ArtDelivers Apps

Draw War Craft 1.5
The popularity of certain video games is areal mystery for the majority of users on network. Interesting factthat they became known to wide audience in the days when onlysomeone have personal computer. The representatives of youngergeneration will not be able to understand how it happened, but theolder well remember how they strolled lessons in game libraries.Even then, shooters such as Counter Strike was very popular, andeven the absence of the Internet could not stop, because the gamewas carried out "on the grid".Today released a lot of different games, each of which can beplayed for a few years. One of the cult in this category is"Warcraft", which was released back in 2004, but developed to thepresent time and is a lot of games based on it.We present to your attention the application "Draw War Craft",which will help you learn how to draw the characters of thelegendary WOW. Easy step by step tutorials will help make yourpictures as real works of art, even if you are just a beginnerartist.Also, do not forget to watch the movie "Warcraft", which release incinema this year.
How to Draw StarWars 1.5
Every day, sitting at home, you can developand improve a wide variety of skills, even if you do not understandanything in this direction up to that time. Writing talent, art,needlework, origami, knitting and many other skills can be learnedin the comfort of four walls. Nowadays we have inexhaustibleresources that allow you to develop your abilities. You can arguethat it is necessary to finish the art school to learn how to drawbeautifully. And what if it is unreal? We'll show you how it can bepossible right now!We present you application "How to Draw StarWars", which is able tomake you a master of drawing. With easy step by step lesson youwill learn the basics of drawing art on example of main charactersof the saga "Star Wars." This application will be useful forexperienced artists and beginners, so do not worry if you stillhave not discovered the talent of the artist. Once you understandhow to draw the characters of "Star Wars", you will see limitlessworld of fine art, in which everyone can find himself!