Coolwin Apps

Kungfu Heros 1.16.0713
Functions:【Basic introduction】Players can choose different professions, and it will decideyourfuture. At the beginning, you need to complete the missions togetyour equipment, mount, wings and so on. And in the latterperiod,players can analyze and adjust your character attributionwithsuitable equipment, to make you much stronger. Besides, youcanjoin the Arena, Cross-Server Battle and Guide War to showyourpower!【Two Battle Modes】Consisting of Active Time and Turn-based battle modes, it willmakeyou have special experience. Players can have thecompetitivefighting to Active Time mode, as well as the relaxingtime ofTurn-based battle mode.【Guide System】Friends with you Guide family to fight!! There is always conflictonthe way of becoming strong. And when you find a group, you willbemuch stronger.As long as you join the Guide, you can use the GuideMagic,challenge the Guide Beast, join the Resources War,concentrate theAttr. and join Guide Competition.Besides, there are also relaxing function like planting.【Team Dungeon】The funniest game must be the game to play with your friends!Andthe Team Dungeon enables you to fight with your companions!Let’sget on the adventure to defeat the Evil King withyourfriends!【God Trial】Dare to face with the monsters and more challenges? God’sTrialoffers you this opportunity. You can choose to beat thevariouskinds of monsters by manual and auto. It’s justfantastic!【Cross-server Tower System】In Dragon Descendant, there is a 30-floor tower, where playersgetrich rewards win by defeating guards of each floor. Playercanchoose solo and team with players of other servers. Isn’tmeetingmore friends when in adventure cool?【Cute Pet and Excellent Mount】It is sure to be lonely when you want to be the best. But inhere,you have the Chinese style cute pets around you, such asChinesePanda, naughty monkey, fortune cat and so on. Besides,excellentmounts enable players to move faster. Lucky enough, youmay meetthe mysterious mounts.【Changeable Icon】Want to be unique among others? Just set your own icon, andbedifferent!【More systems!】There are Arena, Guild War, Faction War, GuildTerritoryCompetition, Wilderness, Boss War, Cross-server War,Cross-serverGuild War and so on. All competitions are up to you,and you willbe hot-blooded and excited. At the same time,cross-server socialsystem will make you meet many friends in game.Game Background:Five hundred years ago, the Shushan Sword Sect was under therulingof its leader, and they succeeded in sealing the Sword Demonin theSword Village. But the Shushan Sword Sect was also hurtduring thebattle, and it could recover for five hundred years.Afterfivehundred years, the seal on Sword Demon gets weaker gradually,andthe powerful monsters are all around the world. Faced withthisDemon, nobody wants to come out. What is Shushan Sect goingtodo?
御剑奇缘 1.16.0713
御劍奇緣 1.16.0713
精靈掛機-全新的家族系統、更多神奇的新寵,騎行證,等妳來拿! 4.2.3