BizChat Apps

BizChat: Team Communication and Collaboration 1.6.4
BizChat is a team communication and collaboration platform builtforyour entire organization, whether large or small. It helpsteams andorganizations modernize and simplify their communicationand rallyaround the only communication tool that they really need.BizChat isunlike any other business communication and messagingplatformbecause it is centered around all your people and teamsand hasbuilt-in collaboration tools to help you turn conversationsintoaction, cut through the day’s chaos, and be more productive.BizChatis built for teams, but with your entire organization inmind. Withthe Employee Directory and easy all-employee and teamonboarding,you can easily setup and organize your teams andconversations bydepartment, product, location, project, or howeveryou want tofacilitate the way your organization works. Here arereasons why ourcustomers use BizChat: • Communicate moreefficiently andeffectively • Break down communication silos • Relyless on emailsand meetings • Find and share information moreeasily • Turnconversations into more action • Increase team andbusinessproductivity With BizChat, you can: • FREE – Get all ofthe belowand more for free • Group Chat, Direct Message, FileSharing, PhoneCalls – Bring all your communication in oneorganized place •Employee Directory – Bring your teams,departments, and communitiesof interest together to break downcommunication silos • Tasks –Turn your conversations directly intoactionable tasks • Today – Geta snapshot view of messages, tasks,and other important items thatneed your attention • Mobile andDesktop App – Switch from desktopto mobile and stay connectedwherever you go • Security – Keep andprotect your communication,knowledge, and ideas in one secure placeBizChat is a better wayfor teams and organizations to communicate,collaborate, and bemore productive. Get started with BizChat today– it’s free! Visitus to learn more at: