Danmark Apps

X-Ray Cloth Scanner v3 Prank 2.5.0
World first X-ray Cloth Scanner v3application, where you can see, what people wear under the coat, orunder the sweaters! Maybe a nice t-shirt? Or a nice tank top?Download the application, and see it yourself!- See underneath, with just one touch- Xray Man, Xray Woman- Easy to use- Simple and good prank application.*The pictures are just illustration! It's a prank application,and it's not real, just for fun, and to joke your friends!
X-Ray Cloth Scanner v3 Prank 1.2.0
IT'S NOT A REAL APPLICATION, WE'RE NOT RESPONSABLE THE USERS WHOTHINK IT'S A REAL WORKING X-RAY APPLICATIONWorld first X-ray Cloth Scanner v3 application, where you can see,what people wear under the coat, or under the sweaters! Maybe anice t-shirt? Or a nice tank top? Download the application, and seeit yourself!- See underneath, with just one touch- Xray Man, Xray Woman- Easy to use- Simple and good prank application.*The pictures are just illustration! It's a prank application,and it's not real, just for fun, and to joke your friends!
X-ray Camera Scanner Prank v2 7.0
With this prank application you can easilyfool your friends, that you can see trought your own body with thecamera of the phone.- easy to use- 3 types of xray prank- bodypart: spine, hands.Don't forget to rate our applicaton, and check out theothers.
Magyar IQ Teszt kvíz - Alap 2.0.0
Magyarországon első IQ teszt játék, teljesenmagyar nyelven! Folyamatosan frissülő tartalommal, és új, hamarosanérkező izgalmas kihívásokkal!- Teljesen magyar felület- IQ alapmüveltség intelligencia teszt, te megtudod csinálni?- Több fajta kérdés, több témát érintve- Kvíz érzés, azoknak, akik szeretnek kvíz játékokkal játszani!In Hungary, the first IQtest game completely Hungarian! The constantly updated content andnew, exciting challenges coming soon!- Fully Hungarian surface- IQ intelligence test fundamental knowledge, do you findout?- Several kinds of issues affecting more topics- Quiz feeling for those who like to play quiz games!
Augmented Reality Prank v2 2.0.0
With this application, you can simulate,howdoes it feel to be an augmented human. With cyborg handextensions,and with armor system!More than 10+ cool sound effects!- Armor, body health, and damage sound functions- Good prank application, imagine that you're with your friends,andyou're a superhuman, with cyborg power!- Easy to use, just one touch, and play a random sound!*Pictures are just illustration! Don't forget it's just aprankapplication, simulate you're augmented system!With this application,youcan simulate, how does it feel to enter an augmented human.Withcyborg hand extensions, and with armor system!More than 10+ cool sound effects!- Armor, body health, damage and sound functions- Good prank application, Imagine That you're with your friends,andyou're a super-human cyborg with power!- Easy to use, just one touch, and play a random sound!* Pictures are just illustration! Do not forget it's just aprankapplication, you're simulate augmented system!
3D X-ray Bones Scanner Prank 2.0.0
Have you ever wanted to see your bodyinside?Your bones? Now you can do this with this application, andofcoursefor free!- Easy to use, more types of bone x-ray- Front, Side, Back, Hands- One touch- Beautiful smooth animation- Xray scanning scanner, for everyoneDon't forget to rate, and give a feedback about our app!* The pictures are just illustrations! This game is just aprankgame, a joke, ofcourse you can't scan in real time.
Kamu bejövő hívás 2.0 3.0.0
Kínos szituációba kerültél? Esetleg szeretnéda haverjaidat megszívatni, hogy felhívtak a rendőrségtől? Netán abarátod vagy a barátnődet szeretnéd megviccelni, hogy keres tégedvalaki? Akkor ez az applikáció, neked való!- 3 fajta hívásfajta- könnyű használat- rezgő funkció, a legjobb szimulálás érdekében- csengőhangTovábbi funkciók érkeznek a jövőben, ne felejtsd el értékelni azalkalmazásunkat!Természetesen a játékban található hívások nem felelnek meg avalóságnak, csak viccként készült.Embarrassing situationthat did you? You may want your buddies megszívatni that theycalled the police? Neta friend or your girlfriend want megviccelnithat someone is looking for you? Then this is the application case,for you!- 3 types of Calling- Easy to use- To vibrate function, the best simulation- RingtonesMore features coming in the future, do not forget to rate theapp!Of course, calls the toy does not conform to reality, only madeas a joke.
Convict Face Scanner v2 Prank 4.0
Now you can scan your face, and know,howbadass criminal looking you have! Or maybe you look likeachildren? Or like a family man? Let the application decide foryouwith your own photo!- Easy to use- Good prank application- Simple application, just press the start button, and lettheprogram analyze your face.Ofcourse this application is not showing the real result,andwe're not promoting the criminal behaviour, or thecriminalattitude, it's jut a prank joke, show it to your friends,and laughtogether!
Decide For Me 3.0
DecideForMe is an easy to use,simpleapplication, for those, who want to rely on fate.So, what is DecideForMe?The usage of DecideForMe is simple, just think about thething,that you want to decide, write it on the text line, andpressSTARTand that's it!With the help of the fate, and this application, you caneasilymake your choices in the future.Actually, DecideForMe is more than just a simple application,thebasic idea behind the application is that it's a game, the gameofyour life, try to make your choices with this applicationand rely on the fate for a month, and let's see what happens.Maybe this is, what will change your life, forever.Let's start it now!
Dönts helyettem! 3.0
A "Dönts helyettem" applikáció fő célja,hogykihívás elé helyezzen téged. Mindezt egyszerűen, pár lépéssel.Használd ezt az applikációt több mint 30 napig, ésmeglátjuk,miként változik meg az életed.Hozz meg döntéseket nap mint nap, úgy hogy a sorsra bízod magad,nempedig az önálló akaratodra. Nem te fogsz dönteni, hanem asors,minden úgy fog történni, ahogy a "nagykönyvben" meg vanírva.Készen állsz rá, hogy kipróbáld magad, és a sorsrabízdmagad?The "Decide forme,"Application main purpose is to put you in front of a challenge.Allthis is just a few steps.Use this applications for more than 30 days and see howitchanges your life.Bring your decisions every day, so I trust that the same fate,freewill and not the phone. You will not make a decision, but thefate,everything will happen as the "big book" is written.Are you ready to try it out for yourself, and the fateLeaveyourself?
Opposite Gender v2 prank 7.0
Prank your friends, and take a photoaboutthem, to see, how would they look in their oppositegender!Easy to use, just take a picture about your, or about yourfriends,and see the results!- Free only for Android- Instant face results- Woman and Man opposite gender tooDon't forget to rate, and review our application, anddon'tforget it's just a prank application, you don't get therealresults!
Hacker Simulator prank v2 6.0.0
Have you ever wanted to hack othercomputersystems, smartphones, or security cameras?Now you can do with the Hack Everything v2Androidapplication.This game is simulates the feeling of hacking, ofcourse it'snotreal, you hacking fake people, but you can easily prankyourfriends, that you do this in the reality- Hack SECURITY CAMERAS, PHONES, COMPUTERs- Easy to use, just one touch, and you own everything!- Hack SOCIAL NETWORK PROFILES.- Be the hacking master!Don't forget to rate, and review our application, to makeitbetter, and upload it recently.
Uv Lamp Light prank v2 2.0.0
Did you know, that with UV Light you canseehidden thing on money? Paper? And on clothes, skin, andwall?Now you can check it out, with this game, imagine that youseehidden thing in the UV light, and prank your friends.- Easy to use- Interactive put light bulb in the device- See hidden things!- Good prank application, it's not real, just a joke