Codersedge Apps

Sri Lanka NIC 1.0.7
Identify Date of Birth and Gender associated with NIC number
Intejobs Middle East
Intejobs - Middle East offers a web and mobile platform fortheemployers and the job seekers to post vacancies and finddeservingcareers respectively. Technology has changed the way howseekersfind work and build careers. As technology advances, we tendto useour powerful mobile phone for every aspect of our life andyetexisting resources that are available for us to find jobsisdemanding a computer and consumes a lot of time with spams andfakelinks. So we decided do something about it , ThereforeIntejobsbecomes the output of our vision which is clean, simple andwellcrafted for any mobile device. Intejobs will deliver the jobstoyour phone directly so you don't have to depend on a computer.Withall of that we are giving an opportunity to everyone to shareavacancy they know of which often doesn't reach deservingperson.Our goal is to provide a fair shot at finding a career toeveryonewho lives, works and is trying to find work in Middleeasterncountries.
Class Attendance
Class Attendance for making attendance in a class