21g Apps

Art History Plus 1.01
Discover everything that you ever wanted toknow about art history in this new art history app.Art history photos, videos and the latest news about arthistory.Totally free and updated daily.
Jerusalem Tourist 1.03
Jerusalem is one of the most beautiful andhistoric cities in the world.It is a maven and a haven for all tourist.Enjoy a preview of Jerusalem with this specialized app.Includes:- A list of local Jerusalem events- Extraordinary Jerusalem videos- News from Jerusalem- Photos of Jerusalemand much much more...This app is constantly updated and 100% free.Download today!
Anonymous,fake,prank emails 1.1
This app is perfect if you want to send ananonymous or fake email to play a prank on any of your friends.Free to download and use. No ads. Fully functioning.You can choose the name it is sent from as well as the emailaddress.It is totally anonymous and untraceable.We do not track the emails nor do we keep any identifiableinformation.This app which will enable you to send fake emails.You can get going straight away by clicking on the Email tab andare not required to register or anything silly like that.Please note:1. The use of this app is your own responsibility and we willnot hold any responsibility for how you use it.2. There is NO limit on the number of emails that you send a dayunlike other apps.Download this fun app now before the price increase.
Learn Hebrew The Smart Way 1.01
Learning any language is not easy.However, Practical Hebrew has made it easier by just teachingyou the Hebrew that you really need to know.Through text, audio and video you will have fun learning theHebrew that you really need to know!
How To Read Hebrew-90 Minutes 1.3
If you have ever wanted to learn how to readHebrew, then this is your chance to learn in 90 minutes or less.It's amazing to think like that, but in 90 minutes time you canhave the ability to literally read another language.How to read Hebrew in 90 minutes has been created by a group ofprofessional Hebrew teachers who have combined their resources inorder to present this highly professional app which will makethings easy for you.As well as an explanation of how the Hebrew alphabet works, youwill be guided through each letter of the Hebrew alphabet.You will then be shown through examples and exercise exactly howthe letters fit together.At the end of 90 minutes, you will:- be familiar with all of the letters- be able to read Hebrew proficiently- Understand the make-up of the Hebrew languageWhether you want to be able to read Hebrew to:- visit Israel- read the original text of the bible- pray in Hebrewor any other reason, this is your chance to do it. Andquickly.This app is for you independent of what religion you are or yourprior exposure to languages.Download this app now and in 90 minutes you will be readingHebrew. Guaranteed.
Dog Training Secrets 1.01
If you love your dog then you will lovethisdog training app.You will discover:- Latest dog training videos- Photos of dog training- Latest dog training tipsDownload this dog training app today.100% free.Updated daily.
Wrestle With The Stars 1.01
Download this app to see all of yourfavoritewrestling stars. See wrestling photos, wrestling videos andbeupdated on the latest wrestling news.Constantly updated, download this wrestling app now.
Poker Plus 1.01
The latest Poker News, Poker Videos andPokerPhotos.Totally free.Poker app updated daily.
Gold Financial Update 1.01
Discover the latest gold news, gold imagesandgold videos.Everything that you need, to keep up with what is happeninginthe universe in connection with gold.This app will always be 100% free.Auto updated daily.
How To Cure Your Twitch or Tic 1.0
Stop Twitching In 30 Days Or Less!Your twitch is ruining your life in so many ways andbotheringyou intensely whether you are on your own, out in companyor evenat home with your family.But it doesn't have to be that way...You can literally turn your life around and improve it howyounever thought possible.Let's see how you are currently affected by having a twitch:Social SituationsSocial situations may not be your strong point anyway, butevenif they are, they are made 10 times worse by your twitch.- Perhaps you find yourself looking around the room to checkthatno-one is looking at you so that you can twitch in'secret'.- Perhaps you avoid talking to people who you know hold longeyecontact meaning that you can't twitch atll.- Perhaps you avoid any situations at all which are going toinvolveyou having to be face-to-face with someone for more than afewminutes at a time.Professional Situations- Perhaps you avoid any job interviews at all for fear thatyourtwitch will be too obvious.- Perhaps you are scared to work in an office at all for fearthatpeople will be watching you and catch you twitching withoutyoubeing aware of it.- Perhaps you are even scared of the security camera thatcouldcatch you twitching and give everyone else in the workplace agood'laugh'.Family Occasions- Perhaps you stay away from any large celebrations becausetherewill be a video camera which could catch youtwitchingunaware.- Perhaps it is simply embaraessing to be around people whohaveknown you for years and now will see you twitching.- Perhaps you don't want to attend family occasions because youknowthat others who don't have the terrible curse of a twitch willhaveachieved so much more than you in life.Does any of the above ring a bell with you?You are about to discover:A safe patch that has shown very promising results inreducingtwitches – it has little to no side effects.A single behavioural modification that you can start today–you'll drastically reduce your tics and twitches immediately.How to deal with tics and twitches in children – it's awholedifferent ball game when it comes to kids and you must beaware ofhow to deal with them.The difference between simple and complex tics – how tohandleeach of them and reduce their effects.How to use the brief "premonitory" period just before your tic–using this effectively can turn your tic off.The truth about genetically inherited tics – there's more toitthan you think.How to identify which of the 3 tic disorders you have –moreimportantly, how to overcome them.The shocking truth about Tourette's Syndrome – it's morethanjust an embarrassing condition.Prescription drugs vs. alternative treatments – the choiceisyours, but you need to know what the options are.The 4 most common prescription drugs and theirpotentiallyhazardous side effects – this information is vital toyourhealth.Pros and cons of psychotherapeutic solutions – the chickenandegg theory.How and when to use Biofeedback Strategies – thisuniquetreatment may be the hidden secret you've been lookingfor.Surprising nutritional strategies – sometimes a simple changeinyour diet can reduce your nervous twitch.The Botox breakthrough – it's not just for wrinkles anymore.Download this app right now and change your life fromtodayonward.
English And Hebrew Dictionary 1.58.4
Translate all of your English phrasesintoHebrew at the press of a button. Never be stuck again withoutadictionary to translate!
Modern Art 1.02
Modern art app which showcases latest photos,videos and news from the modern art world.If you love modern art and want to see what this modern art appoffers, then download it for free.Constantly updated!
Israel Plus 1.02
Discover the beauty of the country of Israel.Whether you live in Israel, are travelling to Israel or justwantto keep up to date with news of Israel, this is the app toyou.100% free and constantly updated, you will be able todiscovervideos, photos and the latest new about Israel.Suitable for Christians, Jews, Moslems or any other religion.Orno religion at all.This app is about displaying the beauty and showing youtheland.