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Tonos de Chespirito 1.0
Chespirito, hijo de la secretaria bilingüeElsa Bolaños Cacho y del pintor, dibujante e ilustrador FranciscoGómez Linares, Roberto fue el segundo de tres hermanos (Francisco yHoracio fueron los otros dos). Antes de convertirse en actor, fueboxeador principiante. También realizó gran parte de la carrera deIngeniería en la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, peronunca se graduó, ni ejerció la profesión. Casado desde 2004 conFlorinda Meza quien interpretó a doña Florinda en el Chavo delOcho, después de una larga relación amorosa.Inició su carrera como creativo publicitario, lo que lo conectócon la radio y la televisión, en la cual fue, durante la década de1950, un muy activo guionista. También hizo varios guiones depelículas para el dúo Viruta y Capulina y se inició fugazmente comoactor con ellos en Dos Criados Malcriados, en 1960. Sin embargo,siguió dedicando la mayor parte de su tiempo a escribir,contribuyendo con diálogos para guiones de películas y programas dela televisión mexicana.Su nombre profesional Chespirito, se debe al directorcinematográfico Agustín P. Delgado, derivado del diminutivo de lapronunciación españolizada del nombre William Shakespeare , debidoa la estatura de Gómez Bolaños y por el talento de este paraescribir historias que asemejaba a las de Shakespeare.EL DOCTOR CHAPATÍN (1968-1995)Uno de los primeros personajes en ser creados por don Roberto.Hizo su primera aparición en 1968 con los "Super Genios de la MesaCuadrada y formó parte de Chespirito en todas sus temporadas. Esuno de los más queridos por el público por su carácter muyespecial.CHESPIRITO (1968-1995)Aunque no es estrictamente un personaje fijo, Chespirito nos hamostrado performances tan variadas como geniales. No podemos pasarpor alto ni negar que gracias a estas interpretaciones hemosaprendido mucho de historia, arte y música.CHARLES CHAPLIN (1970-1994)Cómo olvidar la emulación de uno de los más grandes comediantesde la historia del cine. Chespirito rinde de esta manera un tributoa quien es uno de sus comediantes favoritos y a quien considera unmaestro. Sin embargo, con los años el alumno logró superar almaestro Chaplin.EL CHAPULÍN COLORADO (1970-1993)Inicialmente sería de color verde, mas por cuestionestecnológicas, el destino quiso que sea colorado. Este superhéroelatinoamericano ha dejado más huella que ningún otro a nivelmundial. Es el personaje de televisión favorito de Homero Simpson,y de nosotros también.EL CHAVO DEL OCHO (1971-1992)Sin duda el personaje de don Roberto Gomez que más éxito hatenido y es ya todo un fenómeno al estar vigente en la televisiónpor más de 30 años con el mismo suceso de antaño.Don Ramón, Quico, la Chilindrina, Doña Florinda, el profesorJirafales, Doña Clotilde y el señor Barriga, respectivamenteEL CHÓMPIRAS (1973-1995)Aquiles Esquivel Madrazo, mejor conocido como Chómpiras fue unode los personajes que más impacto causó entre todos los seguidoresde Chespirito por su reinserción a la sociedad luego de pasarmuchos años dedicado al oficio de "caquito" junto a su eterno amigo"el Botija".EL GORDO Y EL FLACO (1974-1993)La magnífica adaptación de los geniales "Laurel y Hardy" mejorconocidos como el Gordo y el Flaco, son una muestra más del humorfino y de la mejor calidad brindado por don Roberto. Demostró atodas las nuevas generaciones que el chiste mudo está más vigenteque nunca.CHAPARRON BONAPARTE (1980-1995)Esta pareja de enfermos mentales o "chifladitos" (léaseChaparrón Bonaparte y Lucas Tañeda) hacen de sus males unadiversión constante y no deja de regalarnos sonrisas con susdesordenadas pero hilarantes conversaciones. Menos a sus pobresvecinos.VICENTE CHAMBÓN (1980-1984)El reportero de "La Chicharra" estuvo con su público por pocastemporadas sin embargo nos regaló capítulos inolvidables.Chespirito, son of Elsabilingual secretary Bolaños Cacho and painter, cartoonist andillustrator Francisco Gomez Linares, Roberto was the second ofthree brothers (Francis and Horace were the other two). Beforebecoming an actor, was a boxer beginner. Also did much of theEngineering in the National University of Mexico, but nevergraduated or practiced law. Married since 2004 with Florinda MezaFlorinda who played Donna on Chavo after a long relationship.He began his career as an advertising creative, which connectedit to the radio and television, which was, during the 1950s a veryactive writer. Also made several film scripts for the duo Chip andCapulina and briefly as an actor started with them Malcriados TwoServants in 1960. However, he continued to devote most of his timeto writing, contributing dialogues and screenplays Mexicantelevision programs.His professional name Chespirito, is due to film directorAugustine P. Delgado, derived from the diminutive of thepronunciation of the name William Shakespeare Peninsularizedbecause Gómez Bolaños's stature and talent to write stories thatresembled those of Shakespeare.Chapatín DOCTOR (1968-1995)One of the first characters to be created by Don Roberto. Hemade his first appearance in 1968 with the "Super Heroes of SquareTable and was part of Chespirito in all seasons.'s One of the mostloved by the public for its special character.CHESPIRITO (1968-1995)Although not strictly a fixed character, has shown Chespiritoperformances as varied as great. We can not overlook or deny thatthanks to these interpretations have learned a lot of history, artand music.CHARLES CHAPLIN (1970-1994)I forget the emulation of one of the greatest comedians in thehistory of cinema. Chespirito thus pays tribute to who is one ofhis favorite comedians and who considered a master. However, overthe years the student overcame the teacher Chaplin.The grasshopper COLORADO (1970-1993)Initially it would be green, but by technological issues, asfate would have it flushed. This superhero Latin American footprinthas left more than any other worldwide. It is the favoritetelevision character Homer Simpson, and we.El Chavo del Ocho (1971-1992)No doubt the character of Don Roberto Gomez that most successfuland is already a phenomenon to be current on television for over 30years with the same old event.Don Ramón, Quico, Chilindrina, Doña Florinda, Professor Jirafales,Doña Clotilde and Mr. Barriga, respectivelyTHE CHOMPIRAS (1973-1995)Aquiles Esquivel Madrazo, better known as Chómpiras was one ofthe most impacting characters from all Chespirito followers fortheir reintegration into society after spending many years devotedto the craft of "Caquito" with his eternal friend "the Botija".THE FAT AND SKINNY (1974-1993)The superb adaptation of the brilliant "Laurel and Hardy" betterknown as the Laurel and Hardy, are another example of the subtlehumor and the best quality provided by Don Roberto. It showed allthe new generations that dumb joke is more relevant than ever.CHAPARRON BONAPARTE (1980-1995)This pair of mentally ill or "chifladitos" (read ChaparrónBonaparte and Luke Taneda) make a fun ills constant and continuesto give us smiles with messy but hilarious conversations. Under hispoor neighbors.VICENTE Chambon (1980-1984)The reporter of "The Buzzer" was with his audience for a fewseasons yet gave us unforgettable chapters.
Poemario de Amor I 1.0
Coleccion de poemas clasicos de amor:Rubén DaríoGustavo A.CastiñeirasAlmafuerteMiguel A. PegueroSan Juan de la CruzFrancisco de QuevedoLuis TaboadaAmado NervoFrancisco Luis BernárdezLuis CernudaAlfredo BufanoJuan Ramón JiménezArturo CapdevilaManuel AcuñaJosé Angel BuesaJacinto BenaventeMario BenedettiJoaquín DicentaSor Juana Inés De La CruzLope de VegaAlfonsina StorniPablo NerudaGustavo A. BécquerCollection of classiclove poems:Ruben DarioGustavo A.CastiñeirasAlmafuerteMiguel A. PegueroSt. John of the CrossFrancisco de QuevedoLuis TaboadaAmado NervoFrancisco Luis BernardezLuis CernudaAlfredo BufanoJuan Ramón JiménezArturo CapdevilaManuel AcuñaJose Angel BuesaJacinto BenaventeMario BenedettiJoaquin DicentaSor Juana Ines De La CruzLope de VegaAlfonsina StorniPablo NerudaGustavo A. Becquer
Phlebotomy 1.0
Waning: You need internet connection to usethis app.This is an entry level view of the course of phlebotomy.We encourage you to assist to a school to learn this beautifulcareer.Phlebotomy HistoryDevices Used for Drawing BloodUniversal Precautions & Biosafety TechniquesInfection PreventionSkin LayersGeneral Structure: Arteries and VeinsOrder Form - Requisition FormLabeling the SampleEquipmentOrder of DrawVenipuncture Site SelectionPerformance of a VenipuncturePerformance of a FingerstickBlood Collection on InfantsAdditional ConsiderationsSafety & Infection ControlProblems Obtaining a SpecimenPatient ComplicationsVenipuncture ProcedureBlood: Samples & CollectionTypes of Blood SamplesCollection TubesCrossmatchesBlood CultureArterial Puncture and more...The resources found on the Phlebotomy App are intended fornon-commercial scholarly research and educational use.
American Citizenship 1.0
American Citizenship vol 1 provides youimportant information to help you to obtain thenaturalization.We had tried to use official information which is provided by theUnited States Citizenship and Immigration Services USCIS.This app contains the following:- 100 Civic Questions Test Mp3 download link.- 100 Civic Questions Test in PDF (English, Spanish, Korean,Chinese, Russian, Vietnamese, Tagalog and Arabic).- 100 Civic Flash Cards.- 100 Civic Questions Test video in Spanish.- Sensitive information to help you during the interview: like UShistory, culture and political structure:Learn through this App what it means to become an Americancitizen.Learn why America is called the land of the freedom.Learn to know and love the United States of North America.Liberty, Equally and Fraternity.
Classical I 1.0
Classical I let you enjoy fragments of themost beautiful classical music of the world.This is the first volume.Rule:Keep your finger on any title to set as a ringtone, notificationsound or alarm sound.
Picasso 1.0
Pablo Ruiz y Picasso, known as Pablo Picasso(Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de losRemedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Ruiz y Picasso; 25October 1881 – 8 April 1973) was a Spanish painter, sculptor,printmaker, ceramicist, and stage designer who spent most of hisadult life in France.As one of the greatest and most influential artists of the 20thcentury, he is known for co-founding the Cubist movement, theinvention of constructed sculpture, the co-invention of collage,and for the wide variety of styles that he helped develop andexplore. Among his most famous works are the proto-Cubist LesDemoiselles d'Avignon (1907), and Guernica (1937), a portrayal ofthe German bombing of Guernica during the Spanish Civil War.Picasso demonstrated extraordinary artistic talent in his earlyyears, painting in a realistic manner through his childhood andadolescence. During the first decade of the 20th century, his stylechanged as he experimented with different theories, techniques, andideas. His revolutionary, artistic accomplishments brought himuniversal renown and immense fortune, making him one of thebest-known figures in 20th-century art.
Classical III 1.0
Classical III let you enjoy fragments of themost beautiful classical music of the world.This is the first volume.Rule:Keep your finger on any title to set as a ringtone, notificationsound or alarm sound.
Oraciones por la Salud 1.0
Estamos atrapados en una corriente de lahistoria que no podemos controlar. Hay un solo poder que puedecambiar el curso de la historia, y es el poder de la oración: laoración de hombres y mujeres que creen en Cristo y reverencian aDios.¡Qué cosa gloriosa sería si millones de nosotros hiciéramos usodel privilegio de orar! Jesucristo murió para hacer que estacomunión y esta comunicación con el Padre fueran posibles. Él nosdijo que hay gozo en el cielo cuando un pecador se aparta delpecado para buscar a Dios y susurra la sencilla oración: “Dios, tenmisericordia de mí, que soy pecador”.La Biblia dice: “Oren sin cesar” (1 Tesalonicenses 5:17). Estedebería ser el lema de todo seguidor de Cristo Jesús. Nunca deje deorar, por oscuro y desesperante que parezca su caso.Estas aplicacion fue creada por Carlos Hernando Aranzazu, parallevar a ustedes un poco de esperanza y desear que el espiritudivino de fortaleza a sus corazones.We are caught in acurrent of history we can not control. There is only one power thatcan change the course of history, and is the power of prayer:prayer of men and women who believe in Christ and revere God.What a glorious thing it would be if millions of us would makeuse of the privilege of praying! Jesus Christ died to make thiscommunion and communication with the Father this were possible. Hetold us that there is joy in heaven over one sinner who departsfrom sin to seek God and whispers the simple prayer: "God, havemercy on me, a sinner".The Bible says, "Pray without ceasing" (1 Thessalonians 5:17).This should be the motto of every follower of Jesus Christ. Neverstop praying, for dark and hopeless it may seem to you.This application was created by Carlos Hernando Aranzazu, tobring you a little hope and wish that the divine spirit of strengthto their hearts.
Botero 1.0
Fernando Botero Angulo (born 19 April 1932) isa figurative artist and sculptor from Medellín, Colombia.His signature style, also known as "Boterismo", depicts people andfigures in large, exaggerated volume, which can represent politicalcriticism or humor, depending on the piece.He is considered the most recognized and quoted living artist fromLatin America, and his art can be found in highly visible placesaround the world, such as Park Avenue in New York City and theChamps Elysées in Paris.Self-titled "the most Colombian of Colombian artists" early on, hecame to national prominence when he won the first prize at theSalón de Artistas Colombianos in 1958.Working most of the year in Paris, in the last three decades he hasachieved international recognition for his paintings, drawings andsculpture, with exhibitions across the world.His art is collected by many major international museums,corporations, and private collectors. In 2012, he received theInternational Sculpture Center's Lifetime Achievement inContemporary Sculpture Award.
Classical II 1.0
Classical II let you enjoy fragments ofthemost beautiful classical music of the world.This is the first volume.Rule:Keep your finger on any title to set as a ringtone,notificationsound or alarm sound.
The Mozart Effect 1.0
In 1993 Rauscher et al.1 made thesurprisingclaim that, after listening to Mozart's sonata for twopianos(K448) for 10 minutes, normal subjects showed significantlybetterspatial reasoning skills than after periods of listeningtorelaxation instructions designed to lower blood pressureorsilence. The mean spatial IQ scores were 8 and 9 pointshigherafter listening to the music than in the othertwoconditions.
Guia para la ciudadania 1.0
Esta aplicacion fue diseñada por JohnChaparroautor de la muy conocida obra "Pirates Island," en unesfuerzo porcolaborar con la comunidad latina, de la cual elorgullosamenteforma parte.Esta aplicacion brinda las 100 preguntas del examen de civicaenformato Mp3. Usted podra tocar el audio e inmediatamente oiralaspreguntas y repuestas. Y para mayor comodidad se ha dispuestodelas 100 preguntas en la seccion "cuestionario."Usted podra leer y oir las preguntas de forma simultanea.Tambien ofrecemos las preguntas traducidas al idioma Ingles.John Chaparro escribio la guia de una manera sencilla, de muyfacillectura. La guia contiene consejos y notas importantes aseguirpara obtener la ciudadania americana.This applicationwasdesigned by John Chaparro well known author of the book"PiratesIsland," in an effort to work with the Latino community,which theproud member.This application provides the 100 civics test questions inMP3format. You may play the audio and immediately will hearthequestions and answers. For user convenience is provided of the100questions in the section "questionnaire."You may read and hear the questions simultaneously.We also offer the questions translated into English language.John Chaparro wrote the guide in a simple, very easy reading.Theguide contains tips and important notes to take to getAmericancitizenship.
My Spa New Jersey 1.0
Did you have a very stressful day?Do you feel saturated with problems?Do you feel the weight of the world on your shoulders?Stop now!It's the perfect time to think of a relaxing massage.A moment of peace.A moment to recover of your pains and feel refreshedGet a reward, get a treatment with healing handSay no more to those sciatic pains,Say no to those injured musclesSay no to that horrendous pain in your backSay no to migraines and stressNew Jersey, a beautiful place to live, offers you many bodyrubsstores and great therapist who will bring joy to your life.NewJersey is a good choice when it comes to getentertainment.People from New York, Connecticut and other neighbors wouldfindthis app very helpful.My Spa - New Jersey Edition will help you to find aprofessionaland skillful therapist..
Jean Metzinger 1.0
Jean Dominique Antony Metzinger was amajor20th-century French painter, theorist, writer, critic andpoet,born in Nantes, France, who, along with Pablo Picasso,GeorgesBraque, and Albert Gleizes, developed the art style knownasCubism.Born: June 24, 1883, Nantes, FranceDied: November 3, 1956, Paris, FranceEducation: Académie des Beaux-ArtsArtwork: L'Oiseau bleu, Woman with Fan, Globe and Banjo,Femmeassise (Woman with Book), Landscape, Still LifePeriods: Divisionism, Cubism, Section d'Or,Fauvism,Neo-impressionism.
I'd better 1.0
"I'd better" es un curso específico deinglésque trata uno de las tantas frases que los angloparlantesrecurrenpara manifestarse. Aquellas frases se usan como patronesqueencajan en distintas oraciones, en distintos tiempos ysituacionespero que nos ayudarán a comunicarnos fácilmente.En este capítulo conciso tratamos la traducción de "Será mejorque,"tocando puntos importantes como los modal verbs,conjugación,negación y demás.Te recomendamos prestar atención a la cadencia y entonación encadaaudio, repítelas en voz alta, lentamente y de formaprogresivaincorporarlas en parte de tu vocabulario.Nuestro humilde trabajo lo realizamos con mucho cariño y sólo conelánimo de engrandecer nuestra comunidad hispanoparlante.Porque aprender inglés es el primer paso para obtenerdiversosconocimientos en otras materias.Cada país de nuestra bella latinoamerica tiene supropiaidiocincracia, sus propios valores históricos y culturales .Sinembargo eso no debe ser una barrera para aprender unnuevoidioma."I'd better" is aspecificEnglish course that is one of the many phrases thatEnglish speakersresort to manifest. Those phrases are used aspatterns to fitdifferent sentences in different times andsituations but that willhelp us communicate easily.In this chapter we try concise translation of "Better,"playingimportant points as modal verbs, conjugation, denialandothers.We recommend paying attention to the cadence and intonation ineveryaudio, repeat them aloud, slowly and gradually incorporatethem partof your vocabulary.Our humble work is done with great care and only with the aimofenhancing our Spanish-speaking community.Because learning English is the first step to obtaindifferentskills in other subjects.Each of our beautiful Latin American country has itsownidiocincracia, their own history and culture. However thisshouldnot be a barrier to learning a new language.
If Your Child is Missing 1.0
What to do if your child is missing:-Immediately call your local law enforcement agency.-After you have reported your child missing to law enforcement,callthe National Center for Missing & Exploited Childrenat1-800-THE-LOST(1-800-843-5678).-If your child is missing from home, search through:Closets.Piles of laundry.In and under beds.Inside large appliances.Vehicles – including trunks.Anywhere else that a child may crawl or hide.-Notify the store manager or security office if your child cannotbefound when in a store. Then immediately call your locallawenforcement agency. Many stores have a Code Adam plan of actioninplace.
Poemario de Amor II 1.0
Coleccion de poemas clasicos de amor:Guillermo Blest GanaJosé MartíRubén DaríoJosé Asunción SilvaEnrique González MartínezManuel UgarteAntonio MachadoFernando VillalónJuan Ramón JiménezGabriela MistralCésar VallejoVicente HuidobroConcha MéndezDulce María LoynazPedro SalinasJosé BergamínGerardo DiegoFederico García LorcaRafael AlbertiPablo NerudaJorge Carrera AndradeErnestina de ChampourcinCarmen CondeAngel AugierLuis RosalesGabriel CelayaJosé Luis CanoBlas de OteroCollection of classiclovepoems:Guillermo Blest GanaJosé MartíRuben DarioJose Asuncion SilvaEnrique González MartínezManuel UgarteAntonio MachadoFernando VillalonJuan Ramón JiménezGabriela MistralCésar VallejoVicente HuidobroConcha MéndezDulce Maria LoynazPedro SalinasJose BergaminGerardo DiegoFederico García LorcaRafael AlbertiPablo NerudaJorge Carrera AndradeErnestine ChampourcinCarmen CondeAngel AugierLuis RosalesGabriel CelayaJosé Luis CanoBlas de Otero
Classical 1.0
Classical Music1. Classical music can reduce stress and anxiety.2. Babies who listen to classical music while still in thewomboften are calmer at birth. As well as have better sleep andtend tolearn faster as they age.3. Classical music helps us to concentrate, and thinkmoreclearly.4. Your more likely to forget about current frustrations,whilelistening to Classical music.5. Seniors who listen to Classical are likely to havelessdepression and injuries. They were also found to have alloverbetter health.6. Pets with separation anxiety were found to benefitfromclassical music being played.7. A child's cognitive function is greatly enhanced bylisteningto classical. It was found, that in particular whenlistening to:Beethoven, Mozart and Brahms8. While studying and playing classical music in thebackground,we are better to retain what we are learning anddoing.9. Children who listen to classical have been found tohavebetter skills at articulating their emotions.10. After listening to Classical your more likely to be inarelaxed state, and have a good sense of well being.