DecaDroid Apps

Improv Hoedown 12.0
Based on the hit improvisation game show Who'sLine Is It Anyway comes "Improv Howdown". This app gives everyonethe opportunity to get in on the fun of singing in an ol' fashionimprov hoedown. The app is great for individuals wanting to improvetheir on the spot skills and even better in party settings where upto four people can sing create together.The app provides random improv topics that participants must useto create lyrics for the hoedown. Once you are ready, press therecord button and sing to the hoedown music. After singing ...listen to hilarious recording over and over again, move on to thenext topic, or even share the recording with friends.The app plays very similar hoedown music as found on the hitshow Who's Line Is It Anyway and also provides video links toprofessional improv actors showing off their skills. No twohoedowns are ever alike ... so lets get singing! This app isguaranteed to make you laugh.
LDS Audio Quotes 1.5.2
"LDS Prophets Audio Quotes" gives usersnearly60 inspirational audio quotes from latter-day prophets andapostlesfrom the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Allquotesare heard in the prophets/apostles own voice and areaccompaniedwith the quote text and sourcing.This app is perfect for lessons, family home evenings,missionarywork, presidency meetings, seminary, your own personalstudy, or foranywhere else you might need a quick thought orlesson on a specificchurch topic.The app is easy to use! Simply chose your topic, then thequote,and then enjoy hearing it and reading it at the same time.There isalso a random button for those just wanting to hear arandominspired quote from our leaders. Not only will you have apowerfulquote but you'll hear it in the voice of the prophet orapostle whosaid it, making it even more relevant and spiritual.Quote topics include: agency, atonement of Jesus Christ, BookofMormon, choices, family, financial management, JosephSmith,missionary work, prayer, priesthood,repentance,revelation,scripture, service, temples, temptation, testimony, anda just forfun category.Thanks and enjoy the app! :)