Text101-Free SMS to PINAS 1.6
Libreng text para sa lahat!!!Send free emergency text/SMS to your loved ones in thePhilippines to any network!Very easy to use!No email or account required!Please don't forget to RATE us.Visit and like our Facebook page: us on FB for support. Thank you!
BibleBEE 1.8
Enjoy a 2-Player reflex game that testsyourBible KNOWLEDGE, SPEED AND MEMORY all at the same time.Fun game for family and friends!Tags: Bible, Bible quiz, bible bee,quiz
Drops of Wisdom 1.8
Drops of Wisdom is a collection of quotesandtips to help you get more out of life. Go through our quotesofHOPE to help you move forward to a better future. ICEBREAKERScanspice up your conversations with your friends or help you meetnewpeople. LIFE quotes can help you improve your daily lifestyletoget the most out of your days.