Ingame for World of Tanks 2.1.5
Track online statusWhen you install this app and log in you will see all yourfriendsfrom World of Tanks and World of Warplanes. The green dot ontheright of your friends nickname means he is online now. To trackhisonline status automatically you should slide his nickname totheleft and press "Watch". Now if he logs in you will getnotificationon your mobile.Invite in one clickIf your friend also uses the Ingame application, tap hisnicknameonce to send him the single message: "I'm in World ofTanks" or"I'm in World of Warplanes" depending on the game. He willget thenotification on his mobile. No he knows you are playing.GroupsTeam up friends and clanmates into groups and notify them allinsingle click. Now when you have important battles or trainingsyoucan quickly invite certain formation to join you.Wot Mod: