ABonEntendeur Apps

ABEauto - Radars France 1.9.2
ABEauto (ABE) est un assistant d'aide à la conduite communautaire(anciennement avertisseur radars) adapté pour une utilisation envoiture.L'application est développée par des bénévoles ne tirant aucunbénéfice financier : elle est gratuite à l'achat et àl'abonnement et sans pub !ABEauto vous informe :• des dangers de la route (radars fixes et mobiles)• des embouteillagesLa base de donnée des POI (Point d’Intérêts, radars, dangers),c'est vous ! Lorsque vous croisez un nouveau radar fixe ou mobile,ou un embouteillage par exemple, notifiez le depuis l'écran ettoute la communauté de ABEauto sera prévenue.Pour les longs trajets, prévoyez un chargeur adapté pour lavoiture type allume-cigare.Des questions ? Besoin d'aide ? Envie de discuter avec le restede la communauté ABE ? Rendez vous sur le site : http://www.abonentendeur.com/forums/Veillez à ce que l'utilisation de cette application soitconforme à la législation de votre pays.Ensemble, nous le ferons mieux.NouveautésLa nouvelle version de ABEauto apporte une plus grande fiabilitédes alertes. Avec une connexion Internet activée, vous êtes avertisdes dangers présents uniquement sur votre route et dans votredirection.Vous pouvez aussi désormais afficher la carte des dangersenvironnants via les paramètres et accéder aux informations desdangers en cliquant sur leur icône.Fonctionnalités► nouvelle interface plus simple, plus ergonomique et plus moderne;► nouveau système de chat géolocalisé, discutez avec la communauté;► intégration complète de la technologie Bluetooth ;► intégration de la carte pour visualiser les dangers environnantshors conduite ;► intégration de Google Trafic pour visualiser facilement ladensité de circulation ;► possibilité de remonter facilement et de façon intuitive undanger permanent non présent dans la base de données (attention :ne pas le faire durant la conduite). Plus il y aura d'utilisateursà remonter les informations, plus les alertes seront précises;► types d'alertes sonores personnalisables, avec un son spécial «ABE » ;► messages d’alertes personnalisables dans les paramètres,► économie d’énergie grâce à :→ un mode off-line possible (vous pouvez charger la base de donnéesen wi-fi pour les zones de danger fixes avant de partir) ;→ un mode « GPS éco » pour moins solliciter le GPS ;→ un mode nuit pour baisser la luminosité (possibilité de l'ajusterdans les paramètres) ;→ des alertes sonores même quand l'écran est éteint ;► mode multitâches► orientation portrait ou paysage► optimisation pour les tablettesLes fonctionnalités de ABEauto étant proche d'un avertisseur deradars, nous vous invitons à vérifier que ABEauto est conforme à lalégislation de votre pays.Pré-requis• Android 2.3 ou supérieur;• Une puce GPS;• Une connexion DATA (ou wi-fi : vous pouvez charger la base dedonnées en wi-fi pour les zones de danger fixes avant de partir.Attention, si vous n'êtes pas connecté durant la conduite, vous nerecevrez pas la mise à jour régulière concernant les dangersdéclarés en temps réel)ABEauto(ABE) is an assistant to help the community conduct (formerlywarning radars) suitable for in-car use.The application is developed by volunteers deriving no financialbenefit: it is Free for purchase and subscription and withoutads !ABEauto informs you:• dangers of the road (fixed and mobile radars)• jamsThe database of POI (Point of Interest, radars, hazards), itis you! When you meet a new fixed or mobile radar or a traffic jam,for example, notify it from the screen and the whole community ofABEauto be prevented.For longer trips, plan a charger suitable for car cigarettelighter type.Questions? Need help? Want to chat with the rest of the ABEcommunity? See you on the site: http://www.abonentendeur.com/forums/Ensure that the use of this application is in accordance withthe laws of your country.Together, we will do better. NewsThe new version of ABEauto brings greater reliability alerts. Withan active Internet connection, you are warned about the dangerspresent only on your way and in your direction.You can now view the map of the surrounding dangers throughsettings and access the hazard information by clicking on theiricon. Features► new, simpler interface, more ergonomic and modern;► new chat system geolocated, discuss with the community;► Full integration of Bluetooth technology;► integration of the map to view the surrounding dangers outconduct;► integration of Google traffic to easily visualize trafficdensity;► ability to easily and intuitively up a permanent danger notpresent in the database (note: do not do it while driving). Themore users to provide feedback, alerts will be more precise;► types of customizable sound alerts, with a special sound"EBA";► Customizable alert messages in the settings,► energy savings through:→ an off-line mode as possible (you can load the database wi-fi forfixed danger areas before leaving);→ a "GPS eco" mode to reduce pressure GPS;→ a night mode to lower brightness (can adjust in thesettings);→ sound alerts even when the screen is off;► multitasking► portrait or landscape orientation► optimization for tabletsThe features of ABEauto being close to a speed camerawarnings, please check that ABEauto complies with the laws of yourcountry.Requirements• Android 2.3 or higher;• A GPS chip;• A DATA connection (or Wi-Fi. You can load the database wi-fi forfixed danger areas before leaving Beware, if you are not connectedwhile driving, you will not receive the setting Regular update onhazards reported in real time)
7MinGym Chromecast-AndroidTV
Winner of The Google Fit DeveloperChallengeThe 7 Minutes Workout Gym is a workout program that hasbecome an international hit! It is very simple but extremelyeffective. If you want to lose weight and strengthen yourmuscles but don't have an hour for a daily workout you might justneed 7MinGym!The workout consists of 12 scientifically selected exerciseseach done for 30 seconds with a 10 seconds break in between.Exercises are Jumping jacks, Wall sit, Push-up, Abdominal crunch,Step-up onto chair , Squat , Triceps dip on chair, Plank , Highknees/running in place , Lunge, Push-up and rotation, Sideplank.Few additional equipment are needed : a chair and a wall.This is a high intensity circuit training workout which can be doneat home, office, or a hotel room.Easy and simple UI.Compatible with your Chromecast and AndroidTVdevices, it now also supports Google Fit.Play music from Deezer or Spotify on yourmobile phone or on your Chromecast device.ON YOUR CHROMECAST- by clicking the Chromecast icon on the top bar, you can connectto your Chromecast device- select your session on your phone- START your sessionThe Chromecast can also PLAY your selected MUSIC.WITH YOUR FAVORITE MUSICYou can choose your own music.- You can login to Deezer or Spotify services andthen perform your workout with your own Playlist or Album.- NO need to be a Deezer or Spotify premium user- Music will play on your phone or on the Chromecast device if youare connected.- IMPORTANT : you need a network connection to use Deezer orSpotify.GOOGLE FITYou can keep track of your efforts with Google Fit- On the left panel, click the "Google Fit" entry.SAVEYou can create and save your own sessions.- create a new session, it is automatically saved on yourphone- if you registered with email/password or with Facebook, yoursessions are saved on the cloud so you can retrieve them on anyphones ( just press "Reload" to download your sessions from thecloud ).NO MORE EXCUSES and good luck !Dear browser our users are searching for sport, workouts, 7minutes, 7 minutes gym or even gym to find usI am also looking for ios developers and designers to help meimprove this application, I have a lot of ideas but limited time!If some spanish users are ready to help me with the translationjust send me an email.
Esheep 1.9
Esheep is back for your Android !Esheep is a funny little sheep always wandering on your screen.Any application you open, Esheep will always stay visible and playon your screen.You can play with it or let it lives happily and if you throw itaway it will bounce against the edges of your screen until itfinally touches the ground.To remove Esheep, simply click on its notification.For the next releases I will add new behaviors and featuresHave fun !PS : I am looking for some help to improve this beautifulproject and make it bigger. Just contact me.
Tip'n'Split 1.8
Tip'n'Split, the tip calculator you needed !
Cast4Muzei 1.3
A living museum for your Chromecast.Muzei is a live wallpaper that gently refreshes your homescreeneach day with famous works of art. Now Cast4Muzei is the onlyMuzeiplugin that lets you cycle through your other installedMuzeisources and directly cast them to your Chromecast device.- Pick which art sources you want Cast4Muzei tocyclethrough- Control how often Cast4Muzei changes sources- Manually cycle between sources- Cast art sources to your Chromecast deviceYou must have Muzei installed on your phone to use thisplugin.Download it here:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.nurik.roman.muzei
Speedy - GPS speed for WEAR 1.1
Speedy is perfect when jogging or cyclingandwant to keep a regular pace. Just select a speed on your watchandthen it will vibrate as follows:- 1 vibration: you are too slow- 2 vibrations: you are perfect- 3 vibrations: you are too fastSpeedy uses your watch or phone GPS to measure your speed.Soif you have a Android wear with a GPS sensor in it you won'tneed aphone.The speedometer's accuracy depends on the quality of theGPSsignal.This app is for Android Wear only.Dear browser our users are searching for speed, GPS,running,jogging to find us.