ALT.3Family Apps

APP開發 1.0.0
Dojo Mobile is a world class HTML5 mobileJavaScript framework that enables rapid development of mobile webapplications with a native look and feel on modern webkit-enabledmobile devices such as iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, Android and RIMsmartphones and tablets.Dojo Mobile is a worldclass HTML5 mobile JavaScript framework that enables rapiddevelopment of mobile web applications with a native look and feelon modern webkit-enabled mobile devices such as iPhone, iPod Touch,iPad, Android and RIM smartphones and tablets.
愛上雲 2.0
進銷存管理是指從藥品被指定為計劃中的品種進人公司後,經由入庫、倉儲、出庫、銷售各環節而轉為現金的實物流轉後,增加資金的存貨管理過程。單從管理學角度,進銷存管理包括計劃採購、採購後入庫、入庫後倉儲、出庫及出庫後的銷售5個環節。Inventory managementrefers to the drug after being designated for the planned varietiesinto the company, through warehousing, storage, a library, sales ofall aspects of the physical and into cash flow, increase inventorymanagement process funds.From a management point of view alone, inventory management,including plans to purchase after purchase storage, warehousing andsales of five links, a library and a library after afterstorage.