CardWallet Apps

CardWallet - Cardano Crypto Wallet 1.0
CardWallet is an easy-to-use crypto wallet for Cardano,Bitcoin,Ethereum and Ethereum tokens. With CardWallet you can buy,storeand exchange your crypto. Features • Buy Bitcoin (BTC),Cardano(ADA), Ethereum (ETH) with a credit or debit card • Exchangecrypto(100+ coins and tokens) • Private keys on your device • Over30supported fiat currencies • Available for use in 5 languages•Protect your crypto wallet with PIN and Face ID Buy andSellcryptocurrency with a debit or credit card You can easilybuyBitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Cardano (ADA), Stable coinsandvarious DeFi tokens by using a built-in purchase feature. SendandReceive cryptocurrency Send and receive any of the supportedcoinsusing text addresses or QR codes. Secure your digital currencyDonot allow centralized exchanges to control your crypto. They canbehacked and you can lose your funds. With CardWallet—you ownyourprivate keys and only you—control your crypto. Secure yourwalletwith PIN or Face ID. All crypto — in one place Store allyourfavourite cryptocurrencies in one place with one mnemonicphrase.If you are tired of having numerous wallets and savingprivate keysfor each coin separately—CardWallet is here to resolvethat issue.CardWallet allows you to buy, send, store and exchangeBitcoin(BTC), Cardano (ADA), Ethereum (ETH) and popular DeFitokens.Supported cryptocurrencies Over 1000 coins Bitcoin (BTC)Ethereum(ETH) Cardano (ADA) CardWallet (CW) (OCC)Cardstarter(CARDS) Gerowallet (GERO) Uniswap (UNI) Aaave (AAVE) Polygon (MATIC) Sushiswap (Sushi) Binance (BNB)Tether USD(USDT) TrueUSD (TUSD) USD Coin (USDC) Chainlink (LINK)BasicAttention Token (BAT) Compound (COMP) and more. Supportedfiatcurrencies: United States Dollar (USD), Australian Dollar(AUD),Canadian Dollar (CAD), Swiss franc (CHF), Euro (EUR),Poundsterling (GBP) and more. 24/7 Global human support Yourquestionswill be answered in a timely manner by our 24/7 globalhumansupport team. World Class UI/UX and engineering The CardWalletteamhas built an incredible app which gives you easy access totheworld of crypto. The User Interface(UI) has been validatedbyprofessionals with experience of working for PayPal, Apple,Cisco,and other renowned companies. Our tech team has a decadeofexperience in development and cryptography. Join our communityWewould be very happy to hear your feedback and chat with youaswell! We are a community-driven project which means you willevenbe able to participate in the voting process for new featuresandmuch more! Telegram - @cardwallet_community Twitter-@CardWallet_fi