AndroLogiciels Apps

Horaires en Ile de France 5.0
Au lancement de l'application, choisissez letype de transport pour le premier trajet de la journée :Tramway, Métro, RER, Bus, Noctilien ou Train (SNCF).En fonction du mode de transport, choisissez votre gare dedépart et la destination.Puis sélectionnez un deuxième trajet (par exemple, le trajet deretour au domicile).A chaque lancement de l'application, vous obtiendrez lesprochains horaires de passage du mode de transport sélectionné.Remarque :- les informations à l'écran sont rafraîchies régulièrement,- Suite à des évolutions techniques cette application est limitée à7 jours d'essai : vous pouvez acquérir la version illimitéeTransport en Ile de France PRO launching theapplication, choose the type of transport for the first trip of theday:Tram, Metro, RER, Bus, Train or Noctilien (SNCF).Depending on the mode of transportation, select your departurestation and destination.Then select a second path (eg, the return trip home).Each time you start the application, you will get the next shiftschedules on your transportation mode.Note :- Information on the screen is refreshed regularly,- Due to technical developments this application is limited to 7days trial: you can purchase the unlimited version Transport in Ilede France PRO
Sms Filter 2.1
Using this application you can receive onyourpebble watch sms from contacts you choose.This application also allows you to receive very long SMS (morethan240 characters) and you can choose to not display immediatelythemessage.You can also choose to display on the watch:* the label to display in the header,* the name of the sender,* his telephone number.
Pebble Sms Filter Light 1.8
Using this application you can receive onyourwatch sms from a specific contacts, use Pro version to receivesmsfrom all contacts or from more than one contact.This application also allows you to receive very long SMS (morethan240 characters) and you can choose to not display immediatelythemessage.You can also choose to display on the watch:the label to display in the header,the name of the sender,his telephone number.
New York City Maps 0.1
Maps about New York City
Smart Shortcut Call Light 2.0
Features :Creating a shortcut icon for calling directly (use the payingapplication for unlimited call)- A contact stored in your smartphone,- A specific phone number for private call.Have a "clean" phone call log by removing the followinginformation :- Received calls and/or,- Sent calls and/or,- Missed calls and/or,- Incoming and outgoing SMS (for Samsung smartphones log)The shortcut icon can be selected from a library or can be acontact picture or a picture,Depending on the setting of the icon, you can indicate whetheryou wish to record in the call log:- Received calls,- Sent calls,- Missed calls- Incoming and outgoing SMS (for Samsung smartphones log)Any unsaved call in the call log of the phone will be, if youwant, stored in a "private" log.For every calls you can indicate whether you wish to record inthe log:- Received calls,- Sent calls,- Missed calls- Incoming and outgoing SMS (for Samsung smartphones log)This application is useful for:- Keeping in the call log only missed calls,- Removing in the call log of the Samsung smartphone received andsent sms,- Call quietly (without trace in the call log) persons not listedin phone contacts,- Quickly call by a click from any screen (it is possible to placethe same icon on all screens),- Be careful, with this free version, you can only create oneshortcut and the shortcut use is limited to 10 calls. If you wantunlimited access get the paying application.
Smart Log and Shortcut Call 3.0
Features :* Creating shortcut icon for calling directly:- A contact stored in your smartphone,- A specific phone number for private call.* Have a "clean" phone call log by removing thefollowinginformation :- Received calls and/or,- Sent calls and/or,- Missed calls and/or,- Incoming and outgoing SMS (for Samsung smartphones log)Shortcut icon can be selected from a library or can be acontactpicture or a picture and you can enter a specific title.Depending on the icon setting, you can indicate whether youwishto record in the call log:- Received calls,- Sent calls,- Missed calls- Incoming and outgoing SMS (for Samsung smartphones log)Any unsaved call in the call log of the phone will be, ifyouwant, stored in a "private" log.For every calls you can indicate whether you wish to recordinthe log:- Received calls,- Sent calls,- Missed calls- Incoming and outgoing SMS (for Samsung smartphones log)This application is useful for (examples):- Keeping in the call log only missed calls,- Removing in the call log of the Samsung smartphone receivedandsent sms,- Call quietly (without trace in the call log) persons not listedinphone contacts,- Quickly call by a click from any screen (it is possible toplacethe same icon on all screens),- And for any other use ...
Nameday widget 9.0
Use the widget to see the nameday of the current day, day beforeand day after.
Leboncoin auto scan LIGHT 11.0
Cette application automatise la recherche despetites annonces du site LeBonCoin. Mémorisez votre recherche quipeut être une combinaison de plusieurs critères comme par exemplepour “je recherche des chaises ou des pendules anciennes” : chaisesOR (pendules anciennes).L’application vous enverra une notification assortie d’unevibration et d’un son (les deux paramétrable) dès qu’une nouvelleannonce sera trouvée. Les annonces du site leboncoin serontstockées dans une liste consultable ultérieurement. Si vous êteséquipé d’une Smartwatch (comme la montre Peeble, vous recevrez lanotification sur votre poignet).Vous pouvez à tout moment désactiver la recherche instantanée despetites annonces et/ou modifier les critères de recherche.Vous pourrez alors consulter le détail de l’annonce soit vial’application LEBONCOIN via le site internet widget est aussi fourni afin de visualiser les annoncesrépondant au(x) critère(s) définit(s). Placez ce widget sur votreécran, un appui sur le titre de l’annonce change l’annonce, unappui sur l’image affiche le détail de l’annonce.Cette version est limitée à 7 jours d’utilisation. A la fin decette période d’essai vous pouvez acquérir la version illimitéeLeboncoin auto scan PRO ici : applicationautomates search ads Site LeBonCoin. Memorize your search can be acombination of several criteria such as for "I research chairs orantique clocks" OR chairs (old clocks).The application will send a notification accompanied by a vibrationand sound (both configurable) when a new announcement will befound. The ads Site leboncoin will be stored in a searchable listlater. If you are equipped with a Smartwatch (like the Pebblewatch, you will receive notification on your wrist).You can always disable instant search ads and / or change thesearch criteria.You can then view the listing details either via the applicationLeBonCoin via the website https: // www. widget is also provided to view the ads responding to (x)standard (s) define (s). Place this widget on your screen, pressingthe title of the ad exchange ad, pressing the image displays thedetails of the announcement.This version is limited to 7 days of use. At the end of this trialperiod you can purchase the unlimited version Leboncoin auto scanPRO here:
Talking Timer Light LastLight
Talking and voice-controlled timer / stopwatch that counts out loud
Collect drops and apples
Name day 8.3
Don't miss wishing a name day
Événements historiques 7.0
Travel back in time by rediscovering historical events