EM 2012 Creator (Euro 2012) 1.0.5
Your Creative Tool for the 2012EuropeanFootball Championship (Euro 2012). Supported languages:English,German, French, Spanish, Italian, RussianPlay out your own championship by putting in whatever resultsyouwant. Or bet against your friends and football experts. Findout whogets through to the knock-out round, what the results areand whogets knocked out early.Here it’s you who decides who wins the Championship!And if you want to know the real live results, the EM2012Creator just downloads it straight onto your smartphone withasingle click.Functions:• Show teams matched for preliminary rounds, quarter finals andthefinal• Enter in your own results or the real results• Real-time display of the preliminary round table afterenteringresults• Download the real results online• Languages: English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, RussianAnd additionally. In the PRO version:Put your tips online:Put your tips online straight from your phone and show everyonethatyou were the first to bet on the new European Champions.PDF Game Chart:You can also create your own personal European FootballChampionshipchart with the results you betted on as a PDF. Let theapp fill inyour own results and choose your own great design for apersonaltouch.Audio:And for that real stadium feeling at home, the app has aterrificfootball soundtrack