ChrisCo Apps

The Black Screen 1.0
The Black Screen is here! This handy app willturn your screen completely black, almost as if your device hasbeen turned off! But don't worry it can easily be exited byclicking the home or back button on your Android device.Use it to fool your friends, save your battery, give theillusion that your device is broken or simply if you would like tolook at a black screen.This app does exactly what it says!
Number Counter 1.1
This simple number counter that willeffectively count up or down as you wish.Features include:- A plus button that adds 1 to the overall count- A minus button that minuses 1 from the overall count- A reset button to reset the count to 0- The count will be saved even if you exit the app, allowing you toresume counting from your previous total- If the number of characters gets too large, the font size willchange, allowing for more characters to appear on screen
Spinning Arrow 1.0
Tap the screen to spin the arrow and see whereit ends up. Simple!
The White Screen 1.0
Do you want to turn your screen white? Maybeto trick someone or use as a torch? Well this is the app for you!This easy to use app simply turns your screen white. It can easilybe turned off with a press of the home or back button.
Square Eater 1.0
Eat the other squares! The red squarewillfollow your finger around the screen. Eating the other squareswillgive you points, increase your multiplier, change the time orhavea variety of other effects.For example, a blue square will give you two points, ayellowsquare will increase your multiplier by one and a pink squarewillgive you an additional five seconds.But it doesn't stop there! Eating some squares incertaincombinations will give you bonuses.Some of these combinations include:- 3 blues in a row- 2 greens then a grey- green, yellow, green, yellow and pinkThere are 15 different combinations, some will producespecialsquares to increase your score.
Draw The Flag Of Japan 1.1
Have you ever wanted to draw the flag ofJapan?Well this is your chance!By simply pressing the centre of the screen, the red circleinthe flag will be drawn. Make sure you draw it in the very centreofthe screen, or you will fail. It is not easy!
Shape Shooter 1.0
Shoot the shapes!Protect your gun by shooting any shapes that appear onscreen.The gun will shoot at where you point.As you destroy them, the shapes will change, becomingmoredifficult to destroy and spawning more frequently. Survive foraslong as possible! Gain points for destroying the shapesandwhatever they leave behind.
Thrust Striker 9 1.0
Fly Thrust Striker 9 and destroy as manycoinsas possible!Objective: 60 seconds to get the highest score you can.Gold and blue coins are good, red is bad! The in-game"Help"screen provides more info!
Colonel Clownfish 1.0
Help Colonel Clownfish dodge sharks andeatburgers, but be careful, eating too many burgers might makedodgingmore difficult!The sequel to Calamity Clown!New features include:- Underwater burgers to eat!- Scenery changes- Clownfish buttons- A tips/ help screen- New movement mechanics- Improved collisions
Calamity Clown 1.0
Help Calamity Clown dodge the sharks foraslong as possible! He wants to swim as far as possible!
Rotate Dice 1.0
Tap the dice to make them rotate!
Decide For Me 1.0
Need to make a decision? Buy some sweets orbuya house? Wear a coat or fly to England?Let Decide For Me, decide for you!This simple app will give you a simple Yes or No answer tohelpmake your decision!
Galaxy Guardian 1.0
Galaxy Guardian is here! The galaxy isunderthreat by evil spaceships, you must survive for as longaspossible. FLY AS FAR AS POSSIBLE.Protect the Guardian ship by dodging enemy spaceships. Hittingfuelcontainer will make the Guardian larger and you will scoremorepoints.