Afthrastech Apps

Facepalm 1.0.1
Have you ever heard something so incrediblystupid that a simple facepalm wasn't enough?If your answer is yes, then Facepalm was made just for you!Imagine the look on your friends' faces when you pull out yourphone in a silly conversation and just slap your forehead withit!More features to come when this app reaches 50 000downloads!
The (mind) Game 1.0.4
Ever heard of The (mind) Game? This appallowsyou to quickly share your loss!If not, here are the rules:- You are always playing The Game!- Whenever you think about The Game, you lose!- Losses must be announced. This can be verbally, or in anyotherway: for example, via Twitter!- After a loss you cannot lose for 30 minutes!If you have any concerns about the app please contact us!