Fishing Journal
Fishing Journal is an application that letsyou record your trophies fisheries.Instead of keeping all on paper, now all will be constantly withyou on your mobile phone.With fishing log, taken with you anywhere your photographstaken, no need to remember the location, size, and otherinformation ... Your mobile phone will keep this for you with theinformation you have entered more.Fishing Journal is designed for fishermenIt takes into account all comments,no internet connection is required,the application retrieves your GPS coordinates, and allows you totake photographs,all your shots will always stay with you,This application is free and contains no advertising,Keep on your phone:  fish caught - the name, weight, size, ...  the fishing hole - using GPS or a map;  the date and time of fishing;  weather conditions;  l`amorce, gear and fishing techniques.All your files and photos are stored on your phone no data onthe internet ....To use this application, you must have the followingpermissions:  GPS - to identify and record the coordinates;  Internet - to work with Google Maps;  Camera - to receive and store your images;  Bluetooth - for a future version of the application signedin to your peaches sensors.Install Fishing Journal!
Ski is an Android application for trackingyour movements on the slopes this season.Just press the 'GO' button, place your phone in your pocket.Ski & Located saves your days, distances and track yourroute.Always dreamed of knowing your speed, altitude, distance andpath of your career on track?It is now possible.With this new application, you can record your performanceskiing, snowboarding, cross-country skiing.Or, you just want to record one of your trips, horseback, onfoot, running, .... other sport.View statistics on the go, save, send by email your performance(photography and export a csv file (xls) containing 100% of yourcourse.The information your phone retrieves are in real time.Ski & Located:- Accompanies you where you go, a problem when one of yourmountain route, please dial 112. find the application instructionsto get you safely and some setpoints,- Can be used for a lot of sports ...- Fun, well made, easy to use and give the sought service haveits perf Max and possibly the route taken,- The application keeps your longest course and the data are notI lost,- Do not work without GPS- Continued use of GPS running in the background candramatically decrease battery life.install Ski
Carnet de pêche
Carnet de pêche est une application de voshistoriques, de moments de pêche.Vous allez pourvoir enregistrer vos trophées de pêche !Cette application, n'est pas connecté sur internet, ni sur aucunréseau sociaux, tous les éléments que vous allez y mettre ne serontqu'à vous.Vous avez déniché un bon coin de pêche, personne ne le sera,hormis vous.Carnet de pêche permet d'enregistrer les prises, mais surtoutles sorties:- C'est à dire, pouvoir enregistrer dates et heures (une durée enfait: de telle heure à telle heure),- un lieu (éventuellement catégorie: mer, rivière,fleuve, lac maissurtout le nom du lieu) ,- les prises (espèces, taille en cm),- les ratés et décrochés et- la technique (mouche, leurre, vif, appâts naturels...)Vous avez l’accès à l'ensemble des paramètres, vous pourrezmodifier, ajouter :- des nouvelles catégories,- des nouvelles espèces,- définir les types de prises,- et technique de pêches.Carnet de pêche est conçu pour les pêcheurs.Il prend en compte tous les commentaires et permet de prendre oud'ajouter des photographies,toutes vos captures resteront toujours avec vous,cette application est gratuite,Tous vos dossiers et les photos sont stockées sur votretéléphone aucune données sur internetPour utiliser cette application, il faut avoir les autorisationssuivantes :- GPS - pour déterminer et enregistrer les coordonnées; rienn'est fournis à une tiers personne.- Internet - pour travailler avec des cartes Google;- Appareil photo - pour stocker vos images;Installez Carnet de Pêche !Logbook is an applicationof your history, fishing times.You will fill save your fishing trophies!This application is not connected to the internet or on anysocial network, all the items you will only put you.You've found a good fishing spot, no one will, except you.Logbook to record catch, but especially the outputs:             -That is, to record dates and times (actually a term: in such hourto such)             -A place (possibly Category: sea, river, lake and especially thename of the place)             -Catches (species, height in cm)             -Misfires and unhooked and             -Technical (fly, lure, vivid, natural baits ...)You have access to all the settings you can modify, add:             -New categories,             -New species,             -Define the types of outlets,             -Technical and fisheries.Logbook is designed for fishermen.It takes into account all the comments and allows you to take oradd photographs,all your shots will always stay with you,This application is free,All your files and photos are stored on your phone no data onthe internetTo use this application, you must have the followingpermissions:            -GPS - to identify and record the coordinates; nothing is providedto a third person.            -Internet - to work with Google Maps;            -Camera - to store your images;Install Fishing book!
SPORTS est une application Android de suividevos déplacements sur les pentes, chemins en toutes saisons.Il suffit d'appuyer sur le bouton 'GO', mettez votretéléphonedans votre poche, ou le fixer au cadre de votrevélo...SPORTS enregistre vos performances, les distances et le suivivosparcours, restitué ensuite sur une google MapVous avez toujours rêvé de connaître votre vitesse,l'altitude,la distance et le chemin de votre parcours sur leschemins ?C'est désormais possible.Grâce à cette nouvelle application, vous pourrez enregistrervosperformances en sport, vtt, courses .... .Ou, vous désirez simplement enregistrer l'un de vosdéplacements,à cheval, à pied, en running, .... autre sport.Visualiser les statistiques de vos déplacements,sauvegarder,envoyer vos performances par mail (photographie etexportation d'unfichier csv(xls), contenant 100 % de votreparcours.Les informations que votre téléphone récupère sont entempsréel.SPORTS :- Vous accompagne où vous irez, un problème lors de l'un devosparcours en montagne, appelez directement le 112. retrouvezdansl'application les consignes pour vous mettre en sécuritéetquelques points de consignes,- Peux être utilisé pour un tas de sport...- Fun, bien faite, facile à utiliser et rends le servicecherché,avoir ses perf Max et éventuellement le tracéeffectué,- L'application garde vos parcours le plus long et les donnéesnesont j'ai perdu,- Ne fonctionne pas sans GPS,- L'utilisation continue du GPS en tâche de fond peutréduireconsidérablement la vie de la batterie.Installez SPORTSSPORTS is anAndroidapplication for tracking your movements on the slopes,trails inall seasons.Just press the 'GO' button, place your phone in your pocket,orattach it to your bike frame ...SPORTS records your performance, distances and track yourroute,then returned on a Google MapAlways dreamed of knowing your speed, altitude, distance andpathof your journey on the roads?It is now possible.With this new application, you can record your performanceinsports, mountain biking, shopping .....Or, you just want to record one of your trips, horseback,onfoot, running, .... other sport.View statistics on the go, save, send by email yourperformance(photography and export a csv file (xls) containing 100%of yourcourse.The information your phone retrieves are in real time.SPORTS:- Accompanies you where you go, a problem when one ofyourmountain route, please dial 112. find the applicationinstructionsto get you safely and some setpoints,- Can be used for a lot of sports ...- Fun, well made, easy to use and give the sought servicehaveits perf Max and possibly the route taken,- The application keeps your longest course and the data arenotI lost,- Do not work without GPS- Continued use of GPS running in the background candramaticallydecrease battery life.Install SPORTS
Paintball is an application that letsyourecord your games of paintball.Instead of keeping all on paper, now all will be constantly withyouon your mobile phone.With Paintball, taken with you anywhere your party photos,needlessto remember the location, and other information ... Yourmobilephone will keep this for you with the information you haveenteredmore.Paintball is designed for pro gamers or beginners,It takes into account all comments,no internet connection is required,the application retrieves your GPS coordinates, and allows youtotake photographs,all your games will always be with you,This application is free and contains no advertising,All your files and photos are stored on your phone no data ontheinternet ....To use this application, you must have thefollowingpermissions:GPS - to identify and record the coordinates;Internet - to work with Google Maps;Camera - to receive and store your images;Bluetooth - for a future version of the application is connectedtoyour launchers.Install Paintball!