1.0 / November 26, 2015
(5.0/5) (1)


This game is very comfortable to play , itissuitable for anyone who likes games in the smartphone .

This game is quite a puzzle game , but a little bitdifferent.

Helps you to train your logic skills to solve a problemthatrequires some special thoughts .

It could be to just to do the refreshing of the remnants ofyourbusy schedule to your daily routine activities .

for you are willing to play this game we are very grateful andwereally hope you like this game .

Have a nice play

App Information cube

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hexa game 1.0 APK
Game ini di buat untuk anda,anda bisamenggunakan game ini untuk mengisi waktu luang anda ataupun hanyasekedar mengusir kebosanan disaat menunggu sesuatumisalnya,menunggu keberangkatan kereta api,penerbangan pesawat danlain-lain.Mari enjoy dengan game iniThis game is made foryou, you can use this game to fill your spare time or just get ridof boredom while waiting for something, for example, waiting forthe departure of the train, plane flights and others.Let's enjoy with this game
sumo game 1.0 APK
Game ini sangat ringan cocok untuk relaksasidari kepenatan aktivitas sehari-hari.This game is very lightsuitable for relaxation from the fatigue of daily activity.
Alice's Adventures 1.0 APK
Alice's Adventures in WonderlandAlice's Adventures in Wonderland (commonly shortened to AliceinWonderland) is an 1865 novel written by English authorCharlesLutwidge Dodgson under the pseudonym Lewis Carroll.It tellsof agirl named Alice falling through a rabbit hole into a fantasyworldpopulated by peculiar, anthropomorphic creatures. The taleplayswith logic, giving the story lasting popularity with adults aswellas with children.It is considered to be one of the bestexamples ofthe literary nonsense genre.Its narrative course andstructure,characters and imagery have been enormously influentialin bothpopular culture and literature, especially in thefantasygenre.BackgroundPage from the original manuscript copy of Alice's AdventuresUnderGround, 1864Alice was published in 1865, three years after CharlesLutwidgeDodgson and the Reverend Robinson Duckworth rowed in a boaton 4July 1862[4] (this popular date of the "golden afternoon" mightbea confusion or even another Alice-tale, for that particular daywascool, cloudy, and rainy up the Isis with the three youngdaughtersof Henry Liddell (the Vice-Chancellor of Oxford Universityand Deanof Christ Church): Lorina Charlotte Liddell (aged 13, born1849,"Prima" in the book's prefatory verse); Alice PleasanceLiddell(aged 10, born 1852, "Secunda" in the prefatory verse);Edith MaryLiddell (aged 8, born 1853, "Tertia" in the prefatoryverse).The journey began at Folly Bridge near Oxford and endedfivemiles away in the village of Godstow. During the trip, Dodgsontoldthe girls a story that featured a bored little girl named Alicewhogoes looking for an adventure. The girls loved it, andAliceLiddell asked Dodgson to write it down for her. He beganwritingthe manuscript of the story the next day, although thatearliestversion no longer exists. The girls and Dodgson tookanother boattrip a month later when he elaborated the plot to thestory ofAlice, and in November he began working on the manuscriptinearnest.To add the finishing touches, he researched natural historyforthe animals presented in the book, and then had the bookexaminedby other children—particularly the children of GeorgeMacDonald. Headded his own illustrations but approached JohnTenniel toillustrate the book for publication, telling him that thestory hadbeen well liked by children.On 26 November 1864, he gave Alice the handwritten manuscriptofAlice's Adventures Under Ground, with illustrations byDodgsonhimself, dedicating it as "A Christmas Gift to a Dear ChildinMemory of a Summer's Day". Some, including MartinGardner,speculate that there was an earlier version that wasdestroyedlater by Dodgson when he wrote a more elaborate copy byhand.But before Alice received her copy, Dodgson was alreadypreparingit for publication and expanding the 15,500-word originalto 27,500words,most notably adding the episodes about the CheshireCat andthe Mad Tea-Party.
cube 1.0 APK
This game is very comfortable to play , itissuitable for anyone who likes games in the smartphone .This game is quite a puzzle game , but a little bitdifferent.Helps you to train your logic skills to solve a problemthatrequires some special thoughts .It could be to just to do the refreshing of the remnants ofyourbusy schedule to your daily routine activities .for you are willing to play this game we are very grateful andwereally hope you like this game .Have a nice play
jadwal liga inggris 1.2.3 APK
Ini adalah aplikasi untuk penggemar sepak bolaliga inggris,dengan aplikasi ini anda akan dipermudahkan untukmengakses jadwal liga Inggris.Dengan apikasi ini anda menikmati liga Inggris akan terasa lebihmengesankanThis is the app for fansof English league football, with this application you willdipermudahkan to access the English league schedule.With this apikasi you enjoy the league will be more impressive
Fitness And Gym 1.0 APK
Hi, I'm Dan Long, Suspension Trainer Experthere in beautiful Tampa, FL.Suspension exercises have been the secret training system forprofessional athletes, elite Special Forces Operators, and theamazing success that my training clients have gotten over theyears...…and they are, in fact the reason that I get thousands of peoplejust like you into my training facility each and every year.You see, there's a hidden advantage to my workouts that peoplelike you just don't know about. If you're going to a commercialgym, or even have a gym in your home... or if you use exercisemachines... or even free weights for that matter, you're only usingjust a portion of your body's full potential to burn fat.In fact, emerging science is now showing that even in thebest-case scenario, it's probably taking you two or three timeslonger to get similar results that my clients are getting.And it’s taking my clients a lot less time to achieve theirresults, which means the success rate is high. Isn’t that what youwant… results, faster, and more permanent?You see, there are over 600 muscles in the human body. And asyou may know, the more muscles that are worked, the more caloriesyou'll burn... While that may seem obvious to you, there’s actuallymore to the science of fat loss – let me explain
weightloss 1.1 APK
Losing weight in a short space of time hasalways been thought of as a near impossible task. For years,doctors and dieticians have told the public that it takes monthsand sometimes even years of hard work to see any progress withweight loss, or to sculpt the perfect body. But that is simply nottrue at all.The human body is highly adaptable and able to change inextremely short periods of time. Think about it. If people canquickly gain mass amounts of fat from weeks of unhealthy eating,shouldn’t they be able to lose a lot weight rapidly from weeks ofhealthy eating? Well, they definitely can.But what do you need to eat to lose the weight rapidly? Fromlow-carb, to low-fat, to sugar-free, to high-protein, and even the‘caveman’ diet – there are so many options out there that it can beextremely confusing to the average person on which diet you shoulduse to quickly lose weight. Some of these diets even provideconflicting information on what you should and shouldn’t eat. Well,that’s all about to change.For years, A-list celebrities and professional athletes havebeen following a secret diet not revealed to the public. This dietis so effective that people have been able to lose over 23 poundsof pure body fat in just 21 days from following it. That’s morethan 1 pound of body fat per day! Now, that diet has been madepublic by acclaimed nutritionist and personal trainer BrianFlatt.Titled ‘The 3 Week Diet’, Brian’s system reveals to peopleexactly how they can rapidly lose over 1 pound of body weight perday. The diet doesn’t involve starving yourself or exercising likecrazy, but instead follows a specific scientific method ofincluding certain nutrient rich foods into your diet that, whencombined, offer special fat-combating properties. You don’t need torestrict yourself to certain types of foods like ‘no carbs’ or ‘nosugar’, but rather include ‘the good stuff’ as well to help burnthe fat. This diet is extremely effective and based on years ofscientific research and testing to ensure its safety andeffectiveness.Brian has revealed step-by-step how to follow this diet for 21days to see these amazing results. He has laid out every food youneed to include in your diet, and when you need to eat them. Thediet is incredibly easy to follow, with very little work involved.If you are looking to lose weight fast, The 3 Week Diet isdefinitely something you should consider. No other diet out theretoday promises such fast results, and is able to deliver themtoo.Visit The 3 Week Diet website to before and after photos ofpeople who have followed the diet for 21 days. You too, can seesimilar results in as little as 2 days, if you start right now!
The Lock 1.0 APK
The lock is a game made ​​for power honeyourintuition where you are required to make decisions at therighttime .This game is very easy to operate by all people from childrentoadulthood .It is exciting to play this game .The trick is simply pressing the touch screen when therotationof the needle you right on the white point , if you presstheappropriate needle on the white line then youwill get points .Likewise if you are not right then you will lose your life andifit has been three times in a row you will repeat this game fromthebeginning .Thanks for trying to play this game , I hope you are happy .Enjoy