CaixaBank Apps

"la Caixa" Tablet 2.0.4
Download this application free and enjoy rightnow the services of "la Caixa" on your tablet: consult youraccounts, make transfers, localise branches and ATMs accede to theStock Exchange, buy tickets for shows, etc.
Cards 1.2
This app is for:- Managing your cards issued by "la Caixa": check yourpurchases, spread out payments, manage your payments, etc.- Request a new card: Cybertarjeta, Money, Electron, Via T, Flashand Visa Regalo.- Take a photo with your Android and request a personalised giftcard with this picture.As well as activating a new card, you can also block a card thathas been lost or stolen, top up a Cybertarjeta or check your PuntosEstrella account.
Download the free Caixabank app to access awide variety of services offered by the bank (ReciBox, BolsaAbierta, Línea Abierta, card operations, etc), find the closestATMs and branches and carry out all the usual banking transactionswith our award-winning online banking app. All your personalfinances from your cell phone, without going to the ATM or into thebranch.What can I do with Caixabank's app?● Immediate access to Línea Abierta MóvilWith the Caixabank app, you will be able to check your balance anddo your usual operations such as transfers, money and billmanagement, multi-signature, donations, personal finances, income,manage your debit and credit cards, stock market operations, andreceive customer support, etc., without having to go to theATM.Main operations available:- ACCOUNTS: All movements detailed and in chronologicalorder of all your accounts. (transfers, income, bills, card cash,fines, etc.) Your finances under control.- CARDS: Check all the movements on your debit or creditcard(s). Report stole and lost cards.- DEPOSITS: Request and manage fixed term deposits.- FUNDS: Find the fund that best suits your needs andmanage your returns.- LOANS: Choose and manage loans and mortgages that bestsuit your needs.- INSURANCE: Choose and manage your insurance including“Savings and Investment”, “Home and Cars” and “Life, Accident, andHealth”.- PLANS: Select the plans that best suit you.- CELL PHONE: Set up your cell phone number to receivealerts on your accounts and cards and recharge the balance of yourcell phone if you require it.- SECURITIES: Analyze your investment on the stock marketand the returns of your invested money.More advantages of Caixabank app:● Search for Caixabank branches and ATMs nearbyYou will find the closest ATM and branches within an integratedmap, including information about the main services available.● Access to other Caixabank productsCaixabank app includes direct access to products such as Recibox,Open Stock Exchange, accounts, card(s), deposits, funds, stockexchange or pension plans, finances, income, etc. All your mobilebanking in the palm of your hand.● Customizable applicationEdit and select your favorite Caixabank applications as shortcuts.Caixabank is the best online and mobile banking app for managingyour personal finances.● App linked to Ford vehiclesThe app allows you to link the search engine to Ford vehicles. Youwill find the nearest branches and ATMs using the vehicle's voiceor dashboard controls.The Caixabank app is available for all Android versions. You canfind more information about this here your online bank wherever you go and manage all yourfinances with the Caixabank app. Always with security guaranteedby CaixaProtect®.CaixaBank, S.A. is the banking institution and the holder ofthis online banking application.
CaixaBank Pay: Mobile payment 1.8.1
With the new CaixaBank Pay app for Android,you'll be able to conveniently pay for your shopping by using yourmobile phone quickly, easily and 100% safely in any retailer whichaccepts NFC contactless payments. And, as if that wasn't enough,CaixaBank Pay's latest update allows you to manage all of yourCaixaBank cards (debit and credit), keep track of all yourtransactions and transfer money to other individuals with just oneclick.What you'll need to start shopping with your mobile:- Your mobile: an Android smartphone, version 4.4 or later, withcontactless technology (NFC).- The CaixaBank Pay app: install this on your device.- Upload your card to your phone: Using the app, you'll be ableto upload your cards FREE OF CHARGE.How it all works:1. Sign in with the same log-in credentials that you use forLínea Abierta online banking.2. Select the card you'd like to upload to your phone.3. Move your phone towards the POS terminal until you hear theconfirmation "beep".4. Enter your PIN if the transaction amount is over €20.5. And that's it: payment completed!Please note: For the payment to be carried out, your phonescreen will have to be lit up.Advantages of the Virtual Wallet:✔ Virtual WalletManage all of your cards quickly and easily and consult in realtime all transactions carried out with each of the cards thatyou've added to your Wallet.✔ Transfer money to other individualsThe transfer works with the Ealia service which lets you makepayments and ensures that the money arrives on the same day as thetransaction. Transferring money to others has never been so simple.With CaixaBank Pay, you'll be able to transfer money if you knowthe recipient's mobile number or email address.✔ Withdraw money and enjoy contactless paymentsYou'll be able to use the CaixaBank Pay to apply for a free TAPsticker or wristband (choose your colour) with which you'll be ableto pay for any goods or services at the POS terminal and/orwithdraw money at CaixaBank cash machines using contactlesstechnology.The application is available in Spanish, Catalan, Basque,Galician and English.¿What are you waiting for to turn your phone into your newVirtual Wallet and start paying with your device? Download theCaixaBank Pay app and start enjoying mobile payments and all of itsbenefits.Feel liberated! With CaixaBank Pay, all you need is your phoneto go shopping, withdraw money and make transfers.This wallet application for mobile payments and purchases is theproperty of Caixabank, S.A.
Have you ever been out for a meal and had tosplit the bill? Have some people not paid their share? Or otherwisewas it your turn to pay but you didn’t know the other person’saccount? Why don’t you send them a Transfi using your mobile?We have created this app to make little, daily payments andpayment receipts easier. You can use it to:-Create reminders so that your smartphone notifies you ofoutstanding payments and payment receipts when a defined deadlineis reached, either regularly or every time you approach an exactplace.-Calculate how much each person has to pay when you have tosplit the bill between several people (for example, at a dinner orif buying a joint present for someone). You can round up the total(if you want to leave a tip), or round it down, or calculate theexact total.-Make immediate payments to any contact in your agenda withoutknowing their current account number; you only need their mobilenumber if the other person is a “la Caixa” client. Naturally, youcan also make transfers to other account numbers, if the recipientis not a “la Caixa” client.-Request payment from other people through SMS, by e-mail, viaQR codes or, if your smartphone lets you, using NFC. You can sendthem the relevant data automatically so that they can make thetransfer, and you don’t have to write anything.So, we hope you find this app useful and that we can improve itin subsequent versions based on the opinions and assessments yousend us.Enjoy it!CAIXABANK, SA is the owner of the Application
Tap Contactless
This app manages and controls all thepurchases you make with your “la Caixa” TAP Contactless card.TAP Contactless is a special, adhesive card which you can stickonto your mobile or anywhere else. This app is only for managingthis type of card, and cannot be used for other "la Caixa" cards.The app has PUSH notifications for all purchases made, so thatyou can see all the movements and you can spread out theirpayment.
Alta Cliente 1.5
Con esta aplicación, los clientes de “laCaixa” pueden seguir el estado de su solicitud de alta comocliente. Pueden consultar en qué parte del proceso se encuentran yqué trámites y acciones están pendientes de realizar.Principales características:Consulta del estado de la solicitud de alta como nuevoclienteSolicitud de reenvío de la documentación necesaria para el altacomo cliente.Envío del documento de identidad usando la cámara del terminal yenviándolo desde la aplicación.Contactar con “la Caixa” para recibir atención personalizadasobre el estado de la solicitud.Concertar la recogida de documentación en el lugar y horadeseado por el cliente.Además, incluye recordatorios que avisan si se debe realizar unaacción o que puedes consultar el estado de tu solicitud decliente.With this application,customers of "la Caixa" can track the status of your application asa customer. They can see where in the process they are and whatsteps and actions are still to be made.Main features:Check the status of the application up as a new customerRequest forwarding the necessary documentation for a customeraccount.Sending identity using the camera and sending terminal from theapplication.Contact "la Caixa" to receive personal attention on the state ofthe application.Make the collection of documents at the place and time desiredby the customer.It also includes reminders to be notified whether to perform anaction or you can check the status of your client application.
LKXA 1.2
App for the “la Caixa” LKXA club. LKXA is the"la Caixa" youth program aimed at youngsters aged between 14 and 25years old. To use it you must request a financial card and provideyour mobile telephone number and e-mail, and you will discover aworld of advantages.The app allows you to access all new LKXA items, products andadvantages, and locate them so that you can easily enjoy all ourLKXA services.Main features:-Access to Advantages: Access to a whole range of discounts andadvantages aimed at making your life easier.-Access to Products: Access to a whole series of products thatyou can enjoy by just belonging to LKXA.
Puntos Estrella 1.3.0
In this new edition of the Puntos EstrellaCatalogue you will discover an excellent range of gifts for thehome and office, and personal gifts for you and your family. Theyare easy to obtain using the "la Caixa" multiEstrella program andyour cards.Use the app to request the gifts from the actual catalogue,exchanging your Estrella points. Also, you can read the QR codesdirectly from the printed catalogue.
multiEstrella 1.2
A través de esta aplicación podrás consultar acualquier hora y desde cualquier lugar cómo acceder al programamultiEstrella y todas las ventajas de las que puedesbeneficiarte.  La aplicación permite visualizar las promociones vigentes ydescargar los vales de descuento que se ofrecen con el programa,así como ubicar en un mapa todas las ventajas que se encuentren atu alrededor. También dispondrás de un acceso directo al perfil deTwitter de multiEstrella para estar siempre a la última de lasnovedades relacionadas con el programa.Además introduciendo tu identificador de Línea Abierta podrásconsultar tu situación y las opciones que tienes a tu disposiciónpara obtener más Puntos Estrella cada trimestre.Through this applicationyou can consult at any time and from anywhere multiEstrella how toaccess the program and all the advantages that you can benefit.The application allows you to view current promotions anddiscount codes download offered the program, and locate on a mapall the advantages that are around you. Also you will have ashortcut multiEstrella Twitter profile to always be the last of thedevelopments concerning the program.Besides entering your ID Línea Abierta can consult yoursituation and the options you have at your disposal for more StarPoints you each quarter.
Price Converter 1.1
The application enables you to convert pricesaccording to the European Central Bank’s daily quotations. Also,you can convert these prices automatically using your telephonecamera or by introducing the value manually.
Ingreso de cheques 1.4
“la Caixa” clients can use this app to paycheques and IOUs into their current account anytime and anywhere,picking up the document data with the telephone camera.How it works:Using your mobile you can take a photo of the cheque or IOU youwish to pay in, and the data will be filled in automatically (itcan also be entered manually).The amount is paid in via “la Caixa” Línea Abierta", using the sameaccess passwords as the ones used to access it on the Internet.However, the documents must be submitted subsequently to your “laCaixa” office.To sign up for this current account cheque and IOU pay-in system,you must first contact your “la Caixa” branch office.Advantages for companies:• Historical data file for queries and checking.• Information on returns.• Document transmission.• Credited to account the same day that the transaction ismade.• Submitting original documents in your “la Caixa” office.Documents that cannot be processed this way:• Sums over 30,000 Euro.• Documents containing a clause with notice of protests orsubstitute protest statement.• Non-standardised (that are not standard documents).• IOUs with effects abroad
Lector códigos QR 1.0
A través de esta aplicación podrá capturar loscódigos QR que "la Caixa" incluye en las promociones de susproductos y servicios y acceder a ellas a través de su teléfonomóvil.Además podrá escanear cualquier otro código bidimensional. Lostipos de contenido soportado son URL, texto plano, número deteléfono, SMS, correo electrónico y evento del calendario.Through this applicationyou can capture the QR codes that "la Caixa" includes the promotionof its products and services and access them through your mobilephone.Also you can scan any two-dimensional code. The supportedcontent types are URL, plain text, phone number, SMS, email andcalendar event.
CosmoCaixa 1.8
CosmoCaixa es la aplicación que permiteacceder a todos los espacios del museo CosmoCaixa de Barcelonamediante vídeo e imágenes, ver los horarios disponibles y ver losservicios ofrecidos.Características principales:- Acceso a Espacios permanentes: Puede informarse de todos losespacios disponibles durante todo el año.- Acceso a Exposiciones temporales: Puede informarse de lasexposiciones actuales que solo están disponibles por un periodo detiempo limitado.- Acceso a Más información: Accede a toda la información delmuseo: presentación, horarios, precios, transporte, vídeos eimágenes.CosmoCaixa is theapplication that allows access to all museum spaces CosmoCaixaBarcelona through video and pictures, view available times and seethe services offered.Key Features:- Access to Permanent spaces: You can find out about all theavailable spaces throughout the year.- Access to Temporary exhibitions: You can obtain information oncurrent exhibitions that are only available for a limited time.- Access to more information: Access all the information of themuseum: presentation, schedules, prices, transportation, videos andpictures.
CaixaNegocios Community 1.1
CaixaNegocios Community es una red profesionalexclusiva para autónomos y empresas clientes de "la Caixa" a la quese accede sólo por invitación*. En esta red social de negociospodrás establecer contactos, aumentar la visibilidad de tu empresay, en definitiva, hacer crecer tu negocio.Si eres autónomo o tienes una empresa contarás con la seguridadde pertenecer a una red donde todas las empresas son reales y estánvalidadas por "la Caixa".Ventajas para ti y para tu negocio:1. Aumentar la visibilidad de tu negocio en Internet con unapágina de empresa totalmente gratuita.2. Desarrollar tu red de contactos profesionales para generarnuevas oportunidades.3. Realizar negocios tangibles surgidos de contactosdigitales.4. Acercarte al entorno de las redes profesionales y aprenderexperimentando.5. Acceder rápidamente a información útil relacionada con elmundo de la empresa.*Entra en tu Línea Abierta de "la Caixa" y comprueba si yatienes una invitación. Si no, solicítala en tu oficina.Más info: Communityis an exclusive professional network for freelancers and businesscustomers of "la Caixa" to that invitation-only *. On this socialnetwork you can establish business contacts, increase thevisibility of your company and ultimately grow your business.If you are self employed or have a company'll have the securityof belonging to a network where all companies are real and arevalidated by "la Caixa".Benefits for you and your business:1. Increase the visibility of your online business with acompany page completely free.Two. Expand your network of professional contacts to generatenew opportunities.Three. Business Contents arising tangible digital contacts.April. Approach the environment and learn professional networksexperiencing.May. Quickly access useful information related to the businessworld.* Enter your Open "la Caixa" line and see if you already have aninvitation. If not, request it in your office.More info: / infoOLC
ecoRecicla ocn ecoCaixa 1.0
Put yourself to the test withecoRecicla!Play ecoRecicla ocn ecoCaixa and put yourself to the test! See ifyou are the best at separating the waste into the different typesof rubbish containers.For a minute, different items will float across the screen,(packages, waste), and you have to put them into the correctrubbish bin (blue, green or yellow). Every correct answer is worth10 points and any incorrect answers subtract 5 points. Also, if youclick on a green clock you can lengthen the game time. However, ifyou click on the red clock, you can shorten the game time.Play against your family and friends to reach the top of theranking!Eco Caixa is an initiative from "la Caixa" aimed at promoting andrespecting environmental values. Therefore at "la Caixa", from theoutset we like to involve our clients in our commitment to lookafter and respect nature.Together, through small gestures, we can do it.
Learning to Save 1.0
Educational game for sharing with yourchildren and teaching them how to save by giving them tasks andpayments.Your children will learn how to make their savings grow as theycomplete the tasks you set them, and they will become familiarizedwith concepts like payment, loan or balance movements as theyplay.There is a parent’s profile which administers the savings andprovides a follow-up on the tasks, and a child profile, where theycan see for themselves how their savings grow and decide whichtasks to carry out.
Recarga de móviles 1.1.6
The "Recarga de móviles" app allows you to addbalance to any pre-payment telephone, regardless of the telephonecompany, in a much more user-friendly way. Also, it lets you marktop-ups as favourites, and so you won’t have to re-enter the datafrom the beginning.
CaixaWallet Vodafone 1.0.1
This novel payment system lets you use one orseveral credit, debit or pre-payment cards installed directly on toyour smartphone Vodafone's SIM card.So you can easily pay for your shopping just by bringing yoursmartphone close to the merchant's contactless point of sales (POS)terminal. You can also get cash out from "la Caixa" contactlessATM's.To use this service, you need:1. A SIM card compatible with the new NFC technology.2. A mobile device with NFC technology.3. The Vodafone Wallet application downloaded on your mobilephone.4. A "la Caixa" card installed on your mobile's NFC SIM.
CaixaWallet Orange 1.0.6
This novel payment system lets you use one orseveral credit, debit or pre-payment cards installed directly on toyour smartphone Orange's SIM card.So you can easily pay for your shopping just by bringing yoursmartphone close to the merchant's contactless point of sales (POS)terminal. You can also get cash out from "la Caixa" contactlessATM's.To use this service, you need:1. A SIM card compatible with the new NFC technology.2. A mobile device with NFC technology.3. The Orange Wallet application downloaded on your mobilephone.4. A "la Caixa" card installed on your mobile's NFC SIM.
imaginBank - Your mobile bank 1.3.1
Download imagin free, the new mobile-onlybanking appimaginBank is your new mobile banking app for Android (4.2 andhigher) that lets you make basic account and card transactions,pay bills and make payments from your mobile whilst keeping youin full control of your personal finances, using fullycustomisable graphics and expenditure targets. With imaginBank,saving and managing your money will be easier.Are you LKXA?Up to now, LKXA has been the young people's programme withCaixaBank. LKXA has given you a great number of offers and, farfrom coming to an end, this is going to evolve and improve. Welcometo imaginBank, the first bank where everything starts and ends withyour mobile phone.What does imagin Bank offer you?• Basic account and card transactions, bills, invoices andtransfers• Control and manage your personal finances, save, make paymentsfrom your mobile and household budgeting• Turn your smartphone into your card and make payments from yourmobile• Search for nearby cash machines• Bank account with no fees or conditions• Free imagin Visa card• Send money to your friends for free• Create your contact list and make it easier to send money• Easily compare your income and expenditure• Great opportunities to save money• Enjoy the unique features of imaginBankThe main services are free.- The imagin account is free. The same goes for your imagin VisacardYou set targets. We help you achieve them.- We offer you services that help you manage your money.You are always protected against any kind of fraud.Sections of the imaginBank app:HOME- View your last 3 card transactions and set or view your predictedexpenditure on the card- View your expenditure with purchases divided intocategories- Personalise your app: change the order of the informationdisplayedMY MONEY- Lets you view the details of expenditure from your imaginBankaccount- Displays the balance available in your imagin account- Records your transactions in chronological order, in the style ofa timeline- Displays information on three tabs: All Transactions, Income andExpenditure- Lets you see the details of a transaction by clicking on itBILLS- Lets you control the bills linked to your imaginBankaccount- Displays bills in chronological order and a monthly expenditurechart- Lets you view bills by category, showing in which categories youspend the most money, expressed as a percentage, amongst otheroptions- Expenditure by category can be viewed month-to-monthCARD PURCHASES- Lets you view a summary of monthly expenditure on your imaginVisa card- Displays an infographic of how monthly expenditure on your cardcompares to your prediction (household budgeting)- Provides a breakdown of expenditure on your card by purchases andcash withdrawals- Displays a list of purchases made in chronological order- Order a new card in the form of a sticker or wristbandIMAGIN PAY- Send money to other people by email or mobile number with nofees.- Withdraw money from a cash machine with no need for a card, usinga code that you will receive by text.Advantages of the imaginBank app:✔️ Payments from your mobile✔️ NO FEES✔️ Membership and identification for customers of CaixaBank's'Línea Abierta' service and for non-customers with or without apayslip✔️ Access with a digital fingerprint✔️ Request a new card in the form of a mobile sticker orwristband✔️ Customer service by phone, Twitter, chat or WhatsAppThe imaginBank mobile banking app is compatible with all Androidsmartphones from version 4.2 and up.Download imaginBank now and pay with your mobile wherever yougo. Manage and control all your income and expenditure in thesimplest and most secure way. Saving has never been so easy!Caixabank, S.A. is this owner of this mobile bankingapplication.
Stocktactics 1.2
A través de Stocktactics podrá construir supropia red de inversores de bolsa fácilmente. Siga a inversores conexperiencia destacada, consulte los valores más populares y creesus propias carteras virtuales a la vez que negocia valores através de Bolsa Abierta.Además, para todos aquellos que sean nuevos en el mundo de laBolsa pero deseen adquirir más experiencia, Stocktactics dispone dediferentes retos y medallas que irá consiguiendo a medida que vayainteractuando con otros inversores, valores y carteras.Aprenda de los inversores más populares de la red y emule susmovimientos, experimente con carteras virtuales y consulte susmovimientos reales.Through Stocktactics youcan build your own network of investors to easily bag. Followinvestors with significant experience, see the most popular values​​and create your own virtual portfolios while trading securitiesthrough Open Exchange.Also, for those who are new to the world of the stock market butwish to gain more experience, Stocktactics has different challengesand medals will be getting as you interact with other investors,securities and portfolios.Learn from the most popular network of investors and emulatetheir moves, experiment with virtual portfolio and see their actualmovements.
Stock Music 2.0
Keep up-to-date with developments in the mainstock market indices and the Ibex-35 shares as you listen to yourfavourite music.You will receive notification of any fluctuations via an alarmor by an alteration in the volume of the music.CAIXABANK, SA is the owner of the Application
Voluntarios de “la Caixa”
La aplicación Voluntarios de “la Caixa”ofrecea los más de 30.000 empleados y jubilados del grupo deempresas "laCaixa", así como sus familiares y amigos, laoportunidad departicipar en actividades de voluntariado que mejorse adapten asus inquietudes y posibilidades.A través de la App Voluntarios de “la Caixa” podrás:-Participar en actividades de voluntariado de tu asociación-Recibir noticias destacadas-Ilusionarte con experiencias que han dejado otrosvoluntarios-Acceder a la página web en la que encontrarás muchas cosas másDesde la Obra Social “la Caixa” te ofrecemos la posibilidaddecolaborar en este voluntariado corporativo y fomentarlasolidaridad.¡Te animamos para que formes parte de Voluntarios de “la Caixa”ypoder ayudar a personas en situación de necesidad yexclusiónsocial que de otro modo lo tendrían más difícil!Volunteers applicationof"la Caixa" offers more than 30,000 employees and retirees ofthegroup of companies "la Caixa" as well as their familiesandfriends, the opportunity to participate in volunteeractivitiesthat best fit their interests and possibilities . Through the Volunteer App "la Caixa" TeaParticipate in voluntary activities of your association-Receive Top stories-Ilusionarte With experiences that have left other volunteers-Access To the website where you'll find much moreSince the "la Caixa" Welfare Projects we offer the possibilitytocollaborate in this corporate volunteerism andpromotesolidarity. We encourage you to become part of Volunteers "la Caixa" and tohelppeople in need and social exclusion that otherwise would haveitharder!
Pago de recibos 1.7
You can use this app to pay taxes,receipts,enrolments and fines, using your telephone camera.You do not have to be a “la Caixa” client to use it.If you are, you can make the payment via the “la Caixa”LíneaAbierta service, using the same passwords as you use to accessiton the Internet.At any event, you can pay with a credit or debit card from anybankentity.How does it work:- It picks up the bar code on the receipt via the camera onyourmobile, and the data is filled in automatically.- The bar code data, QR code or issuing entity data can alsobeentered manually or spoken (only available in SpanishandEnglish).Types of payment permitted:- Social Security- Tax collections – Town Hall / Local Council- Service companies (electricity, water, telephone,insurance)- Institutions (universities and teaching centres)- Confirmation of the Tax Return draft
SegurCaixa AUTO 2.2
La nueva aplicación gratuita de SegurCaixaAUTO te permite, desde la comodidad de tu móvil, poder gestionar yconsultar tus pólizas, tramitar siniestros, gestionar los encargosa taller y otros muchos servicios de ayuda.En esta nueva aplicación dirigida a los clientes de Seguro de Autose ofrecen, entre otros, los siguientes servicios:Consulta y gestión de siniestros:Apertura tus siniestros de forma ágil y sencilla, despeja todas tusdudas gracias al acceso directo con el tramitadorde tu expediente,realiza el encargo al taller y mantente informado en todo momentodel avance del proceso.Servicios de asistencia en carretera:Te facilitamos asistencia en carretera geolocalizada de modo que seenvíe tu posición en la misma llamada, una guía de primerosauxilios o una linterna con diferentes señalizaciones deS.O.S.Consulta y gestión de pólizas:Consulta todos los datos de tus pólizas: estado actual, período ycoberturas disponibles, cuando será el siguiente recibo, etc.Búsqueda de talleres colaboradores:Localiza fácilmente el taller más cercano de nuestra amplia red decolaboradores y disfruta de beneficios y ventajasdestacables.Otros servicios:Te brindamos un abanico de servicios adicionales que te permitiránver el estado del tráfico, conocer los servicios cercanos a tuubicación actual, recordarte tu siguiente ITV o dónde aparcaste elcoche.
ReciBox 1.9.2
With ReciBox discover the easiest waytocontrol and manage all your bills and direct debit payments.With the ReciBox app you can register to this service forfree,and begin to enjoy services such as:Having a graphical and organised view of all your directdebitpayments, adding new ones and keeping up to date withtheirevolution.Receiving informative alerts about your bills forbettermonitoring: paying the first bill from the issuingcompany,expected bills that exceed the available balance, etc.Obtaining a planned vision of your economy on a calendar,andbeing able to add all your bills to it.This service is completely free of charge and exclusivetocustomers belonging to the multiEstrella group. Download theappand avoid surprises with your bills, thanks to the controlandmonitoring provided by ReciBox.
Classic tales 1.6
An interactive story tale app for kids,withanimated characters, with bedtime classics such as Pinochio,TheUgly Duckling, Little Thumb, The Three Little Pigs and others.Withvoice over narrations, and special features such as recordingyourown narration of the different chapters.This app allows kids to start reading and understanding in afun,joyful way. With animated characters and interactive surprisesthatyou can discover by tapping the screen.
Línea Abierta Basic 1.0.7
This app includes the most commonCaixaBankLínea Abierta mobile operations:· See all your account information.· See all your card information.· Make transfers between your own accounts, easilyandvisually.· Find CaixaBank offices and ATMS.CAIXABANK, SA is the owner of the Application.
CrediApp 1.2
¿Quieres comprar un producto o servicioynecesitas un préstamo? Con CrediApp podrás capturar de formafácilel precio de la etiqueta del producto usando la cámara de tumóvil,simular la cuota mensual del préstamo a solicitar y si todoteencaja, contratarlo. Además, como sabemos que ellenguajefinanciero a veces cuesta de entender hemos incorporado unasecciónde financiación responsable. En esta sección se explicanlosprincipales términos (TIN, TAE, ...) de forma sencillaincluyendovídeos explicativos y ejemplos prácticos para que noqueden dudascon lo que contratas.You want to buy aproductor service and you need a loan? With CrediApp you caneasilycapture the price of the product label using the camera onyourmobile, simulate the monthly loan request and if everythingfits,hire him. In addition, we know that the financiallanguagesometimes hard to understand we have incorporated a sectionofresponsible lending. In this section the main terms (TIN, TAE,...)are explained easily including explanatory videos andpracticalexamples for the avoidance of doubt with whatcontracts.
Accounts 1.1.0
You don’t need to carry your "la Caixa"BankingBook with you to the ATM to be updated anymore as now youhave yourmobile device displaying the most updated information,with anadditional advantage, of being able to include personalnotes foreach transaction.CAIXABANK, SA is the owner of the Application.
Bolsa Abierta 5.9.1
With this application, you can followhowindexes and share quotations evolve on the Stock Markets fromyourAndroid. It includes graphs of their movements and themostimportant financial news.You will be able tobuy and sell shares in your dossiers inaneasy and convenient way.You can define and monitor your own list of favourite sharesandindexes.Introduce your identifier and password of Linea Abierta inorderto access to the content of the app.
Bolsa Abierta para Smartwatch 1.2
Si dispone de un Android Wear o unSonySmartwatch 2, ahora puede consultar en él la evolución desusvalores e índices favoritos.En su reloj los podrá consultar en un listado, enformatocarrusel, y se le mostrará una ficha reducida de cada unodeellos.Al seleccionar uno verá su ficha ampliada, con más detalleygráficos evolutivos, en la pantalla del smartphoneAndroidvinculado a su smartwatch.Smart Connect extension for SmartWatch 2Smart Connect extension for SmartWatch 2If you have anAndroidWear or Sony SmartWatch 2, you can now see in it theevolution oftheir favorite values ​​and indexes. On his watch, you can consult the list in carousel format,andwill show a reduced each tab. Selecting one will see its enlarged tab, in more detailandevolutionary graphics, on-screen Android smartphone connectedtoyour SmartWatch. Smart Connect extension for SmartWatch 2 Smart Connect extension for SmartWatch 2
El Bressol 1.0.0
A mobile app available in fourlanguages(Catalan, Spanish, English and French) that offers theopportunityto live an interactive experience with “The Cradle ofHumankind”, atemporary exhibition by CosmoCaixa Barcelona focusedon theevolution of our African ancestors.Its main utilities are:Audio guide: audio clips that will lead you further in depthintoevery area of the exhibition by way of aneducational,easy-to-understand narrative.Map: an interactive tour of the exhibition, so you candiscoverall the important points within the museum's facilitiesandpermanent exhibition.Quiz: games of interactive quiz questions to test yourknowledgeabout the exhibition.Gallery: collection of images from the exhibition, so youcanshare them with other users of the app or on yoursocialnetworks.
A Packs 2.2.1
Discover the “la Caixa” products andservicesin a totally different, interactive way.This app launch coincides with the creation of the new “laCaixa”A Diagonal office in Barcelona; a nearby, interactive andinnovatingoffice, aimed at backing-up the trust between thebanking entity andits clients.A Diagonal allows you to:• Learn about the advantages and promotions offered with the“laCaixa” products and services.• Find the program that best suits your needs: LKXA,multiEstrellaand Club Ahora.• Discover its services in a fun, interactive way.This app is aimed at those clients who have some of thepacksavailable in A Diagonal.CAIXABANK, SA is the owner of the Application
"la Caixa" for TV 1.0
A personalised app to suit your needs andwhichcombines the “la Caixa” services for TV:- Access to Línea Abierta Móvil: on-line banking formakingenquiries and carrying out operations with your “laCaixa”accounts, cards, shares. Remember that you can use thesamepasswords for Línea Abierta Móvil as the ones for accessingLíneaAbierta on the Internet.- You can edit and select your favourite “la Caixa” apps sothatthey can be accessed directly from the main screen, such asforexample Bolsa Abierta, Puntos Estrella, Cards or ReciBox.- Nearest “la Caixa” office and ATM finder, using currentGPSlocalisation. The offices are displayed on an integrated mapandinformation is given on the main services available and whetherornot it is possible to call the office.And all this, with guaranteed security thankstoCaixaProtect®
iCaixaForum 1.3
iCaixaForum muestra toda la información deloscentros CaixaForum de Madrid y Barcelona: exposicionesprogramadas,agenda de actividades, datos de contacto y acceso alcentro, asícomo la posibilidad de comprar entradas. Se incluyenimágenes,vídeos y audioguías de las exposiciones, actividadesycentros.
CaixaBank Tablet 1.0.6
Download now the free application of CaixaBank on your tablet andaccess a wide variety of services offered by the entity. You willbe able to perform all the usual banking operations with the onlinebank application. What can I do from the CaixaBank app? ✔️ Checkall your products and all the information you need in order tomanage your finances: accounts, cards, receipts, funds, loans,insurance and a long etcetera. ✔️ All contracting options in thesame space. Do you need to request money ?, save money and fulfillyour goals ? Now you can manage your finances comfortably from yourtablet. Main operatives of the application: ACCOUNTS: Check thedetails of all the movements made in your bank accounts in achronological order. CARDS: Check all the movements on your debit,credit and prepaid cards. In addition we have categorized all themovements so that it is easier for you to manage your finances.MONEYBOXES: Set yourself saving objectives. You will be able toperfectly control how much you have saved and how much you haveleft to fulfill your objectives and dreams. DEPOSITS: Request andmanage your fixed term deposits. FUNDS: Find the fund that bestsuits your needs and manage your profitability. LOANS: Choose andmanage loans and mortgages that best suit your needs. INSURANCE:Choose and manage your insurance between "Savings and Investment","Home and Cars" and "Life, Accident and Health". PLANS: Selectthose plans that best suit you. VALUES: Analyze your investments inthe stock market. The online bank app CaixaBank is compatible withAndroid from 4.4. You can find the necessary permissions for theoperation of the application at: CaixaBankNow, take your mobile bank wherever you go andmanage and control all the services of your bank from a singleapplication. Always with the security guaranteed by CaixaProtect®.Caixabank, S.A. is the owner of this mobile banking application.
Leonardo CaixaForum 3
We welcome you to the Leonardo CaixaForum app from theexhibition“Leonardo da Vinci. Observe, Question, Experiment”, aninnovativeexperience provided by ”la Caixa” Foundation and ClosLucé –Leonardo da Vinci. With this app you can observe and interactwithsome of the devices designed by Leonardo da Vinci.Throughaugmented reality, you can experiment, feed your curiosityand meetchallenges.
Voluntarios “la Caixa” 3.0.1
La aplicación Voluntarios de “la Caixa” ofrece a los más de30.000empleados y jubilados del grupo de empresas "la Caixa", asícomosus familiares y amigos, la oportunidad de participarenactividades de voluntariado que mejor se adapten a susinquietudesy posibilidades. A través de la App Voluntarios de “laCaixa”podrás: -Participar en actividades de voluntariado de tuasociación-Recibir noticias destacadas -Ilusionarte conexperiencias que handejado otros voluntarios -Acceder a la páginaweb en la queencontrarás muchas cosas más Desde la Obra Social “laCaixa” teofrecemos la posibilidad de colaborar en estevoluntariadocorporativo y fomentar la solidaridad. ¡Te animamospara que formesparte de Voluntarios de “la Caixa” y poder ayudar apersonas ensituación de necesidad y exclusión social que de otromodo lotendrían más difícil!
CaixaBank Sign - Digital Coordinate Card 1.18.0
With the new mobile application of CaixaBank Sign, in just oneclickyou can confirm your CaixaBank operations from anywhere.FORGET YOURCOORDINATE CARD CaixaBank Sign replaces your currentoperationssignature system (coordinate card), which will becanceled forever.Now you can make a transfer and sign your onlineoperations, fromanywhere with the new Mobile Signature app.CONFIGURE CAIXABANK SIGNIN JUST 3 STEPS Enter your access codes toCaixaBank Now. Validateaccess with your coordinate card oractivation code. Finish theprocess with the key that we will sendyou by SMS. Remember thatyour CaixaBank Now user can only beconfigured on a single mobiledevice. CONFIRMS OPERATIONS FROM THEAPP Confirm your transfers andonline operations from your mobilein an easy, simple and secureway. Once CaixaBank Sign isconfigured, the coordinate card will nolonger be necessary as itwill be disabled. Start your operation inCaixaBank Now Web or APPand confirm with CaixaBank Sign. CONTINUEWITH YOUR OPERATIONS Yourtransaction will be validated and you willbe able to continue withyour CaixaBank online transactions, eitherfrom Línea Abierta Webor Mobile or any of our apps. With CaixaBankSign, the new MobileSignature app to confirm your CaixaBank bankingoperations, saygoodbye to the pin of your coordinate card. Alwayswith thesecurity guaranteed by CaixaProtect®. Caixabank, S.A. isthebanking entity that owns this electronic banking application.
AgroBank - Noticias e información agroalimentaria 3.0.0
Descarga ahora la aplicación gratuita AgroBank para poder accederatodas las noticias del sector agroalimentario, así como alascotizaciones y a los valores de lonjas y mercados de España.Setrata de información relevante para cooperativas y empresariosdela agricultura, la ganadería y la pesca en España, además deparalos consumidores finales. ¿Qué puedo hacer con AgroBank? ✔Leernoticias y conocer la actualidad del sector agroalimentario LaappAgroBank pone a tu disposición información actual y noticiasdelsector primario, ordenadas por categorías, en las que seincluyencambios en las legislación nacional y europea, informaciónacercade la economía agraria y novedades acerca de lossectoresagropecuarios y pesqueros. ✔ Consultar el estado y lascotizacionesde mercados y lonjas AgroBank cuenta con un apartadodedicado enexclusiva a la cotización y a los valores de lonjas ymercados deEspaña. En este apartado se puede ver la evolución delos preciosde cereales, ganado, frutas, hortalizas, productos delsectorpesquero o derivados vitivinícolas. Los datos se actualizanatiempo real y permiten hacer un seguimiento de la evolución delosprecios de mercado. Información agroalimentaria paraprofesionalesAgroBank es una app enfocada a empresarios delsectoragroalimentario (ganadería, pesca y agricultura), con laqueconsultar noticias y novedades relacionadas con laeconomíaagraria, mercados mayoristas, lonjas españolas, ecologíaymedioambiente. Descarga gratis AgroBank, la aplicacióndeCaixaBank, con la que estar informado en tiempo realsobreagricultura, ganadería, empresas del sectoragroalimentario,política agraria e industria agroalimentaria. ConAgroBank deCaixaBank no tienes excusa para no estar al día ennoticiasrelativas a tu sector.
imaginKids to learn in family 1.19.0
Learn to care for the planet and your savings with challenges,games and videos
imaginTeens - Prepaid card for teenagers
imaginTeens, the financial app before you turn 18. imaginTeens isafinancial app with which you will be able to start managingyourmoney directly from your phone, receive your pocket money, askformoney to your father or mother, have your own credit card tobuywhen and where you want. It will also help you to save bit bybitto achieve your goals. Your parents will be able to handlethefinancial part from the CaixaBank app and thus help youachieveyour objectives. What does the ImaginTeens app offers? Knowyourbalance and control what you spend and how you spend your moneyasyour transactions are automatically grouped by categories sothatyou can consult them quickly. 💸 Ask for money and receiveitinstantaneously Through the option “Ask for cash”, your willbeable to ask for money to your parents or your friends andreceivethe money instantly, without waiting and when you need it.💰Indicate your own saving objectives It will help you to getthemoney you need for what you decide to save. Achieve it bysavinglittle by little and with your family’s help. 🤑 Receive yourpocketmoney through the app Your parents will be able to choosetheamount of your pocket money and when you receive it. You willseein the app how many days there are left until your receive it.Benice as they will also be able to decide not to give it to youifthey want! 🗞️ Non-financial content The visual andinteractivecontent is updated every week and contains informationabout news,finance and humor. You will be able to learn ways tosave money andachieve your indicated saving goals. 📲 Exclusiveplans for you!Discover our section full of offers and exclusivevirtual discountsfor teenagers that you will only be able to accessthroughimaginTeens and that you will be able to enjoy with yourfamily andfriends. Payment options 📱Mobile payment Buy where yourwant andpay with your phone. Experiment the freedom to buy onlineor in thestore you wish and pay directly from your phone with yourvirtualcredit card. 💳 Prepaid card If you are 16 or 17, you will beableto have a real prepaid card for yourself with a maximum of 250€forits annual refill, with the possibility to extend it to 5.000€.Ifyou are not old enough yet, you can ask your parents to get youtheprepaid card through the Caixabank app. You will receive thecreditcard within a maximum of 15 days. One you have it, activateitthrough the app and start to buy where and when you want.Parentalcontrol Your father or your mother will initiate theprocessthrough the CaixaBank app and will be able to manage themainfinances of your teen account. It is necessary to have thesupportand authorization from your parents or guardians for minorsof 12to 14 years old. App access Access the app with the accesskeysthat your father/mother or legal guardian gave you. If youdon’thave the access keys, you can join imaginTeens yourselfbyinserting your name, surname, phone number, user and password.Youare still not part of imaginTeens?
imaginKids to learn in family 1.19.0
Learn to care for the planet and your savings with challenges,games and videos