaveragecost is updated. However, if you sell, withdraw, or depositthetoken, the average price is NOT updated. This is wherethecustomer-centric thought process truly comes into play. As atraderwho wants to track a currency, the rise or fall of its priceisseen through the lens of how much you originally paid for it.Thatoriginal amount still matters even if you sell part ofthecurrency, as it was your original investment and a true outlayofcash (or equivalent). The price you sell your tokens forisimportant to you, but not in the context of the tokens youstillhold; what matters for those tokens is still the initialamount youspent to purchase them. When the Intelligent Alerts areturned on,the user receives alerts when there is a “significantchange”. Whatdetermines a significant change? Again, user testinghas determinedthat, when anchoring on the average cost for a giventoken, asignificant change is an increase in increments of 100%.However,user testing also found that decreases are viewed assignificant insmaller increments (this is very much in line with alarge numberof psychology studies on how the human brainviewsrisk/opportunity). Users are alerted when the decrease is a10%increment against average cost. Another key feature drivenbyadvanced UI/UX design along with user testing is the abilityto“mute'' certain tokens. This solves the problem of users whohavevery erratic coins that are causing too many alerts, coinstheyhave plans to continue hodling long term, or coins whose valueistoo small to warrant frequent alerts. Whatever the case, userscanselect any of their tokens and quickly add them to the listofmuted tokens, which is always visible on the Portfolio page sothata user’s total holdings are still shown, regardless ofalertpreferences. The Dexfolio design is driven with user testing,andas a result the UI has been continuously built, tested,andimproved. The current app layout has been meticulously developedtoprovide users with the precise information they need—and nomore.The driving mantra is “actionable intelligence”, and the teamhasaccomplished this by providing users with the portfolio andalertinformation they need, and all of it on a mobile screen.