BJP Apps

BJP Prashikshan Mahabhiyan 0.7
This application, "BJP Prashikshan Mahabhiyan"is an application for registration of delegates for BJP TrainingCamps. All those who are attending the training program of BJP canbe registered through this App. Kindly contact yourState/District/Mandal coordinator to participate in the trainingprogram and to be registered through this application for thePrashikshan Mahabhiyan.BJP Coordinators making registration of the delegates throughthis APP may obtain the PASSCODE from the "State/ District BJP ITCell" in-charge.HOW TO USE THIS APP?-------------------------------------Step 1: Install this App on your tablet or large-screen mobilephoneStep 2: Run the App & enter the ‘PASSKEY’ obtained from your ITCell co-ordinator to access this App. The State Coordinators havealready been sent the ‘PASSKEY’ for each State.Step 3: Click – Select ‘Training Level Type’ and enter the type oftraining, i.e. State/ District/ Mandal. Select your State –District – Mandal from the drop down list. In case of State levelworkshop only State is to be selected. For District level – bothState & District have to be selected and for Mandal levelState- District-Mandal has to be selected.Step 4: Registration Form will automatically open on clicking‘SAVE’ button – otherwise, click ‘Participant Registration’Tab.Step 5: Add every participants detail in the form – Tap on thePicture icon to click picture of each participant (This field iscompulsory). Once the form is complete – click ‘Submit.’Step 6: Do this for all the participants registered for thetraining. You may install this application on 3-4 Tablets orMobiles to make the registration process faster.UPLOADING PICTURES THROUGH THE APP-------------------------------------Step 1: Click – Select ‘Training Level Type’ and enter the typeof training, i.e. State/ District/ Mandal. Select your State –District – Mandal from the drop down list.Step 2: Click ‘Upload Camp Photos’. Click ‘Choose Images’ – thebutton at bottom left.Step 3: Your Phone’s/ Tablet Picture Gallery will open. You canselect up-to four images of that particular training camp. Selectfour best pictures – after selection of images you will come backon Camp Images screen – click ‘Done.’ Pictures would be sent to BJPHO. Kindly note that a maximum of 4 pictures can be sent for eachtraining camp.NOTE: The pictures/images you want to send must be in yourphone’s/ tablet Picture Gallery.