App Information creative texting
- App Namecreative texting
- Package
- UpdatedSeptember 11, 2015
- File Size9.4M
- Requires AndroidAndroid 2.3 and up
- Version1
- Developervevomedia
- Installs500 - 1,000
- PriceFree
- CategoryPhotography
- Developer
- Google Play Link
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Lost Words Game 1.0 APK
The game is famous for young and old, also known as "missed wordgame" and "search words game"Underline the words within the network and anywhere you see whereand in what form, horizontal, vertical, diagonal, whether Mtlh orupside down. Then arranged for the remaining characters get lost onthe floor.The game is characterized by diversity and cultural enrichment invarious fields.Intelligent interesting new games free
وصلة الكلمات المتقاطعة 1.0 APK
وصلة الكلمات المتقاطعة هي اللعبةالمشهورةللصغار والكبار، تعرف ايضا ب "لعبة كلمة السر" و "لعبهالكلمةالضائعة" و "لعبه البحث عن الكلمات"ضع خطا على على الكلمات داخل الشبكة وفي أي مكان تراها فيه وبأيشكل،أفقي، عمودي، مائل، سواء كانت معدولة او مقلوبة. ثم رتبالأحرفالمتبقية لتحصل على الكلمة المفقودة.تتميز اللعبة بالتنوع والاثراء الثقافي في شتى المجالات.العاب ذكاء جديدة شيقة مجانيةLink Crossword is agamefamous for young and old, also known as "password Game" and"Gamelost the word" and "Game search for the words"Underline the words within the network and anywhere you seewhereand in what form, horizontal, vertical, diagonal, whether Mtlhorupside down. Then arranged for the remaining characters get lostonthe floor.The game is characterized by diversity and cultural enrichmentinvarious fields.Intelligent interesting new games free
Add Stickers 1.0 APK
Adding Stickers To Your Photos Made FunTake a photo within Photo Sticker camera or choose an existingphoto from gallery then add the text or stickers that will add morefun and life to your photos and add caption on pictures !many of designer-picked stickers to choose fromCreate collages from your photosShare your creations on Facebook, Flickr, whatsapp and moreAdd Text to PhotosAdd Stickers to Photosrotate ,resize
MP3 Cutter Ringtone Maker 1.1 APK
MP3 Cutter Ringtone Maker is free Clone App for Music Editor appcreates ringtone, alarms, and notifications from MP3, WAV,AAC/MP4,3GPP/AMR Audio Ringtone Maker Ultimate. Make unlimited free ringtoneswith the music on your Android device, or record new ones on thefly!How to use Mp3 Cutter Ringtone Maker:1.Select mp3/music from your mobile or from Recordings.2.Select area to be chopped from your audio.3.Save as Ringtone/Music/Alarm/Notification.MP3 Cutter Features.- Supports MP3, WAV, AAC, AMR and most other music formats.- Record an audio/music for editing.- Easy to preview and play all the output ringtone list.- Free to manage your ringtone files. Delete, Edit, set asringtone/Alarm/Notification Tone.- View a scrollable waveform representation of the audio file at4 zoom levels.- Set start & end for the audio clip, using an optionaltouch interface.- Tap anywhere on the wave & the built-in Music playerstarts playing at that position.- Option to Name the new cut clip while saving it asRingtone/Music/Alarm/Notification Tone.- Set the new clip as default ringtone or assign ringtone tocontacts, using this ringtone editor.- Share your audio files
creative texting 1 APK
creative texting is the best photo tips tricksand fixes for Android, let you easily add any texts, captions, coolstickers It comes with the best effects to start along with yourbasic editing tools, like color balance, crop, and rotate. but theapp has extra tools for editing including things like fixingred-eye, whitening teeth, etc ...
Fix Your Pictures 1.0 APK
Fix Your Pictures is a free application photo editor. Lots offilters and effects, easy to use, Edit photosmakes your photo awesome with many easy to use photo tools. Editpictures, apply beautiful photo effects,Add filters, frames, text, stickers and effects; create a photocollage,Enjoy free Fix Your Pictures and show your creativity
Photo to Video Converter Free 1.0 APK
Photo to Video Converter FreeCreate a video in slide show style with your photos, musicandanimation.Arrange the photos in order with the perfect background, musicandanimation to create a video of your own.You can add perfect music from your mobile to play along thephotovideo.Main Features :- Add multiple photos and music to the slideshow.- Multiple animations are available to make it attractive.- Save video stories in your phone and view them with photovideomaker app.
تركيب اطارات للصور 1.0 APK
تركيب اطارات للصورتطبيق لدمج الصور يحتوي على اكثر من 50 اطار لدمج الصور تطبيقبسيطيمكنك في لحظات تركيب صور ونشرها على مواقع التواصل الاجتماعيمكنكتعديل مكان الصورة في مكانها المناسب باستخدم لمس الشاشة وتدويرهاكماتريد50 + frames - List of frames in grid format. - Set images inframes.- Image selection from camera gallery screen - pinch tozoom withimage - left/right rotate image. - Share image with whatsapp,facebook,twitter and we chat etcInstallation Photo FrameApplication to merge the images contain more than 50frameworkfor integrating images simple application you can installinmoments and images posted on social networking sites can youeditthe image in place proper place use ALL touching the screenandrotate as you want50 + frames - List of frames in grid format. - Set images inframes.- Image selection from camera gallery screen - pinch tozoom withimage - left / right rotate image. - Share image withwhats app,facebook, twitter and we chat etc
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قص الصور وتغيير الخلفية 1.1.0 APK
تطبيق "قص وتغيير الخلفية" يوفر لك إمكانيةتقطيع وتحرير الصور وتغيير الخلفية وكتابة على صور.من أهم نقاط التعديل، الرغبة في تعديل أشياء داخل الصورة ، أو قص جزءووضعه في مكان آخر، وطبعا تحتاج إلى دقة للقيام بذلك، وربما تعتقد أنهيجب أن تكون محترفا لاستخدام تطبيقات تقطيع و تعديل على صور، لكن لاتقلق، مع تطبيق "قص وتغيير الخلفية" ستصبح محترفا بكل سهولة.من أهم ميزات التطبيق، ، هي حذف الخلفية، أو قص الصور من الخلفية بكلاحترافية، مع إعادة ترتيبها وفق ما تريد .مزايا احترافية رائعة.كذلك التطبيق يوفر لك إمكانية إضافة الخلفيات ، ستجعل صورك أفضلوأحسن، دون نسيان إمكانية كتابة على الصور، مع تصميم وإنشاء ألبوم خاصبك بعد تعديل الصور من خلال التطبيق.وعلى كل حال، مع هذا التطبيق لن تحتاج إلى استخدام التطبيقات المعقدةمثل فوتوشوب وغيره، فتطبيق من خلال المزايا التي فيه وواجهته البسيطةسيجعلك محترفا"Cut and change thebackground" application provides you with the possibility ofcutting and editing images, change the background and writingimages.Of the most important adjustment points, the desire to modify theobjects within the image, or cut part and put it in another place,and of course you need to accuracy to do this, and maybe you thinkit should be a professional to use cutting and edit picturesapplications, but do not worry, with the application of "Cut andchange the background "will become a professional with ease.Of the most important features of the application, is to delete thebackground, or cut pictures from every professional background,with rearranged according to what you want.Professional advantages fantastic.The application also provides you with the ability to addbackgrounds, will make your photos better and better, withoutforgetting the possibility of writing on the images, with thedesign and establishment of a special album after adjusting yourimages through the application.In any case, with this application you will not need to use complexapplications such as Photoshop and others, The application throughthe advantages that the facade will make you a professionalStatistics
برنامج تركيب الصور مع من تحب 1.0 APK
-ان كنت تبحث عن برنامج تركيب الصور على أجملالصور صور ورد و صور حب اليك تطبيق تركيب الصور مع حبيبك -الذي يمكنكمن تركيب الصور في اطارات حب كما انه لا يتطلب منك اكتب اسمك علىالصورة او كتابة الاسماء على الصور بل ستجد رسائل حب رومانسيه و مؤثرةجدا يكفيك ان تضع صورتك و صورة حبيبكيمكنك اختيار الصور من هاتفك او التقاطها مباشرة و تركيبها على أزيدمن 50+ اطار صور و مشاركتها على مواقع أو برامج التواصل المشهورة مثل:- صور واتساب- صور انستقرام- صور فيسبوك• يمكنك أيضا تركيب صورتك أو صورتك مع من تحب و حفظها في هاتفكاندرويد كما يمكنك أيضا جعلها كخلفية رائعة*التطبيق يدعم الأجهزة اللوحية و أيضا أجهزة الأيباد من ضمنهااكتب اسمك على الصورة أو يمكنك الكتابة على الصور في تحديثات قادمةان نال اعجابك النسخة محدودة سارع بتحميل التطبيق و ان حالفك الحظ وقمت بتحميله لا تنسى بعمل تقييم لكي تضمن استمراره, و ان لم يحالفكالحظ للتحميل راسلنا و شكرا لكن لا تنسى تقييم التطبيق لكي نستمر فيتحديث صور جميلة و خلفيات من أجل تركيب الصورShall you're looking forpictures on the installation of the most beautiful images PhotoWord program and Photos love thee application installation imageswith your lover, who you can install pictures of tires in love ashe does not require you to type your name on the picture or writingnames on the pictures but you will find romantic love letters andvery impressive enough for you to put your picture and your loverimageYou can select photos from your phone or captured directly andinstalled on more than 50+ picture frame and share them on sites orcommunication programs such as the famous:- Photos and Atsab- Photos Anstaqram- Facebook photos• You can also install your photo or your image with the one youlove and save them in your phone Android and you can also make itgreat as a background* The application supports tablets and also iPad devices, includingWrite your name on the picture or you can write on the images ata future updates that won much you like version limited rushed todownload the application and that good fortune and you downloadedDo not forget to make an assessment in order to ensure itscontinuation, and that was not lucky for download Us and thank youbut do not forget the application evaluation in order to Wecontinue to update the pretty pictures and backgrounds for theinstallation of images
اكتب على الصور 1 APK
تطبيق مجاني للكتابة علي الصور حيثتستطيعالاختيار من صور متنوعة داخل التطبيق او الاختيار من الالبومالخاصبكوايضا يمكنك من التقاط الصور والكتابة عليها وارسالها عبرشبكاتالتواصل الاجتماعيFree application towriteto the images where you can choose from a variety of imageswithinthe application or choose from your albumAnd also you can take pictures and write on it and send viasocialnetworks
كتابة على الصور المطور 1 APK
الان على اندرويد وباللغة العربية تطبيقكتابةعلى الصور بالخط العربي يتيح لك الكتابة على صورك باجمل واحسنالخطوطالعربية والانجليزية, ليس هذا وحسب بل يمكنك تعديل وتحسين صوركعبرالتطبيق, ويمكنك مشاركتها عبر الفيسبوك والتويتر والانستجراموالواتساب.Now on Android intheArabic language application in writing to the pictures inArabiccalligraphy lets you write on your photos and warmest bestArabicand English lines, is not this, but also you can edit andenhanceyour photos through the application, and you can share themviaFacebook and twitter and Alanstjeram and Alwats August.
Photography Top Show More...
B612 - Selfiegenic Camera 11.6.25 APK
No 1 in the App Store photo category in 52countries!Over 300 million users worldwide use B612 to achieveincredible selfies using live beautification adjustments.Express yourself daily through fun stickers and amazing ARfiltersthat make glamour shots effortless and add life to boringbackgrounds.When video calls are too much, but texting is so boring?Chat like you're in a cartoon with Play!Make your memories even more specialTrendy Filters, Selfiegenic Camera - B612
PIP Camera-Photo Editor Pro APK
◆ PIP Camera——Redefine photo taking and photoediting. A brand new photo editor! Powerful picture editingmaster.◆ An awesome photo editor app, a great selfie tool you won't wantto miss. Globally popular PIP(Picture in picture) effect, you won’twant to miss it!◆ A top selfie cam in more than 40 countries around the world, morethan 50 million users are using it!PIP Camera sets your photo in another photo frame with somecreative frames. PIP Camera is a spinoff of FotoRus’ popularPic-in-Pic mode, and it is more powerful and more fun with theaddition of the new PIP Frames mode and PIP magazine Collagemode.★--------- Popular Functions ---------★☆ PIP Style(Picture in picture)——Totally new selfieexperience: Thousands of millions of people are using it onMoments, Microblog and Instagram. Maybe the distance between youand your idol is only a PIP Camera(Amazing picture in picturestyle)~☆ Artistic Filters —— In special, we have magical artisticfilters. Change ordinary photos to art photos in a second: Totallynew artistic filters are all here. Want to turn your photos intocartoon style? Comic style? Just try our cartoon style artisticfilters! Make your photos the same as everfilter effects.☆ Magazine Style ——Once use, selfies will be level up:Extremely popular templates make your photos picturesdifferent.★--------- How to use ---------★1. Import photos/pictures from gallery or take from camera.You can choose existing photos/pictures in gallery by using thedefault gallery, or just capture in Camera mode, then import.2. The photo in photo blur automatically, and the filtersfor background and foreground in Classic mode both can bechanged.3. More than 200+ collage frames. The background also blurautomatically. Use Photo Collage function to collage your photosand pictures with awesome magazine layouts and frames to be thepopular guy on the magazine cover.4. More than 20+ photo filters for decorating yourphotos/pictures.5. Our Frame, Collage Library will be constantly updated,come back often to download!6. Easily share the photo on Instagram, Twitter and Facebookto wow your friends and share this wonderful photo editorapp.★--------- MAIN FEATURES ---------★【PIP Style Photo Collage】Crystal Bottle Pattern, Frames Series, Simple Style, CartoonStyle……All photo collages are especially for you. Share it to yourMoments in one tap, see what your friends gonna say!【Magazine Style Photo Collage】Okay, since you have gotten creativity, what you need now isartistic style. Magazine Style can fulfil your Movie Stardream.【PIP Camera】No store pics in your phone? Don’t worry! We have already designeda series of photo taking PIP templates. Choose a template, thentake whatever photos you like.【Grid Collage】Classic grid collage provide you with various of photo collagetemplates. You can also customize the backgrounds of frames. Makeyour pictures cooler.【HD Beautifying】Except taking photos and making photo collages, PIP Camera is alsoa powerful photo retouching app. Built-in professional photo/picture retouching function, mysterious filters, fun sticker sets,text adding, photo/ picture editing, mosaic, professional editingand so on.Contact Us:Facebook:[email protected]
Camera360 - Selfie Photo Editor 9.9.5 APK
★Best App of 2016 on Google Play in severalcountries★Camera360 - Photo Editor is a free beauty camera and a globalcommunity of photography with over 500 million users. It containsprofessional editing tools and all themed funny stickers &motion stickers, art filters, poster templates and video effects.Your photo studio make all your photos even better with selfiecamera & photo editor!Follow us on:- Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Camera360_Official★Camera360 - Photo Editor Includes: ★▲A Global Community of Creative Photography▲Selfie Camera & Beauty Camera▲Photo Editor Pro▲Customizable Filters and Cartoon EffectsAnime Sky, Visual Portrait Filters, Magic Sky, Starry Night▲Motion Stickers & Funny Stickers▲Poster Camera▲Photo Collage & Photo Grid====== Feature Highlights ======【Global Community】- Social network for connecting SHARE PICS of epic moments inlife- DISCOVER the latest image and info about your interests- FIND and Follow like-minded people- WATCH videos and share favorites pics- POST your comments and like【Candy Selfie】- Perfect selfie camera- Become a goddess in 1 step with default instabeauty effects- Stylize your pictures with beauty camera selfie filtersBig eyes, charming lips, slim nose and small face... Selfie Cameraknows what you want! Touch up your candy selfie with our quick andeasy features and get great results【Photo Edit】- Selfie Cameraquick-fix (contour), whiten & smooth skin, brighten &enlarge eyes, remove acne, facelift, etc- Photo Editor Pro:set sharpness, temperature, tint, exposure, contrast, vibrance,saturation, highlight, shadow & vignette- More:image blur/crop/rotate, color balance, photo frames and tiltcorrection【Funny Stickers】100+ funny stickers are categorized, like Motion Stickers, SmartStickers, Emoji Faces Stickers, Photo Animation Stickers, MusicStickers, etc【Stylish Filters】- Art filters and cartoon photo effects- Live Filters:Visual Portrait filter, Anime Sky, Magic Sky, Starry Night, Foodie,HDR, Sketch, etc.【Photo Collage】- Poster Camera with Creative Photo Collage & Photo Frames& Layouts & Photo Grid- For photo frames with poster effects or a poster camera, try ourbuilt-in PIP camera. Many poster camera templates areoffered.【Contact Us】email: [email protected] Tech Powered by Fabby technology
InstaSquare:size for instagram 3.6 APK
Instasquare: the best app for post full square size photo with nocrop on Instagram.Instasquare have size、collage function, withblur、shadow、gradient color effects; also it provide with twentyfilters、tens shots、hundred backgrounds、hundred photo collagetemplates。InstaSquare you deserver it!Features:- InstaSquare is a powerful size maker which we is aquick and easy way to share the square photo to social network.- Provide some effect for you include shadow blur and so on .Most of people love it!- Include all the background what you need.- Collage function record every moment of yours- Lots nice color and background patterns- 20+ fantastic filters for your size/no crop photos.- Round Corner/Drag & Drop / Zoom In & Zoom Out/Rotate- Easy to share on instagram、Facebook、twitter etc.InstaSquare is what you deserve for post fantastic size squareno crop or photo collage with beauty photos for your Instagram toget more like.Enjoy to use InstaSquare and have a nice day! Anything pleasecontact us, you are so welcome, our best friends!
Photo Grid - Photo Editor, Video & Photo Collage APK
In order to celebrate LGBT Pride Month,PhotoGrid launched 9 rainbow live filters, 26 rainbow stickers and8 rainbow backgrounds ! We give you everything for editing, and wealso believe love can win anything!#lovewins #pride2017 #rainbowloveA must-have free photo editor app for photography fanatics! It'spacked with features such as video collage, photo collage,freestyle collage, filter, image retouch, sticker, poster,slideshow, animated filter and so much more! You can even frameyour photo in Instagram's famous 1:1 aspect ratio! Create andbeautify interesting photos within seconds! PhotoGrid makes photoediting much easier, and turn users into photo-editing masters in asnap!☆Photo Grid-Awarded Best App of 2016 by Google Play-The popular and free photo editor worldwide-300+ million users worldwide-15+ million photos edited everyday-60+ exclusive live filters-New content updated every week!-Create stunning photos for free【Photo Editing:Beautify Your Photos】-Collage Maker: 300+ different collage templates for you to combinephotos in different ways, you can even customize templates to suityour needs! Design your own photo creation! Anything is possible!You can design a unique photo collage that’s one of its kind.-Beautify: Access handy tools at your fingertip! Crop, resize, blurand beautify your photos, you can even frame your images inInstagram's famous full 1:1 aspect ratio! Add stickers, texts,backgrounds, graffiti, boarders and pixelization, or adjust yourphoto's brightness, contrast, saturation and layout!-Crop & Resize: Supports horizontal and vertical cropping &resizing. Crop & Resize your images in different aspectratio-Filter: 50+ exquisite filters, including beautify, retro,landscape, halo, black & white and all sorts of festive filtersfor beautiful photos. Bad or good weather, you still can makephotos better.-Stickers: Personalize your photo collage with 500+ stickers andcute emoji-Adjust: Adjust your image's brightness, contrast, saturation andhue value-Text: Supports various types of font styles and colors. Write someword, let the photo tell your story-Backgrounds:80+ varieties of backgrounds-Blur:Edit the level of background blur with a single tap-Retouch:The latest smart facial recognition tech helps softenwrinkles, even out skin tones and remove blemishes instantly with asingle tap. Make you be sweet like a candy-Mosaic:5 different pixelization pen sizes-Layout: A vast collection of layouts in different shapes-Photo frame:10 different photo frame designs to suit yourstyle-Graffiti:Paint rich colors with different adjustable penstrokes-Slideshow:Create slideshows with up to 50 images. Produce musicvideos with super support for all kinds of format, like mp3, m4a,aac and so on. Let your imagination go wild-Scrapbook:Design your personal scrapbook. Let your great tastesguide you through-Poster:Discover our vast poster collection-Filmstrip:Supports horizontal and vertical filmstrip creation.Convert your filmstrip into a sketch with a single tap-Twinkle:Turn your photo into a piece of art and make it come tolife-1-Tap Save:Save images in JPG or PNG format and 7 differentresolutions-1-Tap Share:Share photos and videos on social platforms orcommunication apps, such as Facebook, SnapChat, YouTube, Messenger,WhatsApp and so on【Wow!Filter:Special Effects Camera for Selfies or VideoRecording】Make ordinary photos look fantastic with 60+ animated filtereffects, such as animals,glasses, flower crown, festival and so on.Whether you're on your own, with a friend, or with family,Wow!Filter will preserve and add magic to your wonderful moments.Not all moments are fun, but Wow!Filter always is! Pie face gamefilter is waiting for you! Now we even have fire dragon live filterto clean your bad mood, more fun than SnapChat!
PicsArt Photo Studio: Collage Maker & Pic Editor APK
400 million installs strong, PicsArt is the #1photo editor and pic collage maker on mobile. Download PicsArt andenjoy our tools, effects, collage maker, camera, free clipartlibrary, millions of user-created stickers and our drawing tools.PicsArt’s all about making awesome pictures and having fun byremixing free-to-edit pictures into awesome collages andmemes.With our collage maker, drawing tools, photo editor, camera andmore, PicsArt’s your all-in-one creative suite. And it’sFREE.Show off your awesome edits on Instagram with #picsart, we'llfeature our favorite ones!COLLAGE MAKER AND GRIDSPicsArt’s collage maker provides 100s of free templates, and thePicsArt community uploads 1000s of new images every day that can beused as backgrounds. PicsArt lets you make grid style pic collages,templated collages and freestyle arrangement collages. If you’relooking for an easy way to make a great collage, we’ve got youcovered.PHOTO EDITORWith 1000s of amazing features, PicsArt’s photo editor haseverything you need to make every picture awesome. It includestools to create cutouts, crop, stretch, clone, add text and adjustcurves. It also has a full library of artistic photo filters(including HDR), frames, backgrounds, borders, callouts and more.All tools have a brush mode for fine-tuning and applyingselectively on just part of your photo. PicsArt provides 100s offonts for adding text to your pictures and making killer textoverlays. PicsArt also provides a rapidly evolving set ofAI-powered, Prisma-style effects.PicsArt is also your go-to for making awesome double exposure photoedits. You can make double exposures using layers with adjustabletransparency. You can also create memes by applying text onfree-to-edit pictures, pictures from friends or your ownpictures.FREE STICKERS, CLIPART & STICKER MAKERPicsArt’s Cutout (scissors) Tool lets you make and share customstickers for everyone to use. The PicsArt community has alreadycreated millions of free custom stickers and clipart. They’recreating more every day, and they’re all up for grabs for you touse in messaging and remixing — for free.DRAWING & CAMERAPicsArt Draw includes customizable brushes, layers and professionaldrawing tools. Additionally, the PicsArt Camera lets you snappictures with live effects and is your new go-to sticker maker.Yup, you can create stickers right from your camera captures — it’sthat easy!PHOTO REMIX AND FREE-TO-EDIT IMAGESWe *invented* image remixing on mobile! It means you can take anyimage that’s free-to-edit in PicsArt, add your own personal touchby editing it and then share it back to the PicsArtcommunity.EDIT WITH FRIENDS - REMIX CHAT!PicsArt’s Remix Chat is a whole new way to edit with your friendsand make awesome pictures. Share photos 1:1 or with your chatgroup, where you and your friends can do quick remixes,together.CREATIVE CONTESTS AND PHOTO CHALLENGESPicsArt’s Photo Challenges and Contests are an easy and fun way tolearn new editing tricks. Daily challenges are a popular way tofind inspiration every day, where users upload thousands of amazingphotos, collages and edits. You definitely don’t want to miss outon them.PicsArt provides all these creative tools for FREE, and makes iteasy and fun to make awesome pictures. Install it now!
Google Photos APK
Google Photos is a new photo gallery fromGoogle, made for the way you take photos today. Your photos andvideos will be automatically backed up and organized, so you canfind and share them faster - and never run out of space on yourphone.Finally, a photos app that's as smart as you.FREE UNLIMITED STORAGEBack up unlimited photos and videos for free in High Quality.Access them from any device and - your photos aresafe, secure, and private to you.FREE UP SPACENever worry about running out of space on your phone again. Photosthat are safely backed up can be removed from your device's storagein just a tap.VISUAL SEARCHYour photos are now searchable by the people, places and things inthem - no tagging required.BRING PHOTOS TO LIFEGet automatically created movies, collages, animations, panoramas,and more from your photos. Or easily create them yourself. You canalso now store, view, and share photos with motion.ADVANCED EDITINGUse the intuitive and powerful editing tools to enhance your photosand bring them to life. Adjust lighting, contrast, color, andvignette, or pick from 14 innovative photo filters to make yourpictures look great in one tap.SMART AUTOMATIC ALBUMSTell better stories, without the work. Automatically get a newalbum with just your best shots after an event or trip, then inviteothers to add their photos.SEND PHOTOS IN SECONDSDon't waste data texting and emailing photos. Instantly sharephotos with any contact, email, or phone number, right from theapp.SHARED LIBRARIESShare without sharing. Grant a trusted person access to some ofyour photos, like just the ones they’re in.REDISCOVERIt's easier than ever to relive your memories. Get collages ofphotos you took a year ago on this day - perfect for #tbt.CASTView your photos and videos on your TV with Chromecastsupport.Follow us for the latest news and updatesTwitter: help?Visit grouping is not available in all countries.
Candy Camera - selfie, beauty camera, photo editor APK
Let’s take a selfie!With Candy Camera’s beautifying filters and silent mode,You can take beautiful selfies anywhere and anytime!Don’t miss out on Candy Camera’s amazing filters –7,000,000 people taking selfies with Candy Camera every day!★ Filters for SelfiesA diverse range of filters, designed specifically for selfies–Every Candy Camera filter will make your skin look amazing!Swipe left and right to change between filters,And find the perfect beautifying filter for a selfie!Candy Camera’s filters are shown real-time while you take aselfie,So you always look and feel beautiful with Candy Camera’sfilters!★ Beauty FunctionsIn addition to the filter camera, there are additional editingtools for the perfect selfie -Slimming, whitening, concealer, lipstick, blush, eyeliner,mascara!Edit or use make-up stickers to look beautiful in all yourselfies.Candy Camera is the ultimate beauty tool for selfies!★ StickersStickers for every season, occasion, and trend!Decorate your selfie with Candy Camera’s huge sticker collection–New stickers are being added to Candy Camera with everyupdate!You can find cute stickers for your selfies and artistic ones foryour photography.Each sticker can be easily resized and moved usingmulti-touch!★ Silent CameraTake silent selfies, snapshots, or photography anywhere yougo!Candy Camera’s silent mode can be used for any occasion –Never be embarrassed to take a selfie, the camera is silent!★ CollageTake multiple photos for a collage!Choose from many different grids and styles –Taking selfies with Candy Camera’s collage mode,You’ll feel like you’re in a photo booth with filters.Have fun taking selfies with your friends!For more fun with Candy Camera, please follow us!Facebook: