DayuGame Apps

極略三國 5.2.0
《極略三國》是一款單機三國殺類卡牌遊戲。在《極略三國》中,玩家將扮演三國時代的一位馳騁沙場的武將或運籌帷幄的文官,武將或文官都擁有一項或多項專屬技能,技能均根據三國人物的特點、歷史典故設計而來。精緻唯美的武將頭像、酣暢淋漓的卡牌對決、創新獨特的自創武將。一定會讓各位愛不釋手。"Very slightly ThreeKingdoms" is a stand-alone card game category three killed. In the"very little three", the players will play a galloping battle ofthe Three Kingdoms era generals strategizing or civilian, militarycommanders or civilian have one or more exclusive skills, skillsare based on the characteristics of the three characters,historical allusions design from . Refined aesthetic generals head,hearty card showdown, innovative unique own generals. We will letyou put it down.