0.5.1 / April 26, 2017
(3.9/5) (429)


Let's make the encounter which throbbingshakes the opposite sex and chatting in same region.
In the open space, freely exchanged talking, dating and chattinganonymously,
In the chatting room, you can safely enjoy a chatting and datingjust between the two of us.
Without complicated registration procedures, please start withsimple.
We does not take your valuable time to input the unnecessaryinformation for chatting and dating.

CiderTalk, you can use absolute peace of mind. because we do notcollect any location information and personal informationeither.

Please, Having fun of chatting and dating along with the CyderTalktoday!

※ Please note for all of the services to enjoy.

* Conditions encounter, underage prostitution, transfer of obscenephotos / videos, partner insult, is subject to criminalpenalties.
* Nickname use or thread contrary to public order and morality is apermanent stop target.
* Abuse, slander, obscenity, articles that contain such asadvertising, will be removed without warning.
* You may be caught at the time strongly sanction of otherunhealthy purpose activities.
* personal information exchange and off-line of the encounter couldbe exposed to crime, please note meticulous.

Developers of Contact:
Seoul Seocho-gu Seocho

App Information CyderTalk - chatting, dating

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CyderTalk - chatting, dating 0.5.1 APK
Let's make the encounter which throbbingshakes the opposite sex and chatting in same region.In the open space, freely exchanged talking, dating and chattinganonymously,In the chatting room, you can safely enjoy a chatting and datingjust between the two of us.Without complicated registration procedures, please start withsimple.We does not take your valuable time to input the unnecessaryinformation for chatting and dating.CiderTalk, you can use absolute peace of mind. because we do notcollect any location information and personal informationeither.Please, Having fun of chatting and dating along with the CyderTalktoday!※ Please note for all of the services to enjoy.* Conditions encounter, underage prostitution, transfer of obscenephotos / videos, partner insult, is subject to criminalpenalties.* Nickname use or thread contrary to public order and morality is apermanent stop target.* Abuse, slander, obscenity, articles that contain such asadvertising, will be removed without warning.* You may be caught at the time strongly sanction of otherunhealthy purpose activities.* personal information exchange and off-line of the encounter couldbe exposed to crime, please note meticulous.----Developers of Contact:Seoul Seocho-gu Seocho
유레카(Eureka) - 채팅,톡,SNS,지식인,퀴즈 0.1.2 APK
[1] 유레카(Eureka)는 내 질문에 대한 빠른 답변을 얻고 싶을 때 많은사람들의 자발적인 참여와 수많은 의견들을 얻을 수 있습니다.그 방법은 아주 간편해요!원하는 질문을 제목으로 채팅 방을 만드시고 참여만 하시면 끝!그 답을 알거나 의견을 제시하고 싶은 사람들이 자발적으로 방에 참여해서 그 답을 알려줄거에요![2] 유레카(Eureka)는 심심할 때, 수다 떨고 싶을 때 내가 몰랐던 다양한 사람들과 의견을 나누거나 사진,동영상을 공유할 수 있습니다.그 방법은 아주 간편해요!원하는 수다의 주제를 제목으로 채팅 방을 만드시고 참여만 하시면 끝!당신이 제시한 제목에 대해 수다를 떨고 싶은 사람들이 자발적으로 방에 참여해서 오래도록 수다를 나누게 될거에요!몰랐던 세상 사람들과 수다를 나누고, 채팅을 하고, 지식을 나누거나 퀴즈를 풀거나 하면서, SNS처럼어울리세요!유레카(Eureka) - 채팅,톡,SNS,지식인,퀴즈 는 여러분들이 만드는 채팅 방들의 수만큼기쁠거에요!----개발자 연락처 :서울시 서초구 서초동[1] Eureka (Eureka) Youcan get a lot of people and a number of voluntary feedback if youwant to get a quick answer to my question.That way, it's very easy!Sake, the title of your question in the chat room tips you need todo is participate!That people want to know the answer or offer an opinion as toparticipate voluntarily going to the room to tell you the answer![2] Eureka (Eureka) can share a variety of people and sharetheir opinions or photos, movies that I did not know when you want,chatting and shaking when bored.That way, it's very easy!Sake, and the chat room with the title of the topic you want tochat only participate in the end!For which you have presented the title to participate voluntarilyin a room of people you want to share chattering going to be a longchat!I did not know the people of the world to share and chat, chat,and share your knowledge with a quiz, or, or, as suits yourSNS!Eureka (Eureka) - Chat, Messenger, SNS, intellectuals, quiz'm ashappy as a number of chat rooms you are making!