Construction Apps

Arc Radius 2.0
NOTE: Might not be working on Android 5.0 and above devices!With this program you can calculate Radius of Arc if you knoweither:- Length and Height of the Arc;or- Length of Chord and Angle of the Arc;or- Length and Angle of the Arc.This program is working with Metric data.N.B. Always check your Setting-Out and Calculation withdifferent methods and common sense ("sound and prudent judgmentbased on a simple perception of the situation or facts"). Developerand/or distributor of this program can NOT and will NOT be holdresponsible for any mistakes which happened as a result of using ornot using this program. By downloading and installing this programuser agree to it and accept full responsibility.
Arc Length 2.0
NOTE: Might not be working on Android 5.0 and above devices!Free program "Arc Length" is working with metric units and willhelp you to calculate length of the arc from known radius andangle. Program works with degree in either Degree-Minutes-Secondsor decimal formats. There no specific units on the screen forradius and length,like meters or mm, so if radius value is inmeters, length will be calculated in meters as well.N.B. Always check your Setting-Out and Calculation withdifferent methods and common sense ("sound and prudent judgmentbased on a simple perception of the situation or facts"). Developerand/or distributor of this program can NOT and will NOT be holdresponsible for any mistakes which happened as a result of using ornot using this program. By downloading and installing this programuser agree to it and accept full responsibility.
Arc Height 1.0
NOTE: Might not be working on Android 5.0 and above devices!Enter radius of the arc, length of the chord and distance frommiddle of the chord to required point. Click Calculate and getheight of the arc at given distance. To get height of the arc inthe middle simply enter "0".N.B. Always check your Setting-Out and Calculation withdifferent methods and common sense ("sound and prudent judgmentbased on a simple perception of the situation or facts"). Developerand/or distributor of this program can NOT and will NOT be holdresponsible for any mistakes which happened as a result of using ornot using this program. By downloading and installing this programuser agree to it and accept full responsibility.
Coordinate Calculator 9.0
WARNING: This app will NOT work on Android 5.0and above devices!Calculate coordinates (E,N) for new point.How to use:- enter coordinates (E0,N0) for point 0 (first known point);- enter coordinates (Ebs,Nbs) for Backsight point (second knownpoint);- entre turning angle from line P(0)-P(Backsight) to required newpoint. Angle can be either degree in decimal format orDeg°Min'Sec"or Gon(400 g = 360 Degree). Program itself willrecognize which format you entered.- turning angle can be clockwise or counterclockwise from backsightpoint. You can use bearing as turning angle ( no need for backsightpoint).- enter distance from P(0) to required point;- click Calculate, and you have coordinates (E,N)for your requiredpoint;- now you can either Exit program, or change values for point P(0),or P(bs), or turning angle, or distance and perform newcalculation.- From Log Screen you can send Log to e-mail or save it as draftemail on your phone for future use. Just make sure you set emailaccount on your device;- From Settings Screen you can change Degree format between Decimal- Deg/Min/Sec - Gon (Grad);- From Settings Screen you can change format of the calculatedcoordinats (how many numbers will be displayed after decimalpoint)- On some phones with small screens, fields loosing data and appcrashed, after user input numbers and scroll screen up/down. If youhave such problem go to Settings and Un-Check "Clear Fields WhenTouched" box.From v 6.0- You can change turning angle between Clockwise Direction(Default), Anti-Clockwise or Bearing;NB. Crashes: If you are using Deg°Min'Sec" format, make sure ALLfield are filled with data/numbers/values. If there no values foreither field enter 0.
Traverse Coordinate Calculator 9.0
NOTE: Might not be working on Android 5.0 andabove devices!Calculate coordinates (E,N) for points along traverseline.How to use:- input coordinates (Ebs,Nbs) for Backsight point- input coordinates (E0,N0) for point 0;- input turning angle (clockwise by default) from lineP(0)-P(Backsight) to required new point. Angle can be either degreein decimal format or Deg°Min'Sec".- input distance from P(0) to required point;- click Calculate, and you have coordinates (E,N) for your requiredpoint;- now you can either Exit program, or click Next to continuecalculations. If you choose Next, program will shift (E,N) valuesfrom Point (0) to windows for Point (Backsight), and (Ex,Nx) valuesfor just calculated Point(X) will be moved to windows for Point(0).Degree and Distance data will be cleared. Program ready for newTurning Angle and Distance values to next point along line.If you want to save results as a txt/doc files you will need touse something like Kingsoft Office (Available Free on GooglePlay)or similar app. When you finish Calculation, press "Results". Onthe next screen press "Send Results to E-mail". In the oppenedDraft e-mail click text and click Select All. Copy all text intoclipboard. Switch to Kingsoft Office, paste clipboard content andsave it as a file on SD Card. Or simply sent results via e-mail toyourself.Crashes... All apps tested with Samsung Galaxy Mini, SamsungGalaxy S3, Sony Ericsson Arc S, Samsung Galaxy S2. All stockfirmware. Did not test it with rooted phones.Crashes again... If you are using Deg°Min'Sec" format, make sureALL field are filled with data/numbers/values. If there no valuesfor either field simply enter 0.On some phones with small screens, data-fields became empty andapp crashed, when user input numbers and scroll screen up/down. Ifyou have such problem, go to Settings and Un-Check "Clear FieldsWhen Touched" box.N.B. Always check your Setting-Out and Calculation with differentmethods and common sense ("sound and prudent judgment based on asimple perception of the situation or facts"). Developer and/ordistributor of this program can NOT and will NOT be holdresponsible for any mistakes which happened as a result of using ornot using this program. By downloading and installing this programuser agree to it and accept full responsibility.
Area by coordinates calculator 2.0
WARNING: This app will NOT work on Android 5.0and above devices!Find the area of any polygon from known coordinates of eachvertex. You can use it to calculate areas of triangles, regular andirregular polygons, convex or concave polygons. Program works with[Easting, Northing] or [X,Y] data.The only limitation - do Not useit for self-crossed polygons. In this case you will have to "split"it into two or more different polygons and calculate their areasseparately.Before downloading this app I would suggest you to try Free Demoversion of this program. With demo version you can check if it iscompatible with your device and Android version.N.B. Always check your Setting-Out and Calculation withdifferent methods and common sense ("sound and prudent judgmentbased on a simple perception of the situation or facts"). Developerand/or distributor of this program can NOT and will NOT be holdresponsible for any mistakes which happened as a result of using ornot using this program. By downloading and installing this programuser agree to it and accept full responsibility.
Ellipse Setting Out 4.0
WARNING: This app will NOT work on Android 5.0and above devices!Do you need to do Setting-Out for ellipse-shaped house orswimming pool and it must be hi-precision setting-out anddefinitely not an arc (simple radius) but ellipse? That is notgoing to be a problem for anyone with "Ellipse Setting Out" in hispocket.With "Ellipse Setting Out" you can calculate coordinates alongellipse line from known values of the two "radius", coordinates ofthe center point, and coordinates for "backsight" (beginning of theR1 [X0,Y0] and its end point [Xbs,Ybs]).Enter desired distance along R1, from center point [X0,Y0] towards"backsight" and get calculated coordinates for Four points in eachquarter of the ellipse at such distance. Enter next distance from[X0,Y0] towards BS, and get next 4 points.In the example shown at distances:- at 1 unit you get coordinates for points: № 1, 54, 55, 108;- at 2 unit you get coordinates for points: № 2, 53, 56, 107etc...You can start from distance equal 0 and finish at distance equalR1.With "Ellipse Setting Out" you can make as many points as you wish,to make sure your line is True Ellipse Line.Program works with Decimal Units.N.B. Always check your Numbers, your Setting-Out and Calculationwith different methods and common sense. Developer and/ordistributor of this program can NOT and will NOT be heldresponsible for any mistakes which happened as a result of using ornot using this program. By downloading and installing this programuser agree to it and accept his own full responsibility.
Circle and Arc Setting Out 1.0
NOTE: Might not be working on Android 5.0 andabove devices!Take measurement from your target/surface in prism or non-prismmode, enter received (x,y) coordinates in [Ex] and [Nx] fields andsee how far and which way to move your mini-prism/target - inside(towards circle center point) or outside (away from centerpoint).Circle App works with Units in Decimal Format.N.B. Always check your Setting-Out and Calculation withdifferent methods and common sense. Neither Developer norDistributor of this program can NOT and will NOT be holdresponsible for any mistakes which happened as a result of using ornot using this program. By downloading and installing this programyou agree to it and accept your own full responsibility.
Line and Circle Intersection 2.0
WARNING: This app will NOT work on Android 5.0and above devices!Enter coordinates for two points to describe line, radius of thecircle and its center point to get coordinates for points ofintersection between this line and circle. If there no such pointyou will get the shortest distance between line and center of thecircle. Also you can change tolerance for calculation, which can beuseful when you get strange answers like "no points ofintersection", and at the same time distance from center point isequal to the radius. By default tolerance is set to 0.001 to avoidit, but you can change it to 0 (Zero)or any value as you wish.N.B. Always check your Setting-Out and Calculation withdifferent methods and common sense. Neither Developer norDistributor of this program can NOT and will NOT be holdresponsible for any mistakes which happened as a result of using ornot using this program. By downloading and installing this programyou agree to it and accept your own full responsibility.
Pipe Laser 3.0
WARNING: This app will NOT work on Android 5.0and above devices!Calculate Pipe Laser or Grade/Dual Grade Lasers reading in %(percents) within a seconds. Can be done from known:- gradient 1:n;- levels at points and known distance between them;- coordinates (X,Y,Z)/(E,N,Z) for both points.As an extra you will get as well:- fall/rise value in millimeters per meter;- gradient 1:n;- difference in height between points;- intermediate level required for point located at given distance"X" from point 1.Also,with Check Alignment Option, you can check if your pipe orkerb line is going in the right direction, with the right gradient,and what the level is going to be at the end of the line if youkeep going without changes.Set-Out or check gradients, fall, rise, fall in mm per meter,current level against required/theoretical. Check how much need tocut or fill slope surface to bring it to right level at any pointalong given line.N.B. Always check your Setting-Out and Calculation with differentmethods and common sense ("sound and prudent judgment based on asimple perception of the situation or facts"). Developer and/ordistributor of this program can NOT and will NOT be holdresponsible for any mistakes which happened as a result of using ornot using this program. By downloading and installing this programuser agree to it and accept full responsibility.
New Grid 5.0
NOTE: Might not be working on some Android 5.0and above devices!Transformation from given (National) grid to your own (Local)grid coordinate system can be done with this program. Program workswith Decimal Units for [Easting, Northing] or [X,Y]coordinates.Unlike some other program you don't have to know distance betweenold and new grid systems. You don't have to know bearing or skewangle between old and new grid as well.All you need is to decide where do you want to place your New LocalGrid Zero [0] point (beginning of your new coordinate system), andone more point along a New North Line to describe where isdirection for your "New North" line in New Local Grid System.- Enter National Grid coordinates for "Zero" point.- Enter National Grid coordinates for point along new "North"line.- Enter National Grid coordinates for required point "X", click"Calculate" and you have new "Local" coordinates for point "X".It is good practice to keep "North" point at least as far from"Zero" point as point "X". For example, if point "X" located 50 maway from "Zero" point, distance to point "North" should be about50 m or more. You can always use "Coordinate Calculator1" or"Traverse Coordinate Calculator" to calculate coordinates for NewLocal North point at required distance.New Grid program works with Decimal Units and[Easting,Northing]/[X,Y] coordinates . Results have 4 numbers afterdecimal point.N.B. Always check your Setting-Out and Calculation withdifferent methods and common sense ("sound and prudent judgmentbased on a simple perception of the situation or facts"). Developerand/or distributor of this program can NOT and will NOT be holdresponsible for any mistakes which happened as a result of using ornot using this program. By downloading and installing this programuser agree to it and accept full responsibility.
Lines Intersection 3D 2.0
WARNING: This app will NOT work on Android 5.0and above devices!Little program for Site Engineers, Setting-Out Engineers,Surveyors, and for anyone who want to know where is intersectionpoint between two lines and coordinates for it. When you needquickly establish where is it on plan or in 3D you don't have to goback to office and check it with CAD any more. There is better andquicker solution - use Lines Intersection 3D program on yourAndroid phone. Use it to calculate missing coordinates for GridLines in 2D, or to check if there is possible clash between pipesand ground beams/underground services, or for whatever you want -it will give you [Easting,Northing] coordinates for intersection ofthe lines, and if you entered Z values for levels at the ends oflines, it will show you levels at crossing point for each of thelines. Also, it will show you four horizontal distances from endsof lines to intersection, and slopping (3D) distances too. If bothdistances along line are positive, that means that intersection isbetween ends of line (inside), but if one of the distances shownhas negative (-) sign, that means that intersection is outside ofthat end of the line.Limitations: If Lines are too close to each other/with small(sharp) angle between them, you might get WRONG results!In the example shown on screenshots, intersection is locatedoutside (before) point A (Line 1), and outside (before) point C(Line 2).You can always come back to previous screen to check or changeentered coordinates.Program works with Decimal Units.N.B. Always check your Setting-Out and Calculation withdifferent methods and common sense ("sound and prudent judgmentbased on a simple perception of the situation or facts"). Developerand/or distributor of this program can NOT and will NOT be holdresponsible for any mistakes which happened as a result of using ornot using this program. By downloading and installing this programuser agree to it and accept his own full responsibility.
Pyramid volume by coordinates 1.6
Calculate volume of pyramid (Tetrahedron) orpile of soil, sand, gravel etc.:- from coordinates (X,Y,Z) of 4 vertices (corners) of thePyramid;OR- from lengths of the sides of the Pyramid.Program works with units in decimal Format.N.B. Always check your Setting-Out and Calculation withdifferent methods and common sense . Neither Developer of thisprogram nor distributor can NOT and will NOT be hold responsiblefor any mistakes and loses which happened as a result of using ornot using this program. By downloading and installing this programyou agree to it and accept full responsibility.
Two Circles Intersection 1.0
NOTE: Might not be working on Android 5.0andabove devices!Need to check if there are intersection points betweentwocircles? Enter coordinates for centers of circles, their radiusandinstantly get coordinates for intersection points.Program works with Coordinates and Radiuses in Decimal Format.N.B. Always check your Setting-Out and Calculation withdifferentmethods and common sense. Developer and/or distributor ofthisprogram can NOT and will NOT be hold responsible for anymistakeswhich happened as a result of using or not using thisprogram. Bydownloading and installing this program user agree toit and acceptfull responsibility.
New Station By Two Points 2.0
NOTE: Not working on Android 5.0 andabovedevices!New Station Calculator will give you ability to quickcalculateposition of you new station or unknown point if you knowdistancesfrom this new point to two control points. Enter Easting,Northing(X,Y)coordinates for your known points P1 and P2 inclockwise order(from left to right), enter distances to them andinstantly getEasting, Northing (X,Y) of your station point. Also,for doublecheck, if you have actual angle reading between P1 and P2you cancompare it to angle between points calculated by thisapp.New Station Calculator works with Coordinates and DistancesinDecimal Units.N.B. Always check your Setting-Out and Calculation withdifferentmethods and common sense ("sound and prudent judgmentbased on asimple perception of the situation or facts"). Developerand/ordistributor of this program can NOT and will NOT be holdresponsiblefor any mistakes which happened as a result of using ornot usingthis program. By downloading and installing this programuser agreeto it and accept his own full responsibility.