Fabulous Tour
This road book is also a traveling companionand an interactive guide to discover the secret beauty of Cortinad'Ampezzo: the rock jewelry enclosed in the heart of the mountainsfor tens of millions of years, timeless legends about the forces ofnature and the human spirit, centuries-old buildings with theirhistory and traditions. This is the territory of Fabulous Tour.However it is not a new territory. It is a territory to discover,as Proust said, "with the new eyes". And this road book is a toolto do that: easy to use, with an opportunity to learn while havingfun with games, texts, interviews with veterans of Cortina 1956Olympic Winter Games and geology "artists" that will reveal ahigher level of Dolomites heritage in its colorful and remotelayers - geological, cultural and historical.Table of Contents1. Instructions2. Tour Map3. Hotel Cristallo4. The Pink Panther5. Passo Giau6. Crodères7. The secrets of herbs8. Secrets of the rocks9. DolomitiArtRock10. Déodat de Dolomieu11. Enrosadira12. Colle Santa Lucia13. The flag of the vanquished14. Nature can't be stopped15. Piazza Angelo Dibona and the Bell Tower16. Cortina '56: the last Olympics on a human scale17. Interview with Carlo Calzà18. Misurina and a mirror of desire19. Water that tells the future20. Final Quiz21. CreditsConcept and development: ADOMultimedia Heritage Studio