Babykennis Apps

Parents2B 1.1.1
You are having a baby! Pregnancy means thatyou are up for a big transition in your life. Not only practicalchanges will occur, you will also go through emotional changes.Major life transitions, such as pregnancy, are important andrequire attention and a good preparation.Most programs that aim to prepare expecting couples forparenthood, concentrate on physical aspects of pregnancy, labourand baby care. Physical health is obviously very important andshould be rewarded with your attention. There is however anothertype of health that is equally important: emotional health.Parents2B focuses on the emotional health of you, your partnerand your baby. Emotional health is about being happy, resilient,self-confident and self-aware. In short: emotional health isimportant to feel good in life. Parents have a crucial task insupporting the healthy emotional development of their children.Parents2B can support you in fulfilling this task.The Parents2B App is the only app that is specifically aimed tohelp you and your partner prepare for the emotional challenges allnew parents have to face: building and maintaining a goodrelationship with your baby and with each other in your new role asparents. Many new parents have to get used to parenthood.Scientific evidence shows that a good preparation can help you toease the transition, resulting in a good start for your newfamily.The information in this app is based on scientific insights.This app will give you:- Information on psychological aspects of pregnancy- Information on baby- and child psychology- Specific questions that help you to be aware of the emotionalstate that you are in- Interviews with parents (to be)- Film clips and tips on interaction with babies- Tips on childrearing- Tips on communication with your partner- Exercises to connect to your baby- A mindfulness exercise, to make time for yourself- A reminder, to help remind you to discuss important topics withyour partnerIn order to get acquainted Parents2B can be downloaded for free.The upgrade to the full program requires a one-time payment. Thefull program gives you more important themes to think about anddiscuss with your partner, more useful video clips and moreexercises to connect to your baby. It will give you all theinformation you need to make sure that you, your partner and yourbaby will make a good transition to this new life. You can followthis program whenever the timing is right for you. Following theentire program will take up approximately 10 minutes of your timeevery week.DeveloperParents2B is developed by Babykennis, a professional organisationthat is specialised in pregnancy- and infant psychology. Babykennisaims to promote the emotional wellbeing of babies and theirparents.