BookChor Apps

BookChor - Buy|Sell Used Books 3.0.8
At Book chor, we believe that books are ourbest friends and more importantly, friends for life. Bookchorbelieves that everyone who reads a particular book or used books,contributes something to the understanding of the book. It is thesecontributions which we aim to bring together on our platform wherenow you can buy and sell your used books, thus sharing andreceiving a part of the love, memories, moments and happiness thebook has brought it in your life.App Features:BuyAt book chor, we host used & new books ranging from academicstreams like medical and engineering to cookery and baking books.Bookchor allows you to buy and sell any used or new book youlike!Book chor believes everyone can make use of books, and an old |used | secondhand book has a different charm and character, thanthe new book. So come up and be a part of this culture whereliterally and figuratively both, books are our best friends andhappiness doubles when sharedEarn with BookChorWish to earn some cash for your pocket money, just list your old |used | secondhand used books for free and get in touch with thebuyers interested in buying from you.You can also help us promote the app by using your referral code inthe newly downloaded BookChor app in devices other than yours toearn every 2.5% of the amount paid from the device which has yourreferral code.Request a BookWhat’s more, if you cant find a book on our website, simply requesta used or new book and allow us to have it arranged for you at thebest possible price!DonateThink for a moment how books have impacted your life. Everythingfrom textbooks to dictionaries to the latest best-seller to amagazine you grabbed as you boarded a plane. Now imagine neverhaving had any of those things. All of these forms of text helpedyou imagine, grow and see a bigger world. They helped you to learn,and made you the person you are today.Donate a used book today and with your help, Book Chor will doeverything we can to help make India's neediest communitiesstronger.Schedule a Bookfair:For questions regarding our products, programs, partnerships, orgeneral questions about Book Fairs, please write to us [email protected] and a member of our team will contact youshortly.You can expect huge collection of best quality old | used |secondhand books with best price.