AndroidWeasel Apps

App Ghoul - I see dead apps 1.0-5
Persistent icon for periodically unloaded apps
Hyena Test 1.2
This is just a test to see how Play's native code filtering works.You really won't be interested in this. Version 1.0 displaysversion 3 for ARM devices, and 4 for Intel. Version 1.1 shoulddisplay version 5 for ARM and - once Play has caught up - 6 forIntel. - Took something like 90mins to update on Play; we clearedPlay's cache to try to force an update of the text/data; werebooted the auto-update phones to force an auto-update. Version1.2 - deployed 1248h - displays version 7 for ARM and Intel.
Wear Ping Pong
A circular bat and ball game for phones and watches!