Dekra Apps

Root Analyzer 1.2
Simple app to ONLY analyze root access is properlyconfigured!!"" THIS APPLICATION WILL NOT ROOT THE DEVICE AND DOES NOT REQUIREROOT ACCESS ""Root Analyzer app will allow the user to verify they have properroot ( superuser ) access configured and operational.The goal of this application is to provide even the newestAndroid user with a simple method to check their device for root(administrator) access.This is a very simple application to notify the user whether or notthey have properly setup root access.This application will test the device for root access. Very simple,quick and reliable method to check for root access. The su binaryis the most common binary used on Android devices to grant rootaccess. This application will check and verify the su binary isproperly located on the device. This application confirms properpermissions and flags on the su and busybox binary.Achieving root access varies based on manufacturer, model, andcarrier. If you look for root access to your device, thisapplication won't help you. If you're interested in rooting yourdevice, please use to find the appropriaterooting support areas for your specific device. Other popular websites that provide rooting guides are and the Superuser or SuperSU applications are installed and workingproperly, it will prompt to accept or deny the request from RootAnalyzer. Accepting the request will allow Root Analyzer to checkfor root access. Denying the request will result in Root Analyzerreporting no root access.More info on:""PLEASE SEND ME EMAIL WITH DOUBT or QUESTIONS REGARDING RootAnalyzer. I ALWAYS REPLY!""SEO: Root Analyzer, Root Control, Root Check, su, busybox, SUCheck, SU Checker, BusyBox Check, Root Access, Check RootAccess
Battery wear 1.0
With battery wear app you can easily checkthestatus of handheld device battery from your AndroidWearsmartwatch. No need to pick up from your pocket yourhandhelddevice to see if the battery is flat...Everything just fromyoursmartwatch!With battery wear appyoucan easily check the status of your handheld device batteryfromyour Android smartwatch Wear. No need to pick up yourhandhelddevice from your pocket to see if the battery is flat...Everything just from your smartwatch!
Goat Checker 0.2
Goat Checker is a simple application toverifywhether Android user is a goat or no. This simple app is justanexperiment for App Invites API & App Indexing API
ComunicaPA 1.2.1
ComunicaPA is an application thatallowscitizens and enterprises to easily communicate with theItalianpublicadministration. It is also a general purpose mobile email andPEC(legal email) client.It is able to retrieve Linked Data from the Web oncontactinformation of the Italian public administration (PA). Ituses thisto phone, send emails and PEC and to surf officialwebsites. Itconsumes official Open Data which is always updated andmaintainedby third official parties. This means that a large amountof datadoes not need to be embedded which would be unfeasible andnotscalable for a mobile application.It integrates well with the internal mobile functionalities.Itis able to use the phone, the existing email clients, theWebbrowser and it can save retrieved contact details to theaddressbook.ComunicaPA is an all-in-one, lean, innovative andeffectivemobile application.