ARCTexas Apps

Today's Mobile Sheep Rancher 7.0.1
Today’s Mobile Sheep Rancher 5.0.0 is the latest release in theToday’s Rancher® family of livestock management solutions from AgManagement Systems. Today’s Mobile Sheep Rancher works as a standalone product or with Today’s Rancher Desktop to give the modernlivestock operation a complete solution for ranch asset management.This app is perfect for 4-H, FFA members or the beginning or smallfarmer or rancher. When working with Sheep a user can work in thefield without worry about having a cell or data connection, The apputilizes Google Voice Recognition for data entry where available.Users of Today's Rancher Desktop can easily import their masteranimal lists into the app. Add-Edit Records – Shows list ofpreviously entered animals. Select and animal to work with or entera new animal store animal id, type of animal, status of animal,location, weight, sire, dam, and date of birth, you can also recorda photo for the animal and have it ready for viewing from withinthe record Medical Records – Shows list of animals with previouslyentered medical records. Select an animal for list of existingrecords edit an existing record or create new record – uses animalid, treatment date and treatment. Animal Notes – Shows list ofanimals with previously entered notes. Select an animal for list ofexisting records edit an existing record or create new record –uses animal id, date of note and note text Record Weight Changes –Select animal from list of existing animals, enter new weight,system records old weight, new weight and date changed RecordBirths – Select dam from list of existing animals, enter birthanimal, sex of newborn, weight of newborn and date born, sire, plusability to record ease of birth Record Location Changes – Selectanimal from list, system shows old location, enter the newlocation, and date of movement Record Sales – Select Animal fromlist, entered date sold, where sold, sold to, and amount sold for.Record Feedings - Select Animal for list, record when fed, wherefed, amount of feed, cost of feed, quantity type Get Data FromToday’s Rancher Desktop – if you are a user of Today’s RancherDesktop you can easily download your master animal records fromyour current files. Instructions on how to proceed are with yoursoftware. View Auction Results – Goes online to WorldOfRanching.comfor the latest livestock auction market reports Create Export FilesCSV –Create Master Animal List, Medical, Notes, Weight Changes,Births, Location Changes, Sales and Feedings Please report crashesand anrs to us at our support link. Or send us an [email protected] OUR RETURN AND REFUND POLICY IS AT
Today's Mobile Goat Rancher 700
Today’s Mobile Goat Rancher works as a stand-alone product or whenused in conjunction with Today’s Rancher Desktop and Today's GoatRancher. This provides the modern goat breeding operation with acomplete solution for ranch asset management. It will alsosynchronize data with our Today's Goat Rancher - Online CloudEdition (subscription required) A person can work in the fieldwithout worry about having a cell or data connection, utilizesGoogle Voice Recognition for data entry where available. Add-EditBasic Animal Records - Medical Records - Animal Notes - GrowthHistory - Record Births - Location Changes - Sales - feedings -Purchase Information - Artificial Inseminaton - PregnancyVerification - Ear Tag History Integrate with Today’s RancherDesktop (Not Required) Export your data via CSV files OUR RETURNAND REFUND POLICY IS AT Technical Support please contact us directly at we try to answer allinquiries with 24 hours.
The Mobile Cattle Rancher 1100
The Mobile Cattle Rancher Version 9.0.1 is the latest release inthe Today’s Rancher® family of cattle and livestock managementsolutions. Features include: Animal Information Records – MedicalRecords - Animal Notes - Growth History – Births – Location Changes– Sales – Feedings - Purchase Information - Ear-tag Changes -Inseminations - Record Heat Observations - Pregnancy Verification -View Cow-Calf History - View Upcoming Births - Create CSV files fordata export - Backup and Restore of database and many morefeatures. The Mobile Cattle Rancher works as a stand alone productor when used in conjunction with Today’s Rancher Desktop to givethe modern cattle operation a complete solution for ranch assetmanagement. Cell signal or data connection not necessary for day today use. The app utilizes Google Voice Recognition for data entrywhere available. Create Export Files CSV –(REQUIRES SDCARD orInternal Drive on your device) For Import and Use with any programthat can read CSV files. IF YOU HAVE A PROBLEM WITH THE APP, PLEASECONTACT US AT OUR WEBSITE USING THE SUPPORT FORM. OUR RETURN ANDREFUND POLICY IS AT