Android N-ify [XPOSED] jenkins-AndroidN-ify-696
Your device doesn't get an update to Nougatoryou are just too impatient to wait? Then this module is whatyouneed! Android N-ify allows you to use many of those newfancyfeatures on older devices.Author: MrWasdennnoch@xda
Assistant Enabler [XPOSED] 4.2
Requires Google App & Xposed Framework!Enable Google Assistant in Marshmallow ROMsEnable/disable Google Assistant without restart Bonus feature:Enable Google Now in unsupported countries*Supports Google App 6.7+
Fast Messenger - VKontakte 5.0(beta)
Meet! The new messenger for the socialnetworkVKontakte - Fast Messenger! Messenger is being beta, haslittlefunctional, but the developer, over time, adds allnecessaryfunctions and stabilizes it!It has its own design, is multifunctional.
Lockscreen Visualizer [XPOSED] 1.10.0
This module adds Cyanogenmod's musicvisualizer to lockscreen.It should work on Lollipop and Marshmallow devices with close toAOSP lockscreen.If you encounter any problems, first make sure you don't use anysound mods (they may break Android's native visualizer) or otherlockscreen mods.