Belarc Apps

Belarc Security Advisor
*** News: Thousands of Android apps fail tovalidate SSL certificates ***US CERT has recently identified about 3,400 Android apps to datethat do not properly validate SSL certificates, leaving them opento Man in the Middle (MITM) attacks. Possible outcomes arecredential stealing or arbitrary code generation. Use the BelarcSecurity Advisor to automatically check to see if you have any ofthese vulnerable apps._________________________________________________________________________________Move into the 21st century of computer security. Signature basedmethods such as anti-virus, anti-malware, and anti-spyware offeredgood enough security in the past, but today many attacks are notstopped by these methods. One reason is because the threats changefaster than the anti-virus or malware signatures can be updated.Security experts say that the best way to achieve security is tomake sure your installed apps and operating system are notvulnerable to attacks or malicious software.Belarc's Security Advisor does this by automatically checkingyour Android tablet or phone for thousands of securityvulnerabilities in both the operating system and installed apps,and gives you the result in seconds as to which ones are vulnerableand need to be updated. The Security Advisor also works with allother security apps such as anti-virus and anti-malware apps.For more information see
BelMonitor Client
This BelMonitor client works with a licensed BelManage server tohelp manage Android devices. This app is only useful with alicensed BelManage server, when installed after that server isfully configured. Belarc's cloud architecture allows users tosimplify and automate the management of all of their mobiledevices, desktops, servers and laptops throughout the world, usinga single database and Intranet server. BelManage automaticallycreates an accurate and up-to-date central repository (CMDB),consisting of detailed software, hardware, and securityconfigurations.