CKC-Net Apps

Pronozeo, pari sportif gratuit 2.0.14
Pronozeo, paris sportifs gratuitsfootballPronozeo, l'application mobile qui vous aide à réalisergratuitement vos pronostics de foot sur mobiles &tablettes.A chaque fois que vous validez des grilles sur l'application, vousgagnez des points si les côtes et/ou résultats sont justes.A la fin du mois, le premier du classement remportera un véritablemaillot de Ligue 1, porté par le joueur et de très beaux cadeauxpour les autres gagnants !Un nombre surprenant d’utilisateurs, qui grandit tous les jours, cequi atteste d'un intérêt prononcé pour cette application et sesvaleurs !Sa volonté est de partager sans limite, la passion du football etréaliser de nombreuses actions pour les enfants malades, venir enaide aux personnes dans le besoin et soutenir les clubs amateurs defootball, qui tiennent à cœur a son ambassadeur Eric Bauthéac!!!Cette merveilleuse idée est née suite à un constat d’un utilisateuraverti «Eric Bauthéac».«De très nombreuses applications existent dans l’univers du foot,mais aucune ne proposait un tel service et autant degénérosité.J'ai donc souhaité mettre en place cette application et tous lessupports pour nous permettre de partager la passion du foot quinous anime quotidiennement.Le but est de récompenser les utilisateurs en leur offrant chaquemois des cadeaux uniques tels que des maillots portés par desjoueurs et plein d’autres beaux cadeaux.Puis étant très investi depuis de nombreuses années dans desactions humanitaires, je souhaite à travers Pronozeo, créer denombreuses dynamiques supplémentaires pour me permettre d’apporterencore plus mon soutien.Je suis très heureux d’être l'ambassadeur de ce concept et jecompte sur votre générosité pour nous soutenir dans nosvolontés».Vivez le FOOT à 100% entre amis et tentez de remporter des cadeauxuniques.Vous en apprécierez en quelques secondes toutes les fonctionnalitéset vous profiterez pleinement de tous ses avantages.Alors n’attendez plus ! Installez dès maintenant notre application!Pronozeo, free sportsparis soccerPronozeo, the mobile application that helps you realize your freesoccer predictions about mobile & tablets.Whenever you post grids on the application, you earn points wherethe coastline and / or results are fair.At the end of the month, the first ranking win a real Ligue 1jersey worn by the player and great gifts for other winners!A surprising number of users, which grows every day, whichdemonstrates a strong interest in this application and itsvalues!His will is to share without limit, football passion and a lot ofactions for sick children, help the needy and support amateurfootball clubs that take to heart has its ambassador Eric Bauthéac!!!This wonderful idea was born following the finding of an informeduser "Eric Bauthéac"."Numerous applications exist in the world of football, but noneoffered such a service and so generously.So I wanted to set up this app and all the supports for allowing usto share the passion of football that inspires us daily.The goal is to reward users by offering monthly unique gifts suchas shirts worn by players and many other gifts.Can be very invested for many years in humanitarian activities, Iwish through Pronozeo, create many additional dynamic to allow meto bring even more my support.I am very happy to be the ambassador of this concept and I count onyour generosity to support us in our wills. "Experience the 100% FOOT friends and try to win unique gifts.You will appreciate in seconds all the features and you will enjoyall its benefits.So do not wait! Install now our app!
Del Monte ® Kids 1.2
Welcome to the Del Monte® Kids application!Dedicated to children, this app contains:- A fruity card matching game with several difficulty levels. Theprinciple is simple: Flip the cards to reveal a matching pair! Inthe "Difficult" level, you are set against a timer and the numberof cards increases at each stage for even more excitement! Bewareyou only have 3 lives!- The "Constructions" part is dedicated to a world of bricks toassemble! Collect the caps from your Del Monte® Squeezie and followthe steps to recreate your favourite structure, or build yourown!With the application Del Monte® Kids, children can improve theirmemory skills and develop their imagination through the caps'constructions.
Monaco Yacht Show 3.5
The Monaco Yacht Show is the world’s leading event insuperyachting. Set in the iconic Port Hercules of Monaco since1991, the MYS is the only occasion in the year to visit andpurchase 125 extraordinary one-off superyachts built by the world’sgreatest shipyards. 580 leading luxury yachting exhibitors: thetrendiest superyacht builders, yacht designers and suppliers, thetop brokerage houses and all luxury markets linked to the ultimatelifestyle of superyachting: water toys, private jets, helicopters,prestige cars. Designed to be your best guide to visit the MYS, theofficial App is made user-friendly and functional. Available inFrench and English versions. Enjoy the Monaco Yacht Show with itssimplified and functional application for a better visitexperience. Available in English and French. 1.0.18
Sell, Buy and Rent between individuals on app! No realestate commission! Thanks to, enjoy a variety ofinnovative and exclusives functionalities: - Automatic tracking ofproperties on sale around you / - Results displays by map or list -Results filtering according to your needs/criteria. - High QualityHD Photos and virtual visit in full screen - Very detailed adsorganised by tabs (including caracteristics, price, 2D and 3D view)- Direct access to the owner details - Possibility to addproperties in your favorites. Thanks to, enjoy avariety of innovative and exclusives functionalities: - Step in theproperty and discover homes in every detail. - Track properties onsale around you thanks to our automatic tracking - See your resultsusing a map or a list. - Filter your results according to yourneeds - Step in the property with our virtual visit and seeeverything you want. - Discover everything you need to know aboutthe property organised by tabs (including caracteristics, price, 2Dand 3D view) - Access directly to the owner details - Add and saveproperties in your favorites Looking to sell a property? For Seller: offers a personalized assistance for your saleproject and make it easy to make the sale. Our coachestake care of presenting and broadcasting your real estate so thatyou can sell without any commission, through different services: -Multiple broadcasting (48 different websites within and outsideFrance) - 2D et 3D plans (view) - Geo-tracking - HD Photos - 360°Visit - Home Staging - Supply and installation of “Individual sell”sign - Interactive map - Aerial views - Creation and printing ofmagazines and flyers - 3D design - Premium on our broadcastingplatforms About is a marketing estateagency helping individuals to sell their property. isnot a real estate agency. There is no commission but a service forindividuals 100% free for the buyer. All properties are presents bythe owner and at a net sales price.
Helssy 1.0.0
Helssy est la première messagerie médicale sécurisée et dotéed’uneintelligence parfaite, permettant à vos patients decommuniqueravec vous, tout en respectant vos consignes etinstructions. Lamessagerie Helssy vous permet aussi d’échanger avecl’ensemble desprofessionnels de santé en toute sécurité. Helssy estnée d’unconcentré de 19 ans d’expérience dans le secrétariatmédical !Basée sur une analyse comportementale de plus de 10millions demessages entre praticiens et patients, Helssy varévolutionnervotre façon de communiquer : que ce soit avec vospatients, vosconfrères ou encore votre secrétariat. (interne ouexterne). Stopaux échanges multiples pour une seule réponse !
KRSR 2019 1.7.1
The most exclusive superyacht event in Asia at Kata Rocks, Phuket,Thailand.
Go2: réservation et livraison 1.2.2
Thanks to GO2, your meal has never been so quick and easy!