Ai2 Apps

OrderShark Sales Order Entry
OrderShark™ is a sales order entry and barcodescanning app that’s designed for fast, easy retail orderentry.Use it to build and send sales orders from a retailer to adistributor - quickly and easily. It also works for an outsidesales team.This is a trial version – the full enterprise version has morefeatures, scans faster, and sends orders directly into adistributor’s ERP system.Distributors: Download this sales order entry app and contactAi2. We’ll help you get the enterprise version installed so yourretailers can use OrderShark to order from you.Retailers: Download this mobile sales app, take a few practiceorders, and tell your distributor to contact Ai2 and learn moreabout OrderShark.Call (800) 835-3200, visit or email [email protected] tolearn about the full enterprise version of OrderShark.TAKE A BIG BITEOrderShark gives you fast and easy data capture of item numbers,bar codes, etc. in any environment. Thousands of retailers and manytop companies in wholesale distribution already use OrderShark forsales order entry.If you’re a retailer, this is the restocking/ordering app youneed. If you’re a distributor, this app can help you savethousands.If an item isn’t in your distributor’s database, OrderShark uses‘Web Check’ to find it in the global UPC database and gives you adescription of the item without leaving the app. You can alsosearch the distributor's catalog.With OrderShark, you’ll build and send fast, accurate ordersfrom anywhere. You’ll be notified that your orders arrived safely.You can copy previous orders and send orders by email.FEATURES:• Using the device's camera, OrderShark scans any barcode typefrom any angle using lightning-fast proprietary scanningtechnology. The enterprise version scans even faster than the freeversion.• It reads all existing UPC types, shelf labels and QR codes,including but not limited to UPC-A, UPC-E, Code 128, Code 39, MSIand Plessey.• Review, edit, and copy previous orders. You can also sendorders by email. ‘Order headers’ help you add special instructionsand specify delivery dates.• When you scan an item, OrderShark looks up a description onthe web if the item is not in the distributor’s catalog.• Users send orders via WiFi or cellular networks.• The app provides the status of all orders includingconfirmation that the host received them.• OrderShark supports international language sets for easymultilingual use.TAKE A SWIMTry the free version or OrderShark, then contact Ai2 at (800)835-3200 or (312) 920-9366 for the enterprise version. Theenterprise version has additional features and scans evenfaster.OrderShark is the latest in sales order entry solutions from Ai2– we’ve also got mobile apps on laptop and tablet for sales anddelivery.Visit for more.
Asian Foods Mobile
A convenient, Android-based order entry tool for customers ofSyscoAsian Foods. Features customized order guides, full productcatalogsearch, barcode scan to order, English and Chineseproductdescriptions, and e-mailed orderconfirmations.这是一款方便且快捷的订货软件,目前只限于持有苹果手机的亚洲食品公司客户。功能应用包括订购指南,产品目录搜索,条码扫描,中英文产品描述和订单邮件确认等
Industrial Finishes Marketplac
Simple ordering and inventory management