1.9 / April 12, 2017
(4.9/5) (11)


WHY contaq?

# For authentic information and resource sharing in the mostorganised and effective manner

# Through "Vasti Patrak", easy to get details of members of thecommunity and one touch search

# Through Family tree easy to access details of family members andrelations

# Photo and video sharing through Gallery albums

# Demise "Maran Nondh", birthday wishes, matrimonial etcmodules

# Sharing future events/plans in app calendar: scheduled events.activities with date, time and other details. Sharing with selectedgroups. Month wise record of entire year's activities.

# Discussion forum: Group wise social feed for discussion andinformation sharing with discussion rights (Similar to Facebookfeed)

# Admin managed groups like: Yuva group, Women's group, managementteam, committee etc. with their personal communication

#Adv banner: Auto scrolling banner/photo adv on dashboard

# Unlimited user registration, SMS facility and push notificationetc.

#Mobile app with admin panel for management people

Let's make community messenger cum Community Directory cum My Samajmobile App !

#Now be a part of any of these:
Brahmsamaj, Patel samaj, Jain Samaj, Muslim Community, BrahminCommunity, Dalit samaj, Darbar Community, Marwadi Community,Partnership Clubs, Doctors Community, CA Community and manymore..

To register your community call on : 9033677301/9033549336


App Information ContaQ - My Own Community App

careerkhojj development consulting firm Show More...

Careerkhojj 1.24 APK
"CareerKhojj" means "A platform that will helpa student to find (Khoj) a perfect career according to innertalent." We have a team of experts who will help you in choosing anaccurate career path and hence we proves to be a Complete pathFinder! We act as a mirror and help the students in realizing theirunique abilities (by careerkhoj ONLINE ASSESSMENT TOOL) & guidethem by providing all the available options in terms of selectionof branches, search 256 + careers, and college selection etc.Here, this unique platform careerkhoj provides students anopportunity To,> make their own career path and khoj careers> watch live review videos of experts> choose career expert> schedule careerkhoj counselling> Take DR.RR online assistance in your interested category> online assessment career test to assess your talent> Live career discussion with experts of entire IndiaHOW WE CAN HELP ?For STUDENTSThrough self-discovery, students find a career pathway that ismost suited to their specific skill sets.Students partner with mentors for one-on-one career guidance orget a personalized career mentor to guide them through the year,irrespective of location constraints.Students learn more about their personality traits, skills andinterests, and explore career options based on those traits. Theythen filter and search for colleges and apply for scholarshipsaccordingly.For PARENTSParents are able to help their child make the right careerdecisions based on psychometric career assessment test instead ofsocial influences.Parents get a neutral, outside perspective on the careerselection process of their children by career khoj.Parents gain all the right information about various careers tofacilitate the admission processes.For SCHOOLSSchool administrators can further extend their reach by moreefficiently managing college and career goals for each of theirstudents.CAREER Khojj online platform gives schools, a centralisedlocation to track the progress, and measure outcomes across theirentire student population.SUCCESS = TALENT + PLATFORMSchools can provide a career khoj platform to students forenlightening inner talents and convert it into a reality.For COUNSELORSCounselors get access to many reliable career assessment toolssuited to Indian demographic split, thereby, enabling focused andcareer mentoring.Counselors get a dedicated online login which enables trackingof students profile, assessment results, comment posting, synopsiscreation for each mentoring session, mentoring session scheduleretc.Counselors get access to career exploration , career path andcollege directories online.Also they can do career khoj and can do career planning, careerassessment test, college search tool, career selection tool forstudents and many more..CAREERKHOJ SERVICESCAREERKHOJ ASSESSMENT CENTERExplore your inner talent via our Aptitude, Interest, Personalityand Core Knowledge Test series.KHOJ YOUR CAREERDiscover best suitable Career Options with our large CAREEREncyclopedia !CAREER COUNSELING SESSIONSGet help of our expert Career Counsellors to satisfy your careerdoubts.Thus, we want to bring revolution in education industry, by givingone stop solution for CAREERKHOJJ..!
ContaQ - My Own Community App 1.9 APK
WHY contaq?# For authentic information and resource sharing in the mostorganised and effective manner# Through "Vasti Patrak", easy to get details of members of thecommunity and one touch search# Through Family tree easy to access details of family members andrelations# Photo and video sharing through Gallery albums# Demise "Maran Nondh", birthday wishes, matrimonial etcmodules# Sharing future events/plans in app calendar: scheduled events.activities with date, time and other details. Sharing with selectedgroups. Month wise record of entire year's activities.# Discussion forum: Group wise social feed for discussion andinformation sharing with discussion rights (Similar to Facebookfeed)# Admin managed groups like: Yuva group, Women's group, managementteam, committee etc. with their personal communication#Adv banner: Auto scrolling banner/photo adv on dashboard# Unlimited user registration, SMS facility and push notificationetc.#Mobile app with admin panel for management peopleLet's make community messenger cum Community Directory cum My Samajmobile App !#Now be a part of any of these:Brahmsamaj, Patel samaj, Jain Samaj, Muslim Community, BrahminCommunity, Dalit samaj, Darbar Community, Marwadi Community,Partnership Clubs, Doctors Community, CA Community and manymore..To register your community call on : 9033677301/9033549336www.contaq.in
Online TradeProfit 1.0 APK
Contact us for getting registeredCall or Whatsapp on 9824053541