C0br4Softworks Apps

tinyPlayer RC44
tinyPlayer is a smart and lightweight music, audio book, podcastand streaming player with file and folder based navigation and notthrough broken or missing audio metadata tags. This app can alsoplay every format of audio streams that are supported by androidwhere other apps have problems. It is super small but withoutlacking any features you would expect. If you don't like bloatware,this is for you.+ navigate through folders+ organize your files in playlists+ jumping to specific time (nice to have for audio books andpodcasts)+ save "audio bookmarks" (file @ audio position)+ podcast feed parser with support for RSS, XML and Podlove SimpleChapters (psc)+ play and bookmark audio streams (internet radio)(many already included (Digitally Imported di.fm, sky.fm, soma.fm,...)+ file operations (delete, copy, move, rename, make dir)+ view media file metadata+ simple lightweight player widgets+ Repeat-AB mode+ player appearance customisation+ Last.fm / Libre.fm scrobbling support (through ASLS)+ AD FREE!The Android robot is reproduced or modified from work created andshared by Google and used according to terms described in theCreative Commons 3.0 Attribution License.
Schuldenuhr 1.2
Eine originale Nachbildung der wohlbekannteste Schuldenuhr Deutschlands an der Eingangstür zum Bundder Steuerzahler Deutschland e.V., die die aktuelle Staatschuldengenau anzeigt als Android App.Jetzt auch mit weiteren interessanten Statistiken.Die App benötigt nicht zwingend eine Internetverbindung, aberdas steigert die Genauigkeit dramatisch.(Diese App ist in keiner offiziellen Verbindung mit dem Bund derSteuerzahler e.V., auch wenn wir deren Arbeit hervorragend finden -Weniger Verschwendung öffentlicher Mittel!)tags: bund der steuerzahler steuern steuer schulden haushaltdefizit schuldenuhr uhr friedrichstraße französische str staatbankrok deutschland berlin staatsverschuldung schäuble merkeldeutschland berlin BdSt euro germany german dept clock finanzminister bundes finanzhof statistisches bundesamt bundes amtlandesamt landes amt
Whack a Robot 3D 0.8
an early beta version of a Open GL ESbasedwhack a mole like game
Phone Home Bug Report version
This is an app that sends a Bug Report tome.This really helps to identify problems you might have withmyapps.
tinyPlayer is a smart and lightweight musicandaudio book / podcast player with file / folder based navigationandnot through broken or missing audio metadata tags. This app canalsoplay every format of audio streams that are supported byandroidwhere other apps have problems. It is super small butwithoutlacking any features you would expect. If you don't likebloatware,this is for you.+navigate through folders+organize files in playlists+jumping to specific time (good for audio book /podcastlisteners)+save bookmarks (file @ position)+play and bookmark audio streams (internet radio)(Digitally Imported di.fm included, more to come)+view media file metadata+player widgets+file operations (delete, copy, move, rename, make dir)+player customization+Last.fm / Libre.fm scrobbling support (through SLS)+ad free!(for languages other than English and German, the descriptionisauto translated, sorry if it sounds weird)The Android robot is reproduced or modified from work createdandshared by Google and used according to terms described intheCreative Commons 3.0 Attribution License.
Cam Weapons 3D prealpha
App that enables you to shoot guys inyourcamera. Gun sounds are recorded at a real weapon range.Moredetailed descriptions will followMore weapons will come very soon :) including Sniperz,RocketLunchers and moar infantry weaponryIf you want to see a specific weapon, email me :)I know i shouldn't release the app in this state becausemanyfeatures are missing and everything is kind of ugly, but i havetofinish the engine first and care about the cosmetics later(somefeatures to name only a few: reload animations, augmentedrealitytargets to kill for your pleasure, accessoirs likemountedflashlights or laser aim,...)Please don't rate 1 star, the models will look much morenicethen now and the graphics from the buttons and so on will bemorepolished. Don't download this if you expect a fully fledgedAAAgame.Weapons included:+AK47+M4A1+HK MP5BTW, this is not me in the screenshot below ;)