Ammuse Apps

Bebbapp - Baby tracker 1.0.2
The ultimate all-in-one baby tracker for busyparents. Easily track and record your newborn's activitiesincluding sleep patterns, breastfeeding, diaper changing, bathtime, growth patterns and so much more. Bebbap baby ​tracking appallows you to create medical records by adding vaccinations,medicines and intake, and temperature.Give yourself the peace of mind, knowing you can monitor and stayup-to-date with your baby's activities and changes in growth, allin one ​baby tracking ​app. Use comprehensive charts and timelinesto help you remember all the important details as you care for yournewborn.Breastfeeding ​tracker:• Record the dat​e​​, time ​and volume (fluid ounces ormilliliters) you breastfeed ​and breast pump ​for ​both ​left andright side.• Time each breastfeeding session ​for each side.​Feeding baby tracker:​• Log how you feed and nurse your baby.• Record how much formula, breastmilk, or any other liquid you feedyour baby in millilit​er​s or ​fluid ounces.• Track solids such as fruit, meat, snack, veggies, and liquidssuch as juice and water.• Customi​ze​ ​the ​solid ​​and liquid​ types​ you want to recordeach time to ensure you​r​ baby is receiving the right amount ofnutrients.Diaper changing:• Log how often you change your baby's diaper.• Track each changing to help catch any signs of digestion issuesor complications.Potty tracker:• Record each potty activity to track potty trainingprogress.• Help keep track of changes in bowel movements to avoiddehydration and catch any early signs of diarrhea orconstipation.​Baby growth monitor:• ​Use a growth chart to monitor ​and track ​your baby's growthsuch as weight, height and head size​.• Compare ​your baby's growth ​results against World HealthOrganization (WHO) percentiles charts.​Bath time:​• Record ​date and time of bath, as well as if hair was washedduring bathing.• Help avoid over bathing, which can cause rashes and dryskin.​Tummy time:​• Track how often and for how long you place your baby on his orher stomach while awake and supervised.• Help your baby develop strong head, neck and shoulder muscles andpromote certain motor skills.• Help prevent the back of your baby's head from positionalplagiocephaly (becoming flat).​Sleeping ​baby ​tracker:​• Log the day, minute and hour your newborn sleeps.• Time and make notes for each sleeping session.• Track sleep duration throughout the week to help you betterunderstand your baby's sleeping pattern.​Health monitor:​• Record all medications your baby is taking​, including the dateand time, ​so that you don't ​miss the next dose.• Track all vaccinations to keep your baby healthy at alltimes.• Record your newborn's temperature to help you catch any drops inbody temperature or the onset of a fever.​Activity logger:​• Time and record activities such as watching TV and walkingoutside to ​ensure your baby is getting enough time outdoors.​Pro Features:​• Monitor all activities on a timeline to understand your baby'shourly and daily patterns.• Visualize and compare all baby activities on comprehensive chartsto see and catch any sudden changes.• Track baby's growth (weight, height, head size) with World HealthOrganization (WHO) percentiles charts.• Remove adsDownload now, and start tracking today with Bebbapp.