AAAppDev Apps

UÇK/UCK - Runner 1.1
UÇK / UCK Ushtria Clirimtare e Kosovës - Adem JashariThe Kosovo Albanians and UCK - Runner is a run and jump game inwhich the objective is to collect as many eagles as possible. Whilethe obstacles to avoid soft start from scratch.- Background music national anthem of Kosovo- Play music classic Kosovo / Albania guitar- Uck Kosovo- Outplacement Kosovo- Sponsorering- Beskyttelse af de mennesker (barn sponsorater, gudbørn)- Albansk livsforsikring
Berxwedana YPG 1.1
Jump and sing with the Kurdish guerrillas of aKurdish town to the next and conquer them and fight at the endagainst the terrorists. 20 levels you need to create you're Rojavaliberate before terrorists and an independent Kurdistan.
Anti IS coalition 1
Fight against terrorists as a unit with theYPG; Ypj, Pesmerga and FSA support they are supported by thefollowing countries in the fighting with air raids:USAGreat BritainFranceAustraliaDenmarkBelgiumCanadaSaudi ArabiaThe United Arab EmiratesBahrainQatarJordanTogether the city Tall Abjad (Tell Abyad, Gire SPI, Gire Spi) isliberated.
Greekolus - The Euro Jumper 1.0
Greekolus The Euro JumperThe euro jumper has big financial difficulties and high debt. Hehas to reduce the debt jump from Europe country to Euro country tocollect Euros to get out of the debt crisis. He has the opportunityto collect 1 and 2 euro coins from those countries. There arealways enough coins available around the country, as the EuropeanCentral Bank (ECB) troika and repeatedly fill up the countries witheuro coins for the EU states.The jumper must be careful that it is not taken from thehandcuffs. When he is hit by which he becomes bankrupt. Thefollowing countries are represented in the game. Greece, Germany,France, UK, Italy, Spain, Netherlands, Sweden. Other EU countrieswill follow in a later update.The ECB could seek support from a Wirtschaftsdetektei Frankfurt.Outplacement, outplacement consulting quickly pay the costsoutplacement again.If the jumper is taken enough money he can make it to collectreforms and pursuing other countries.
KLA / UCK - Racer 1.1
You're on the way to the wedding. The car isblack rot in the Albanian national colors.The two-headed eagle decorates the car ..Mach clear the way, fight your way through! The opponent carsyou can shoot with missiles.The two-headed eagle gives you power! As with Adem Jashari, the KLAfighters of the Liberation Army of Kosovo Albanians. Equally atSkanderbeg, the Albanian national hero.Keep eye on the time, collect the items, in order to gain moretime. The background music (Qifteli) is stests motivate you.The KLA Racer is the most powerful Albanian car at all. No onecan compete with this Eagle Car. The Albanian flag and the Qiftelisound accompany you always in the background. Whether Prishtina,Mitrovica, Peja, Prizreni, Ferizaj, Gjakova Gjilani or - the KLARacer can go anywhere and bring the bride to Albanian Albanianwedding.
Fart - The Whoopee Cushion App 1.0.3
Fart - The Whoopee Cushion App- Funny Cartoons- Various farting noises- Farts of men, children, women- Fun Guaranteed- 6 Premium Characters- Anonymous Feedback Form for improvements & wishes- Different fart sounds- Baby fart, fart girls, women fart, fart man, business peoplefart, old man fart, fart cheerleader, Fat man fart
YPG Shoot Terrorist 1
Help the YPG / ypj fighters to collect theKurdistan flag while to shoot as many terrorists as possible. Jointprotectors with the Peshmerga of women, children and othercivilians. Protection against child poverty and child carethroughout Kurdistan.Unique game atmosphere with the flags of the YPG and ypj. Tankdriving and the enemy overruns.Biji Biji Kurdistan and forth Biji Kurdistan !!
Smash the ISIS 1.0.2
Smash the ISIS - The cult gameFind the cowardly terrorists who hide themselves again and againin their dugout. From time to time they dare to slip it out oftheir holes, react quickly and smash them back with the hammer.- But be careful on the IS with a hostage don't smashthem.- Be quick, response and beat fast enough that you smashed theISIS.- Think and act fast smash the IS when he ventures out of hishole.Various game modes1) Normal mode - Beat the ISIS fast enough in his wormhole backbefore he can hid itself. If the IS manages over 200 times to hidehimself he wins the battle.2) Mode Hostage - The ISIS getting worster and worster day byday, and have become like an ulcer. They are coward and takinghostages to protect himself. Smash all IS without the hostages totake care about the hostages. If more than 5 IS are smashed withhostages the battle is lost.3) Timer Mode - This is a time mode modus. Try to beat in 60seconds as much as possible IS wormholes. Create records on this,break it and make greater records.You think you've got a high score which has no other? Post it onour fan page with proof. Beat the ISIS back to their dugouts likethe Kurds the IS from Kobane. Her bji Kurdistan. YPG, YPJ undPeshmerga.
KLA / UCK - Strategy 1.0
In this Strategy game, it is important to takethe right path to all towns properly take without being in front ofit hit by enemies. Operational Strategy is important to achieve thelong-term Strategy.Support our heroes Zahir Pajaziti of UCK / KLA in PristinaKosovo. Handle Klug and find the right way to your destination. Hehas to jump on the object from town to town to perform a city trip.Zahir as a close friend of Adem Jashari.
UÇK/UCK - Jumper 1.0.3
This game is a jump and run game similar tothe classic Mario and Super Mario. Adem Jashari as the maincharacter has to fight through from one canton to another to set uparound Kosovo. He has the following towns before him which he mustconquer and then fight against the final opponent must unite to allthe cantons for Kosovo.1. Deçan2. Gjakova3. Gllogoc4. Gjilan5. Dragash6. Istog7. Kaçanik8. Klina9. Kosovo Polje10. Kamenica11. Mitrovica12. Leposavić13. Lipjan14. Novobërdë15. Obiliq16 Rahovec17. Peć18 Podujeva19 Prizren20. Pristina21 Skënderaj22. Shtime23 Štrpce24. Suhareka25. Ferizaj26 Vitia27 vučitrnZubin Potok 2829 Zvečan30 Malisheva- Beautiful music Qifsha in Hinte reason- In honor of Adem Jashari, Zahir Pajaziti, Ramush Haradinaj,Hashim Thaci, Skanderbeg- Autochthonous, Shqiponje- Liberation Army of Kosovo Albanians- Albanian life insurance- Protection of the people (child sponsorships, godchildren)- Outplacement- Investigators of Kosovo
Shoot the IS Terrorist 1.1
Fatma - Shoot the ISIS - Destroy IS terroristsas YPG / YPJ/ Peshmerga fighter!- You must go through the prairie in Rojava terrorists arewaiting to be killed.- You can only get away with a good weapon, but the Kurdish soldierknows what she's doing.- Your mission is to kill IS terrorists on your way to increaseyour points, and develop her hunting skills.- You have 5 lives, extra ammo that needs to be collected and thebreathtaking atmosphere of the wild Kurdistan.- Collect the shotgun shells in order to shoot more ISIS- HIt the enemy and kill him before he hits you with itsbacteria.- Exciting Shooting Game- Exciting atmosphere and characters- Unique, addictive gameplay- Beautiful sound effects and cartoon graphics- High scores and achievements- Kurdish guerrilla fighter- Backround landscape of Kobanê, Rojava
Study Kurmanci - Kurdish 1.0
Scratch field blank and look at the object andguess it from the options. The quiz has 367 Kurdish words offruits, vegetables, animals, flags / countries, numbers and colors.The following words are on the second part of this app:axtapotbalinabeqberazberxbizinçêlekcirdÇivîkcûcikdelfindîkelokespî_deriyaeylofîlfisûgagerdengazgêrikgolikgumgumokêgumgumokê_avîgurhesphêştirhirçjûjîkangarookarkadnkeftarkelmêşkerkêroşkkerxurkevokkêwjalkoalakûçikkurmkûsîkuvîleglegmarmasîmasiyê_keranmêja_hingivmeymûnmîhmirîşkmişknêrîordekpelenguşkaperînperwanepezkûvîpilingpîrhevokpişemasîpisîkqangqijnaxsegavîşêrserperizkşeytanoksivorîşûlsûravêlkşûttaustûpişkxazzarafazebrazencerezirqetikABCÇDEÊFGHIÎJKLMNOPQRSŞTUÛVWXYZlîmonMaracujatirî tû şînHindistan findeqgêzer sîrzencefilkumikzeytûnbîberbacanpîvazmûzsêvkîwîhêjîrgundorcilekPapayapirteqalşeftalî zebeş hirmî kîraz ananas tûtirşikGrapefruitMangotirozîKurdistanAndorraMîrtiyên Ereb ên YekbuyîAfxanistan Antigûa û Berbûda AlbanyaErmenistan AngolaArjentîn Avusturya Awustralya Azerbeycan Bosna Hersek BarbadosBangladeş Belçîka Burkîna Faso bulgaristanBahreinBûrûndî BênînBrûneyBolîvyaBrazîlBahamaBûtanBotswanaRûsya SipîBelîzeKanadaKongoKomara Afrikaya NavînCongo BrazzavilleIsviçre Peravê Diranfîl ŞîleKamerûn Çîn KolombiyaKosta Rîka Kûba Cape VerdeKibris Komara Çêkiyayê Almanya DjiboutiDanîmarka DominicaKomara Domînîk AlceryaEkuadorEstonya Misir Ye sahrayaErîtrêya SpanyaEtiyopyaFînlanda FijiMicronesia giravFransa Gabon Keyaniya Yekbûyî ya Brîtaniya MezinGrenadaGurcistanGana GambiyaGînêEquatorial GînêHurimstan Gûatemala Gînê-Bissau Guyana Hondûras KroatyaHaîtî MacarîstanÎndonêziya îrlandÎsraîl Hindistan Iraq ÎranÎsland Îtalya Jamaîka Urdun Japon Kenya KirgistanKembodja KiribatiKomorlarSaint Kitts û NevîsKorêya BakurKomara KorêyêKosovoKuwêt Qazaxîstan Laos Libnan LuciaLiechtenstein Srî Lanka LîberyaLesothoLîtvanya Luksemburg LetonyaLîbya Maroko Monako Moldova Montenegro Madagaskar Koma Komalên KurdistanMakedonyayêMalîMyanmarMoxolistan Morîtanya MaltaMauritius MaldîvMalavî MeksîkaMalayziya Mozambik Namîbiya Nîjer NîjeryaNîkaragûa Holand Norwec NepalNaûrû Zêlanda NûOmanPanamaPerûPapûa Gîneya NûFîlîpînPakistanPoland Portekîz PalauParagûay Qeter RomaniyaSerbistan RûsyaRwanda Siyûdî ErebistanaGiravên SolomonSeyşel SudanSwêdSingapûr Slovenya SlovakyaSierra Leone San Marîno SenegalSomaliyaSûrînam Partiya Yekitîya DemokratEl SalvadorSûriya SwazilandÇadHalkların Demokratik PartisiTaylandTacîkistan Timor-LesteTurkmenistanTûnisTongaTirkiyeTrînîdad û TobagoTûvalûTaywan Tanzanya Ukrayna ÛgandaAmerîka ÛrûguayÛzbêkistan VatîkanSaint Vincent û GranadaVenezuêla Viyetnam VanûatûSamoaYemen Efrîqaya Başûr Zambiya ZimbabweHêzên Parastina Gel Partiya Jiyana Azad a KurdistanêYekîneyên Parastina GelYekîneyên Parastina Jinreşşînkejpirozabelekkeskhêşînbinevşî qehwêzêtîtûtikpembesûtsorZîvspîzerYekDuSêÇarPêncŞeşHeftHeştNehsifir
Flag-Quiz Study Country Flags 1.0
This is logo quiz game full of funthatconsists flags from around the world to guess the names ofhundredsof countries.Now get won, to make it on leaderboards highest result!World Flags: Quiz and Learn enables you to learn the flags ofthecountries in an effective way by the form of quiz.Have fun with flags quiz!The following countries are in the quiz:KurdistanAndorraUnited Arab EmiratesAfghanistanAntigua and BarbudaAlbaniaArmeniaAngolaArgentinaAustriaAustraliaAzerbaijanBosnia and HerzegovinaBarbadosBangladeshBelgiumBurkina FasoBulgariaBahrainBurundiBeninBruneiBoliviaBrazilBahamasBhutanBotswanaBelarusBelizeCanadaCongo KinshasaCentral African RepublicCongo BrazzavilleSwitzerlandCote d IvoireChileCameroonChinaColombiaCosta RicaCubaCape VerdeCyprusCzech RepublicGermanyDjiboutiDenmarkDominicaDominican RepublicAlgeriaEcuadorEstoniaEgyptWestern SaharaEritreaSpainEthiopiaFinlandFijiMicronesiaFranceGabonUnited KingdomGrenadaGeorgiaGhanaGambiaGuineaEquatorial GuineaGreeceGuatemalaGuinea-BissauGuyanaHondurasCroatiaHaitiHungaryIndonesiaIrelandIsraelIndiaIraqIranIcelandItalyJamaicaJordanJapanKenyaKyrgyzstanCambodiaKiribatiComorosSaint Kitts and NevisNorth KoreaSouth KoreaKosovoKuwaitKazakhstanLaosLebanonSaint LuciaLiechtensteinSri LankaLiberiaLesothoLithuaniaLuxembourgLatviaLibyaMoroccoMonacoMoldovaMontenegroMadagascarMarshall IslandsMacedoniaMaliMyanmarMongoliaMauritaniaMaltaMauritiusMaldivesMalawiMexicoMalaysiaMozambiqueNamibiaNigerNigeriaNicaraguaNetherlandsNorwayNepalNauruNew ZealandOmanPanamaPeruPapua New GuineaPhilippinesPakistanPolandPortugalPalauParaguayQatarRomaniaSerbiaRussian FederationRwandaSaudi ArabiaSolomon IslandsSeychellesSudanSwedenSingaporeSloveniaSlovakiaSierra LeoneSan MarinoSenegalSomaliaSurinameSao Tome and PrincipeEl SalvadorSyriaSwazilandChadTogoThailandTajikistanTimor-LesteTurkmenistanTunisiaTongaTurkeyTrinidad and TobagoTuvaluRepublic of TaiwanTanzaniaUkraineUgandaUnited StatesUruguayUzbekistanVatican CitySaint Vincent and the GrenadinesVenezuelaVietnamVanuatuSamoaYemenSouth AfricaZambiaZimbabwe4d0f3522b9
Peshmerga Runner 1.0
Peshmerga Runner - Collect Kurdistan as anicon (YPG / ypj / Peshmerga)Elegant and Talented peshmerga in action!- You must have to be skip through the prairie in the Kurdishterrorists as obstacles- You can only get away with good skill but the Kurdish soldierknows what she's doing.- Your mission is to skip IS terrorists on your way to increaseyour points, and develop their hunting skills.- Exciting Jump and Run game- Exciting atmosphere and characters- Unique, addictive gameplay- Over 100 different level- Beautiful Kurdish music and sound effects- Kurdish guerrilla fighter in the outfit- Landscape of Kobanê, Rojava, Erbil- Stunning 2D graphics (Kurdish flag, kurdistan map, Arbil,Peshmerga)- An exciting and challenging adventure game- Classic Jump 'n' Run for all age groups- Very Easy to play - but hard to master- Spirit of the old old school jump and run games such as SuperMario World, Mario's Adventure, Sega Sonic jumpers and manymore- Her Biji Kurdistan
Akay TV 1.0
Schaue dir über 25 kurdische TV Sender liveüber diese App überall an wo du möchtest.Direkt auf dem Fernseher anschauen kein Satellit mehr nötig.Folgende kurdische Sender zurzeit in der App:NRT HDKurdmax HDRudaw TV HDKNN TVSterk TVKurdistan TVKurdsat News TVMed MuzikGeli Kurdistan TVWaar TVNRT 2Rega TVGem KurdSpeda TVMed NuceTRT KurdiKurdmax pepuleJiyan TVAzadi TVTV 10 TVAmozhgary TVYOL TVOezguer Guen TVGovend TVMedNuce TVDie App wird ständig erweitert mit neuen Sendern.Look at more than 25Kurdish TV channels live on this app anywhere to where youwant.Directly on the TV look no satellite required.The following Kurdish stations currently in the app:NRT HDKurdmax HDRudaw TV HDKNN TVSterk TVKurdistan TVKurdsat News TVMed MuzikGeli Kurdistan TVWaar TVNRT 2Rega TVGem KurdSpeda TVMed NuceTRT KurdiKurdmax pepuleJiyan TVAzadi TVTV 10 TVAmozhgary TVYOL TVOezguer Guen TVGovend TVMedNuce TVThe app is constantly being expanded with new stations.
Animal Quiz - Kurdish 1.0
Animal Quiz - Study animal names developed forchildrenAnimals in the quiz:roosterpigcowsheephorsedonkeygoatcalfbulllambchickhendogcatgooseDuckturkeyzebraantelopecamelbuckkangaroobearLapindeerpolar bearMouseelephanttigercockroachratBirdFoxlionwolfhyenapantherlizardcrocodilesnakejellyfishtortoisestorkfishshrimphippodolphinsharkwhaleSquidantbeebutterflyDragon-Flyearthwurmfrogflymosquitosnailsquirreltickravendovepollywoghedgehogmolemaggotspider
Akay Radio - Kurdish 1.0
Listen to 40 Kurdish radio online station withAkay RadioThe following radio stations in Kurdish from Germany, England,Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Iran.1. Kurd FM2. Rudaw Radio3. Radio Bonekan4. KurdMix5. Quran in Kurdish6. Radio Dewran7. Funkhaus Europa Bernama Kurdi8. ZAKARIA Music9. Radyo Hêvi10. Amed Fm11. Havin Fm12. Batman Fm 92.213. Dicle FM14. Dengê Cudi15. Roj Radyo16. Rengin Fm17. Gün Radyo18. Jiyan Fm/Dance19. Bismil Fm20. Radyo 73 Şırnak21. Radio Mahabad22. Doğu Radyo23. Esra Fm24. Cemre Fm25. Radyo Batman26. Radyo Ses (Mersin)27. Zerguwan Fm28. Radyo Selam29. Damla Fm30. Kurd Mix Radyo31. Doğan 21 Fm32. Radyo Ahmet Kaya33. Diyarbakır Can Radyo34. Dengê Kurdistanê Zindi35. Radio Rê-dan36. Radio Nawa37. Iranian Radio - Kurdish38. Radio Umut Londra39. Jesus Coming FM - Kurdish - Erode40. Voice of America Kurdi
Bayrak Oyunu -Bilgi Yarışması 1.0
Bu ülkelerin yüzlerce isimlerini tahmin etmekdünyanın dört bir yanından bayrakları oluşan eğlence dolu logosuyarışması oyunu.Şimdi kazandı olsun, en yüksek sonuç liderler bunu yapmakiçin!Dünya Bayrakları: Sınav ve öğrenin sınavın şekli ile etkili birşekilde ülkelerin bayraklarını öğrenmek için olanak sağlar.Aşağıdaki ülkeler sınav vardır:Birleşik Arap EmirlikleriAndorraAfganistanAntigua ve BarbudaArnavutlukErmenistanAngoraArjantinAvusturyaAvustralyaAzerbeycanBosna HersekBarbadosBangladeşBelçikaBurkina FasoBulgaristanBahreynBurundiBeninBruneiBolivyaBrezilyaBahamalarButanBotsvanaBelarusBelizeKanadaKongo KinshasaOrta Afrika CumhuriyetiKongo BrazzavilleİsviçreFildişi SahiliŞiliKamerunÇinKolombiyaKosta RikaKübaCape VerdeKıbrısÇek CumhuriyetiAlmanyaCibutiDanimarkaDominicaDominik CumhuriyetiCezayirEkvadorEstonyaMısırBatı saharaEritreİspanyaEtiyopyaFinlandiyaFijiMikronezyaFransaGabonBirleşik KrallıkGrenadaGürcistanGanaGambiyaGineEkvator GinesiYunanistanGuatemalaGine-BissauGuyanaHondurasHırvatistanHaitiMacaristanEndonezyaİrlandaİsrailHindistanIrakİranİzlandaİtalyaJamaikaÜrdünJaponyaKenyaKırgızistanKamboçyaKiribatiKomorlarKürdistanSaint Kitts and NevisKuzey KoreGüney KoreKosovaKuveytKazakistanLaosLübnanLuciaLiechtensteinSri LankaLiberyaLesothoLitvanyaLüksemburgLetonyaLibyaFasMonakoMoldovaKaradağMadagaskarMarshall AdalarıMakedonyaMaliMyanmarMoğolistanMoritanyaMaltaMauritiusMaldivlerMalawiMeksikaMalezyaMozambikNamibyaNijerNijeryaNikaraguaHollandaNorveçNepalNauruYeni ZelandaUmmanPanamaPeruPapua Yeni GineFilipinlerPakistanPolonyaPortekizPalauParaguayKatarRomanyaSırbistanRusya FederasyonuRuandaSuudi ArabistanSolomon AdalarıSeyşellerSudanİsveçSingapurSlovenyaSlovakyaSierra LeoneSan MarinoSenegalSomaliSurinamSao Tome ve PrincipeEl SalvadorSuriyeSvazilandÇadGitmekTaylandTacikistanTimor-LesteTürkmenistanTunusTongaHindiTrinidad ve TobagoTuvaluTayvan CumhuriyetiTanzanyaUkraynaUgandaAmerika Birleşik DevletleriUruguayÖzbekistanVatikan ŞehriSaint Vincent ve GrenadinesVenezuelaVietnamVanuatuSamoaYemenGüney AfrikaZambiyaZimbabveEstimating the names ofhundreds of countries flags from around the world formed afun-filled racing game logo.Now it has won, the highest result leaders to do it!Flags of the World: The shape of the exam and learn the testallows for an effective way to learn the flags of thecountries.The following countries are exams:United Arab EmiratesAndorraAfghanistanAntigua and BarbudaAlbaniaArmeniaAngoraArgentinaAustriaAustraliaAzerbaijanBosnia and HerzegovinaBarbadosBangladeshBelgiumBurkina FasoBulgariaBahrainBurundiBeninBruneiBoliviaBrazilBahamasButaneBotswanaBelarusBelizeCanadaCongo KinshasaCentral African RepublicCongo BrazzavilleSwissIvory CoastChileCameroonChinaColombiaCosta RicaCubaCape VerdeCyprusCzech RepublicGermanyDjiboutiDenmarkDominicaDominican RepublicAlgeriaEcuadorEstoniaEgyptWestern saharaEritreaSpainEthiopiaFinlandFijiMicronesiaFranceGabonUnited KingdomGrenadaGeorgiaGhanaGambiaGuineaEquatorial GuineaGreeceGuatemalaGuinea-BissauGuyanaHondurasCroatiaHaitiHungaryIndonesiaIrelandIsraelIndiaIraqIranianIcelandItalyJamaicaJordanJapanKenyaKirghizistanCambodiaKiribatiComorosKurdistanSaint Kitts and NevisNorth KoreaSouth KoreaKosovoKuwaitKazakhistanLaosLebanonLuciaLiechtensteinSri LankaLiberiaLesothoLithuanianLuxembourgLatviaLibyaMoroccoMonacoMoldovaMontenegroMadagascarMarshall IslandsMacedoniaFinancialMyanmarMongoliaMauritaniaMaltaMauritiusMaldivesMalawiMexicanMalaysiaMozambiqueNamibiaNigerNigeriaNicaraguaNetherlandsNorwayNepalNauruNew ZelandOmanPanamaPeruPapua New GuineaPhilippinesPakistanPolandPortugalPalauParaguayTrainRomaniaSerbiaRussian FederationRwandaSaudi ArabiaSolomon IslandsSeychellesSudanSwedishSingaporeSloveniaSlovakiaSierra LeoneSan MarinoSenegalSomaliaSurinameSao Tome and PrincipeEl SalvadorSyriaSwazilandChadGoThailandTajikistanIn Timor-LesteTurkmenistanTunisianTongaTurkeyTrinidad and TobagoTuvaluTaiwan RepublicTanzaniaUkraineUgandaUnited States of AmericaUruguayUzbekistanVatican CitySaint Vincent and the GrenadinesVenezuelanVietnameseVanuatuSamoaYemenSouth AfricaZambiaZimbabwe
Punch the ISIS 1.0
Punch the ISIS is a shooting game in whichyouhave to shot into the ugly face of the terroist. A game thatnotonly guarantees a lot of fun but also motivates to highperformanceto hit the IS terrorist. It is a game with animatedfaces that areangry about every punch. Play now and set new highscores andsurpass them again.Functionality of the game: Punch the IS- Shoot at the terrorists face and annoy him- Easy One Touch & Tap function- Creative and crazy animations make the mini-game to agreatentertainment- The game is as simple so that it can be learned byanyone'splayHow does the game work?- The terrorist sleeps tap him to launch the game.- The terrorist will punched with the fist.- Punch him five times and an Alien-IS comes on the screen.Punchthe non-IS Alien otherwise the game is lost.- With each round, the IS is faster and you have to react fasterandfaster. After another five hits the next alien appears.- Punch the islamic state isisPunch the islamic state like the US in real! The fist isametaphor of the aerial attacks to Kobane in Syria and Iraqtosupport the kurds in the fight to the terrorists. 65f28bc094
Gervalla Radio - Albanisch 1.0
20 Radio Sender aus Albanien und dem Kosovoineiner App vereintHöre dir dein Lieblingsradiosender über die Gervalla RadioAppjederzeit an.Folgende Sender sind enthalten:Radio FontanaRadioprojektRadio MariaRadio Kosovo 1Radio Kosovo 2RadioKosova.NetRadio VicianumRadio Vala RinoreRadio Tirana 1 - News/Talk/FeaturesRadio Tirana 2 - MusicRadio Tirana 3 -AMC Love Radio - Adult ContemporaryRadio Jug - Pop/Local serviceTop Albania Radio - PopVIP FM -Radio Emigranti - Albanian musicRadio Dardania - Albanian musicRadio Plus 102 2FM - Top 40/DanceRadio Llapi -Urban FM 103 5 - Urban/AlternativeCombines 20 radiostationsin Albania and Kosovo in one appListen to your favorite radio stations on the Gervalla RadioAppat any time.The following stations are included:Radio FontanaRadio ProjectRadio MariaRadio Kosovo 1Radio Kosovo 2RadioKosova.NetRadio VicianumRadio Vala RinoreRadio Tirana 1 - News / Talk / FeaturesRadio Tirana 2 - MusicRadio Tirana 3 -AMC Love Radio - Adult ContemporaryRadio Jug - Pop / Local ServiceTop Albania Radio - PopVIP FM -Radio Emigranti - Albanian musicRadio Dardania - Albanian musicRadio Plus 102 2FM - Top 40 / DanceRadio Llapi -Urban FM 103 5 - Urban / Alternative