Buus Apps

Media Transport Planner - TM 2.0
Rio2016 Olympic Games will count with thefirst mobile application exclusive for the TM Transport System.Now, Media clients will be able to plan their travel whenever theyare and wherever they want!
Athletes Transport App - TA 2.0
Rio2016 Olympic Games will count with thefirst mobile application exclusive for the TA Transport System.Now, Athletes will be able to plan their travel whenever they areand wherever they want!
Buus 3.0
Saiba onde seu ônibus está e quando elevaichegar no seu ponto!O Buus é o app para Transporte Público das cidades do RiodeJaneiro e São Paulo. Ele contém todas as informações sobrealocalização dos ônibus via GPS, os pontos de parada eitineráriosdas linhas.Não fique mais esperando no ponto de ônibus. Antes de saircasa,veja se se ônibus está chegando ou não.Know where your bus isandwhen it will arrive at its point!The Buus is the app for public transport in the cities of RiodeJaneiro and São Paulo. It contains all the information aboutthelocation of the GPS route bus, the bus stops and routesoflines.Do not get over waiting at the bus stop. Before leavinghome,check whether the bus is coming or not.
POA Mobilidade 1.1.0
[Beta] Transporte sob demanda paraPrefeiturade Porto Alegre[Beta] Transport demandtoPorto Alegre Prefecture
Motorista Transporte da Empres 3.3.0
Application for the 'Driver' of the 'Transport of the Company'
BusPort a Bordo 2.5.0
BusPort passenger's app with all transportation information.
Transporte da Empresa 3.1.2
For passengers to accompany buses, vans or transportation servicecars